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Created December 1, 2016 15:05
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How it's supposed to work:

lyrics/ has lyrics in it, snippets/ are the word clips from songs, labeled in format WORD - SONGNAME - ARTIST.wav

Running uses as a module to take all lyrics in the lyrics directory and produce a unique set of words per song. Then, WORD will find all songs that have that exact word in it! takes all the snippets in snippets/ and makes a JSON file of format

    "WORD": [
      { "song": "SONG", "artist": "ARIST" },

final.js does the word assembling logic.

<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="tone.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="final.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="100 100 600 600"></svg>
"use strict";
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init);
let example = "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-\nI took the one less traveled by,\nAnd that made all the difference."
let sanitize = /[^A-Za-z' \n]/g; // remove any character not in A-z or apostrophe or space.
let splitter = / +/g; // split by 1 or more spaces
let newline2dot = /\n/g;
// if multiple files, randomly select one
function selectFile(word, metadata) {
let files = metadata[word];
if (files.length == 1) {
return files[0];
let n = Math.floor(Math.random() * files.length);
return files[n];
function initMultiplayer(words, metadata) {
words = words.toLowerCase();
words = words.replace(sanitize, " ");
words = words.replace(newline2dot, " . ");
words = words.split(splitter);
let uniqwords = new Set(words);
let wordfiles = [];
let it = uniqwords.keys();
let done = false;
while (!done) {
let result =;
done = result.done;
if (!done) {
let word = result.value;
if (word == "" || word == " ") continue;
let file = selectFile(word, metadata);
let filename = word + " - " + + " - " + file.artist + ".wav";
wordfiles.append([word, filename]);
function init() {
d3.json("wordmetadata.json", function(err, metadata){
import sys
import os
search = sys.argv[1].split(",")
words = {}
for filename in os.listdir("words"):
with open("words/" + filename) as f:
contents =
words[filename] = contents.split("\n")
for word in search:
print(word + "\n-----")
for songname in words:
if word in words[songname]:
import json
import os
# import inflect
# inflector = inflect.engine()
def generate():
files = {}
for filename in os.listdir("snippets"):
filename = filename[:-4]
word, song, artist = filename.split(" - ")
if word in files:
"song": song,
"artist": artist
files[word] = [{
"song": song,
"artist": artist
# # next, make another pass to cover for basic verb forms and plurali/sing
# newwords = {}
# for word in files:
# plural = inflector.plural(word)
# singul = inflector.singular_noun(word)
# if plural not in files:
# newwords[plural] = files[word]
# if singul not in files:
# newwords[singul] = files[word]
# for word in newwords:
# files[word] = newwords[word]
with open("wordmetadata.json", "w") as f:
json.dump(files, f, indent=2)
if __name__=="__main__":
#like but does it for all lyrics that haven't been converted.
import os
import unique_words
songs = set()
for song in os.listdir("lyrics"):
for song in os.listdir("words"):
if song in songs:
for song in songs:
o = unique_words.uniquewords(song)
with open("words/" + song, "w") as f:
for word in o:
f.write(word + "\n")
#extract unique words from lyrics and save to file
import re
import sys
pattern = re.compile(r"[\w']+")
def uniquewords(filename):
with open("lyrics/" + filename) as f:
lyrics =
results = pattern.findall(lyrics)
out = []
for word in results:
return list(set(out))
if __name__=="__main__":
o = uniquewords("lyrics/" + sys.argv[1])
o = sorted(o)
with open("words/" + sys.argv[1], "w") as f:
for word in o:
f.write(word + "\n")
"crazy": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"one": [
"song": "boulevard of dreams",
"artist": "green day"
"when": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"wood": [
"song": "no more walks in the wood",
"artist": "eagles"
"thinking": [
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
"roads": [
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
"less": [
"song": "road less traveled",
"artist": "lauren alaina"
"made": [
"song": "a better place a better time",
"artist": "streetlight manifesto"
"would": [
"song": "monster",
"artist": "imagine dragon"
"sign": [
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
"remember": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"diverge": [
"song": "can't let go",
"artist": "landon pigg"
"difference": [
"song": "cross the ocean",
"artist": "bora yoon"
"two": [
"song": "the big sleep",
"artist": "streetlight manifesto"
"lost": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"the": [
"song": "kill your heroes",
"artist": "awolnation"
"by": [
"song": "stand by me",
"artist": "imagine dragons"
"a": [
"song": "d.a.n.c.e",
"artist": "justice"
"took": [
"song": "Safer in the Forest & Love Song for Poor Michigan",
"artist": "La Dispute"
"in": [
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
"and": [
"song": "fix you",
"artist": "coldplay"
"road": [
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
".": [
"song": "a moment of silence",
"artist": "a brief resting stop"
"that": [
"song": "the big sleep",
"artist": "streetlight manifesto"
"all": [
"song": "kill your heroes",
"artist": "awolnation"
"mind": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"diverged": [
"song": "can't let go",
"artist": "landon pigg"
"traveled": [
"song": "road less traveled",
"artist": "lauren alaina"
"i": [
"song": "crazy",
"artist": "gnarls barkley"
"song": "such great heights",
"artist": "postal service"
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