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Created May 20, 2019 13:24
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Ezsa Goh

Cutthroat investor whose Clan curse makes her hyperempathic.


She tries to act capitalist, tending to look for the benefit to her and trying not to feel guilty at stepping over other people to get what she wants. As part of these attempts, she tries not to get into less than superficial relationships with others, but as soon as she can see someone as something more than just a number on a spreadsheet her aloofness starts to crack. She is certainly determined, though, and if she decides to do something, she'll do it damn well.


Born in 1990 to a decently upper-class family in New York City. She's always been a city girl, and one who wasn't content to live at street level. Aggressive schooling at a national-level university and a few internships later, she found herself working at Titan Transnational's LA office, one of the investment firm's larger branches in the US.

Her mentor, Genevieve Yutani, was not only incredibly knowledgable, but also willing to help teach that knowledge to Ezsa. Calm, collected and analytical, she was everything that Ezsa wanted to be, and she quickly grew attached to her, always inspired to be just a little bit better, a little bit more efficient in her dealings. Under her tutage, Ezsa honed the art of investments, building contacts and a track record of making the right calls.

Unfortunately, one of her investment plans intruded on the domain of the wrong person--Bubba Sodenberg. Her redevelopment plan would overhaul a series of low-lying buildings and an eyesore trailer park, replacing it with a series of deluxe storefronts and a mixture of high- and medium-cost housing in a favorable location downtown. She had the contacts to force through a limited upzoning, and the risk analysis was secure.Her downfall was from her failure to factor in the possibility of territorial vampire.

Sodenberg showed up at her downtown condo, seemingly stepping out of the shadows. He rambled about crazy-sounding things, but Ezsa could piece together the fact that he was unhappy about her plans. She thought she could talk her way out of it, but then the panic overwhelmed her, flooding every pore of her being. He struck.

The following crash course in Kindred society was need-to-know only. Sodenberg seemed to think that Ezsa's new entire purpose was to help him deal with the world of the suits, fending off future attempts to ruin his domain (apparently a vampire thing) as well as helping him support his lifestyle. Ezsa disagreed, strenuously. She no longer had a choice when he returned the following night and fed her blood a second time.

Now, Ezsa juggles her career and Sodenberg's demands in the reduced time she has every day, given the whole can't do anything during the day issue. She's moved to a remote role at Titan, focusing on stock, especially Asian venture stock exchanges. Her Malkavian curse tends to make her at least subconsciously mirror Sodenberg's emotions, and he's come to see her as a confidante, someone who will generally get what he's worked up about--the involuntary nature doesn't particularly bother him. She has slowly learned more about her sire's eccentric habits, including his 'collection', which, to her horror, includes actual people.

Although Sodenberg told her she should stay out of Kindred politics because that's not her business, Ezsa craves more influence in both worlds she has a foot in.


Bubba Sodenberg. Sire. Two step bond. Sodenberg may be delusional, but he's also far more clever and resourceful than most people give him credit for. When he learned that his Domain would be the target of an aggressive, upscale redevelopment project, spearheaded by one woman, Sodenberg decided to Embrace her and blood bond her two steps as punishment. Of course, he easily convinced her to not only abandon that idea, but also help support his (fairly meager) lifestyle. Whenever Ezsa is away from Sodenberg, she despises what he's done to her even as she finds herself unable to actually attempt revenge. Whenever she is with Sodenberg, the sum total of her conditions makes it very hard not to enjoy his presence, in a twisted, sick way, be as enthused about his weird collection as he is, be as absorbed as he is when he talks about his ascension, harbor envy for the true world powers that puppet the world like he does.

Eleanor Abate. Acquaintence. Connected through Titan Transnational, as her law firm is on retainer for the company. Worked together on a number of high profile business deals. Because she hasn't met Eleanor after Ezsa's Embrace, she doesn't know that she is also Kindred.

Nora Nielsen. Malk sister. Part of Sodenberg's collection. While Ezsa has never met her, she harbors sympathy for the poor girl, and not because of her hyperempathy. Nobody gives a damn whether some crazy collects candy wrappers and stealth UFO casing fragments, but collecting actual, thinking & breathing people? That's beyond sick. Unfortunately, 'beyond sick' seems to be the defining feature of her unlife. Perhaps she could meet her sometime, she doubts Sodenberg would strategically deny that info from her, especially considering she safeguards a small portion of said collection.

Genevieve Yutani. Old flame. Major contact. She mentored Ezsa when she was a new hire, and kept in good relation after that. In fact, Ezsa adopted her as her role model, both in dress and in conduct. In turned out, though, that Yutani was Kindred, too, but Ventrue. The way Yutani talked to her afterwards never failed to send chills down her spine, like Ezsa was now the person on the other side of the negotiation room. The enemy. Ezsa can't seem to shake her mental model of Yutani as her mentor and possibly even friend, and remains susceptible to Yutani's perhaps not-so-well-intentioned advice.

William Berkshire. Major contact. Heads the LA City Hall Business Relations sub-council, has headed it for the last couple terms of the current mayor. Has worked with Ezsa on projects before. William is not opposed to a little palm-greasing in exchange for getting permits and plans expedited, or turning a blind eye. He is also open for leaking information.

Timothy Austin. Major contact. Silicon valley multi-millionaire. Is willing to listen to Ezsa's pitches and maybe even invest a few times. Knows through Titan Transnational.


  • Learn about the vampire political structure
  • Liberate herself from Sodenberg's influence
  • Gain influence.


  • Perception 4, Empathy 4: To mechanically emulate the hyperempathy.
  • Finance 4 (Blue Ocean): Talented at discovering and exploiting new markets
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