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Created March 20, 2012 12:16
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Minecraft status (PHP, returns MOTD, online user count, slots, request time)
* @author Kristaps Karlsons <>
* Licensed under MPL 1.1
function mc_status($host,$port='25565') {
$timeInit = microtime();
// TODO: implement a way to store data (memcached or MySQL?) - please don't overload target server
$fp = fsockopen($host,$port,$errno,$errstr,$timeout=10);
if(!$fp) die($errstr.$errno);
else {
fputs($fp, "\xFE"); // xFE - get information about server
$response = '';
while(!feof($fp)) $response .= fgets($fp);
$timeEnd = microtime();
$response = str_replace("\x00", "", $response); // remove NULL
//$response = explode("\xFF", $response); // xFF - data start (old version, prior to 1.0?)
$response = explode("\xFF\x16", $response); // data start
$response = $response[1]; // chop off all before xFF (could be done with regex actually)
$response = explode("\xA7", $response); // xA7 - delimiter
$timeDiff = $timeEnd-$timeInit;
$response[] = $timeDiff < 0 ? 0 : $timeDiff;
return $response;
$data = mc_status('','25592'); // even better - don't use hostname but provide IP instead (DNS lookup is a waste)
print_r($data); // [0] - motd, [1] - online, [2] - slots, [3] - time of request (in microseconds - use this to present latency information)
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