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Last active March 1, 2019 00:06
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  • Save skalee/febbb43a76c4c17eb95aa23f002691d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save skalee/febbb43a76c4c17eb95aa23f002691d4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM ubuntu:xenial
RUN apt-get update
# If you want custom PPAs, you need following.
RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-common
# Git is obligatory for obvious reasons.
# bzip2 provides bzip2
# cURL is necessary to download RVM.
# Make is optional, and RVM installs it anyway, but I prefer to have it early on
# Sudo is sudo…
# Vim is optional, but I really love it.
RUN apt-get install -y bzip2 curl git make sudo vim
# Create user "travis", change password to "travis" (same as user name),
# and add to "sudo" group
RUN useradd --create-home travis
RUN echo travis:travis | chpasswd
RUN usermod -a -G sudo travis
# Don't ask for password when "travis" invokes "sudo"
# Normally, one should use visudo, but here it's okay...
RUN echo "travis ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
# Install RVM and add travis to rvm group
RUN curl -sSL | bash
RUN usermod -a -G rvm travis
# CMake
# One could simply install cmake3 package, but it provides version too old for
# me.
RUN curl --remote-name
#RUN wget
RUN tar -xvf cmake-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
RUN cp -r cmake-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/bin /usr/
RUN cp -r cmake-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/share /usr/
RUN cp -r cmake-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/doc /usr/share/
RUN cp -r cmake-3.12.0-Linux-x86_64/man /usr/share/
# Nevertheless, if you don't mind that, you can replace above lines with:
# RUN apt-get install -y cmake3
# Optional, but I need these packages in EnMail
RUN apt-get install -y autoconf gcc g++ libbz2-dev libncurses5-dev libtool python wget zlib1g-dev
USER travis
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-l", "-c"]
RUN export
ENV TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR="/home/travis/travis-build"
ENV GPG_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--disable-doc --enable-pinentry-curses --disable-pinentry-emacs --disable-pinentry-gtk2 --disable-pinentry-gnome3 --disable-pinentry-qt --disable-pinentry-qt4 --disable-pinentry-qt5 --disable-pinentry-tqt --disable-pinentry-fltk --prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-libgpg-error-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-libassuan-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-libgpg-error-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-libgcrypt-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-libassuan-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-ksba-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX} --with-npth-prefix=${GPG_PREFIX}"
RUN export
RUN git clone --depth=50 --branch=${REPO_BRANCH} ${REPO_URL} ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}
RUN mkdir -p ${DEPS_PREFIX}
RUN ./ "${GPG_VERSION}" --build-dir "${DEPS_BUILD_DIR}/gpg" --configure-opts "${GPG_CONFIGURE_OPTS}" --folding-style travis
RUN ./
RUN ./
RUN ./
RUN rvm use ${RUBY_VERSION} --install --binary --fuzzy --ruby-version
RUN gem install bundler -v "~> 2.0"
RUN bundle install
# Generate OpenPGP test keys
RUN bundle exec rake pgp_keys:generate pgp_keys:list
CMD echo "*** RNP VERSION ***" && rnp --version && echo && \
echo "*** GnuPG VERSION ***" && gpg --version && echo && \
echo "*** KEYS ***" && bundle exec rake pgp_keys:list && echo && \
echo "*** TESTS ***" && bundle exec rspec --format documentation --profile 200
Top 132 slowest examples (493.48 seconds, 100.0% of total time):
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP with a password-protected signer key
21.63 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:76
Encrypting with RNP a multipart text+HTML message
20.92 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/encrypt_spec.rb:31
Encrypting with RNP a non-multipart HTML message
20.45 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/encrypt_spec.rb:21
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP with a password-protected signer key
20.01 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:81
Encrypting with RNP a non-multipart text-only message
19.84 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/encrypt_spec.rb:11
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP with specific signer key
19.74 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:63
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP a multipart message with binary attachments
19.3 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:50
Encrypting with RNP a multipart message with binary attachments
19.26 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/encrypt_spec.rb:41
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP a multipart message with binary attachments
19.17 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:53
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP a non-multipart HTML message
19.17 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:26
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP a non-multipart text-only message
19.02 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:13
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP a multipart text+HTML message
18.98 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:39
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP a non-multipart text-only message
18.61 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:13
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP a non-multipart HTML message
18.35 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:25
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP with specific signer key
18.28 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:67
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP a multipart text+HTML message
17.94 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:37
Signing with RNP a multipart message with binary attachments
16.07 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:45
Signing with RNP a multipart text+HTML message
15.79 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:33
Signing with RNP a non-multipart HTML message
14.43 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:22
Signing with RNP a non-multipart text-only message
14.3 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:11
Signing with RNP with specific signer key
13.85 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:57
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#compute_signature returns a two element array
12.39 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:38
Signing with RNP with a password-protected signer key
11.91 seconds ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:68
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#compute_signature computes a detached signature for given text signed by given user, and returns it as 2nd element of the returned array
11.7 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:44
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#compute_signature uses specific algorithm for signature computation
8.42 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:50
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#sign_and_encrypt_string encrypts given text
7.56 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:88
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#encrypt_string encrypts given text
7.45 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:71
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#compute_signature returns a digest algorithm as 1st element of the returned array
7.31 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:57
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#sign_and_encrypt_string makes the encrypted text readable for given recipients
7.3 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:93
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#sign_and_encrypt_string adds a signature by given user to the encrypted text
7.1 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:98
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#encrypt_string makes the encrypted text readable for given recipients
7.09 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:76
EnMail::Adapters::RNP#sign_and_encrypt_string uses specific algorithm for signature computation
6.71 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:103
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME with a password-protected signer key
0.7599 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:81
Encrypting with GPGME a non-multipart text-only message
0.75103 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/encrypt_spec.rb:11
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME with a password-protected signer key
0.68349 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:76
Signing with GPGME with a password-protected signer key
0.65927 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:68
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME a multipart message with binary attachments
0.62833 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:50
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME with specific signer key
0.60644 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:63
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME a multipart message with binary attachments
0.52952 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:53
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string can sign with a password-protected key
0.52043 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:96
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME a multipart text+HTML message
0.50044 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:39
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME a multipart text+HTML message
0.48988 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:37
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string raises exception when key password is invalid
0.46686 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:109
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME a non-multipart text-only message
0.46227 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:13
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME a non-multipart HTML message
0.45683 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:26
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME with specific signer key
0.44725 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:67
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME a non-multipart text-only message
0.44667 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:13
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME a non-multipart HTML message
0.43104 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:25
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature can sign with a password-protected key
0.3794 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:36
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature raises exception when key password is invalid
0.32846 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:49
Encrypting with GPGME a multipart text+HTML message
0.32122 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/encrypt_spec.rb:31
Encrypting with GPGME a non-multipart HTML message
0.31635 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/encrypt_spec.rb:21
Encrypting with GPGME a multipart message with binary attachments
0.2941 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/encrypt_spec.rb:41
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string encrypts given text
0.27676 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:81
Signing with GPGME a multipart message with binary attachments
0.26029 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:45
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string makes the encrypted text readable for given recipients
0.25766 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:86
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string adds a signature by given user to the encrypted text
0.22905 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:91
Signing with GPGME a multipart text+HTML message
0.22806 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:33
Signing with GPGME with specific signer key
0.20781 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:57
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#sign_and_encrypt_string raises exception when key password is missing for a password-protected key
0.17981 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:103
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#encrypt_string makes the encrypted text readable for given recipients
0.17308 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:67
Signing with GPGME a non-multipart HTML message
0.16563 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:22
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature returns a two element array
0.14267 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:19
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#encrypt_string encrypts given text
0.13271 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:62
Signing with GPGME a non-multipart text-only message
0.12104 seconds ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:11
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature computes a detached signature for given text signed by given user, and returns it as 2nd element of the returned array
0.11094 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:25
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature returns a digest algorithm as 1st element of the returned array
0.09865 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:31
EnMail::Adapters::GPGME#compute_signature raises exception when key password is missing for a password-protected key
0.08424 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:43
EnMail::Adapters::RNP :homedir option allows to override homedir
0.04045 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:22
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign clears the old message body
0.01991 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:126
Sending without protection (unaltered by EnMail) a multipart text+HTML message
0.01798 seconds ./spec/acceptance/without_enmail_spec.rb:26
Sending without protection (unaltered by EnMail) a multipart message with binary attachments
0.01393 seconds ./spec/acceptance/without_enmail_spec.rb:34
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a multipart message removes previous body parts
0.00975 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:111
Sending without protection (unaltered by EnMail) a non-multipart HTML message
0.0096 seconds ./spec/acceptance/without_enmail_spec.rb:18
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a multipart message preserves from, to, subject, date, message id, and custom headers
0.008 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:81
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt converts the old message body to a a MIME part, and encrypts it
0.00774 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:76
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a non-multipart message preserves from, to, subject, date, message id, and custom headers
0.00732 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:81
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#restrict_encoding sets @enmail_rfc18467_encoding_restrictions ivar for all deeply nested non-multipart subparts of given part
0.00692 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:181
Sending without protection (unaltered by EnMail) a non-multipart text-only message
0.00691 seconds ./spec/acceptance/without_enmail_spec.rb:10
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign converts the old message body to a a MIME part, and re-appends it to self
0.00679 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:131
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#body_to_part converts a multipart e-mail into a multipart MIME part, preserving its content and content type
0.00677 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:33
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated signs and encrypts the message, in that exact order
0.00668 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:90
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined preserves from, to, subject, date, message id, and custom headers
0.00665 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:39
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined adds the control information as the 1st MIME part
0.00609 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:56
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign preserves from, to, subject, date, message id, and custom headers
0.00602 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:114
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined converts the old message body to a a MIME part, and encrypts, and signs it in a single OpenPGP message
0.00559 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:63
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt preserves from, to, subject, date, message id, and custom headers
0.00506 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:52
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined enforces quoted-printable or base64 transport encoding for part containing original message (before encryption), but for nothing else
0.00503 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:77
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign changes message mime type to multipart/signed
0.00498 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:108
EnMail::protect calls indicated method on adapter, passing a message as an argument
0.00476 seconds ./spec/unit/enmail_spec.rb:19
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt adds the control information as the 1st MIME part
0.00472 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:69
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are not required and message or part is compound best compatible transport encoding is used
0.00443 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:99
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign computes the signature for the 1st MIME part
0.00421 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:138
EnMail::protect instantiates an adapter with proper options
0.00375 seconds ./spec/unit/enmail_spec.rb:14
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt changes message mime type to multipart/encrypted
0.00371 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:46
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined clears the old message body
0.00361 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:51
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign adds the signature as the 2nd MIME part
0.00357 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:144
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt adds the encrypted message as the 2nd MIME part
0.00338 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:83
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#sign enforces quoted-printable or base64 transport encoding for signed part, but for nothing else
0.00335 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:150
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a multipart message replaces existing body with given parts
0.00333 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:76
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined changes message mime type to multipart/encrypted
0.0033 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:33
EnMail::Helpers::RFC3156#sign_and_encrypt_combined adds the signed and encrypted message as the 2nd MIME part
0.00315 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:71
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#encrypt clears the old message body
0.00311 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:64
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are required and message or part is compound best compatible transport encoding is used
0.00264 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:71
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#body_to_part converts a non-multipart e-mail with specific content type to a MIME part, preserving its content and content type
0.00263 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:24
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_encrypted_content_type tells about PGP protocol given as argument
0.00246 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:311
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#build_encrypted_part builds a MIME part with correct content type
0.00241 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:217
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#restrict_encoding does not change @enmail_rfc18467_encoding_restrictions ivar for given multipart mail part
0.00241 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:172
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type returns a string
0.00236 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:258
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a non-multipart message replaces existing body with given parts
0.00235 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:76
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#restrict_encoding sets @enmail_rfc18467_encoding_restrictions ivar for given non-multipart mail part
0.00225 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:163
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_encrypted_content_type defaults protocol argument to value returned by #encryption_protocol
0.0021 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:320
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#body_to_part converts an e-mail with unspecified content type to a text/plain MIME part, preserving its content
0.00204 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:15
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#build_signature_part builds a MIME part with correct content type
0.002 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:246
EnMail::Adapters::RNP :homedir option defaults to Rnp.default_homedir
0.00198 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:27
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#find_recipients_for returns all addresses from e-mail To: field
0.00174 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:49
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are required and body looks binary best compatible transport encoding is used (here: 8bit)
0.00173 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:63
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#find_signer_for returns first address from e-mail From: field unless adapter's :signer option is set
0.00169 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:58
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#build_encryption_control_part builds a MIME part with correct content type
0.0016 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:233
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#rewrite_body for a non-multipart message removes previous body
0.00156 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:99
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are required and body looks textual best compatible transport encoding is used (here: 7bit)
0.00142 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:55
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type requires micalg argument
0.0013 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:276
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type defaults protocol argument to value returned by #sign_protocol
0.00119 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:290
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type has a MIME type multipart/signed
0.00117 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:262
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are not required and body looks textual best compatible transport encoding is used (here: 7bit)
0.00115 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:83
EnMail::Extensions::MessageTransportEncodingRestrictions::identify_and_set_transfer_encoding when encoding restrictions are not required and body looks binary best compatible transport encoding is used (here: 8bit)
0.00114 seconds ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:91
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type tells about PGP protocol given as argument
0.00112 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:281
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_encrypted_content_type returns a string
0.00104 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:302
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_encrypted_content_type has a MIME type multipart/encrypted
0.00102 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:306
EnMail::Helpers::MessageManipulation#find_signer_for returns adapter's :signer option if such option is set
0.00081 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:62
EnMail::Helpers::RFC1847#multipart_signed_content_type tells about SHA1 message integrity algorithm given as argument
0.00078 seconds ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:267
EnMail::Adapters::Base::new sets adapter options according to Hash passed as the only argument
0.00046 seconds ./spec/unit/adapters/base_spec.rb:8
Top 17 slowest example groups:
Encrypting with RNP
20.12 seconds average (80.47 seconds / 4 examples) ./spec/acceptance/rnp/encrypt_spec.rb:6
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with RNP
19.33 seconds average (115.98 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:6
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with RNP
19.04 seconds average (114.22 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:6
Signing with RNP
14.39 seconds average (86.36 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/rnp/sign_spec.rb:6
6.93 seconds average (83.1 seconds / 12 examples) ./spec/unit/adapters/rnp_spec.rb:6
Signing and encrypting in combined fashion with GPGME
0.55169 seconds average (3.31 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_combined_spec.rb:6
Signing and encrypting in encapsulated fashion with GPGME
0.52724 seconds average (3.16 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_and_encrypt_encapsulated_spec.rb:6
Encrypting with GPGME
0.42592 seconds average (1.7 seconds / 4 examples) ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/encrypt_spec.rb:6
Signing with GPGME
0.27464 seconds average (1.65 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/acceptance/gpgme/sign_spec.rb:6
0.24318 seconds average (3.4 seconds / 14 examples) ./spec/unit/adapters/gpgme_spec.rb:6
Sending without protection (unaltered by EnMail)
0.01701 seconds average (0.06802 seconds / 4 examples) ./spec/acceptance/without_enmail_spec.rb:6
0.00545 seconds average (0.01091 seconds / 2 examples) ./spec/unit/enmail_spec.rb:4
0.00533 seconds average (0.04264 seconds / 8 examples) ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc3156_spec.rb:6
0.00522 seconds average (0.00522 seconds / 1 example) ./spec/unit/adapters/base_spec.rb:6
0.00444 seconds average (0.05322 seconds / 12 examples) ./spec/unit/helpers/message_manipulation_spec.rb:6
0.00407 seconds average (0.11799 seconds / 29 examples) ./spec/unit/helpers/rfc1847_spec.rb:6
0.0031 seconds average (0.01858 seconds / 6 examples) ./spec/unit/extensions/message_transport_encoding_restrictions_spec.rb:6
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