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Last active December 18, 2015 11:29
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  • Save skalinets/5775878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save skalinets/5775878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my psake default.ps1 initial template
Framework "4.0"
# Framework "4.0x64"
properties {
$solutionDir = "..\src"
$buildConfiguration = 'RELEASE'
$packages = join-path $solutionDir "packages"
task default -depends run-unit-tests
function Get-Solutions (){
ls (join-path $solutionDir "*.sln") | %{ $_.FullName}
function Run-MsBuild ($a) {
Get-Solutions | %{ exec { msbuild $_ /NoLogo /m /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /v:m $a}}
function Restore-SolutionNugets() {
if (!(test-path $packages)) { mkdir $packages }
pushd $packages
exec {..\.nuget\nuget install ..\.nuget\packages.config}
task clean {
Run-MsBuild '/t:Clean'
task compile -depends clean {
Run-MsBuild '/t:Build'
function testDlls($pattern) {
return ls "$SolutionDir\*\bin\$buildConfiguration" -rec `
| where { $_.Name.EndsWith(".dll") } `
| where { $_.Name.Contains("Tests") } `
| where { (Test-Path ((split-path $_.FullName) + $pattern)) -eq $True } `
| % { $_.FullName }
task run-unit-tests -depends compile -description "xUnit unit tests" {
$xunitDlls = testDlls "\xunit.dll"
$xunit = @(ls $solutionDir -Include "xunit.console.clr4.exe" -Recurse)[0].FullName
exec{ & $xunit $xunitDlls /noshadow }
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