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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Save skamenetskiy/398a7512960e827b4ab2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple library for adding a searchObject parameter to global location object.
* A simple library for adding a searchObject parameter to global location object.
* The script supports IE7+ and the normal browsers
* @copyright Semen Kamenetskiy <>
* @link
(function (Window, History, Location, _objectName, _prefix, _states) {
'use strict';
* Parse the query string
* @returns {_parse|SearchObject}
* @private
function _parse() {
var a, pair, pairs, query =;
for (a in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
delete this[a]
if (query.length > 0) {
pairs = query.split('&');
for (a = 0; a < pairs.length; a++) {
pair = pairs[a].split('=');
this[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1])
return this
* Main SearchObject constructor
* @constructor
* @type {SearchObject}
function SearchObject() {
* Current SearchObject instance
* @type {SearchObject}
var $this = this;
* State change events handler
* @private
function _onChangeState() {$this)
// Check if history api is supported
if (History.pushState) {
* Attach state change events
_states.forEach(function (state) {
var _lowerState = state.toLowerCase();
if (History[state]) {
// Save a copy of the original state event
History[_prefix + state] = History[state];
// Override original state event
History[state] = function () {
History[_prefix + state].apply(History, arguments);
Window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(_lowerState));
Window.addEventListener(_lowerState, _onChangeState)
* Initialize SearchObject within location
* @type {_parse|SearchObject}
Location[_objectName] = SearchObject)
// Global object
// History object
// Location object
// Object name
// Override method prefix
// Override states
Semen Kamenetskiy <>
(function(e,d,f,k,g,l){function h(){var c,a,b;;for(c in this)this.hasOwnProperty(c)&&delete this[c];if(0<a.length)for(b=a.split("&"),c=0;c<b.length;c++)a=b[c].split("="),this[a[0]]=decodeURIComponent(a[1]);return this}f[k] function(){function c(){}var a=this;d.pushState&&l.forEach(function(b){var a=b.toLowerCase();d[b]&&(d[g+b]=d[b],d[b]=function(){d[g+b].apply(d,arguments);e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(a))});e.addEventListener(a,c)})})})(window,history,
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