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Last active February 24, 2018 03:05
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- hosts: all
- block:
- name: get interface status
shell: /usr/sbin/ip -o link show | awk '{print $2 $3 }'
register: iface_output
changed_when: false
- name: full fstab output
shell: cat /etc/fstab
register: full_fstab_output
changed_when: false
- name: capture etc/fstab output
shell: awk '!/^#/ { print $2 }' /etc/fstab
register: fstab_output
changed_when: false
- name: set fstab entries into a variable called fstab_mountpoints.
fstab_mountpoints: "{{ fstab_output.stdout_lines | difference(['','swap']) }}"
- name: get list of mount points
devices_mounted: "{{ ansible_mounts | map(attribute='mount') | list }}"
- name: get a list of fstab mounts that are not active
mounts_not_active: "{{ fstab_mountpoints | difference(devices_mounted) }}"
- name: use yum check-updates because yum-utils may be not installed on these RHEL systems
shell: yum check-updates -q
register: yum_updates
failed_when: yum_updates.rc != 100
changed_when: false
- name: grab df output for printing to the report
shell: df -Ph
register: df_output
changed_when: false
- name: list packages that need to be updated in the package_updates variable
package_updates: "{{ yum_updates.stdout_lines | difference(['']) }}"
- name: check any yum updates are not finished and list it.
that: "package_updates|length|int == 0"
msg: "{{ package_updates|length|int }} packages are not updated. See report for more details"
- name: fail if not all fstab mounts are not active
that: "mounts_not_active == []"
msg: "Some mounts in /etc/fstab are not active - mount point list {{ mounts_not_active }}"
- name: check if any interfaces are down
that: "item|search(',UP') and not item|search('NO-CARRIER')"
msg: "{{ item.split(':')[0] }} on {{ inventory_hostname }} is not UP"
with_items: "{{ iface_output.stdout_lines }}"
- name: "check if memory is below {{ memory_threshold }} MB"
that: " > memory_threshold "
msg: "Free memory is {{ }} MB and is less than the pre-validation threshold of {{ memory_threshold }} MB"
- name: "check if swap is below {{ swap_threshold }} MB"
that: " > swap_threshold"
msg: "Free Swap space is {{ }} MB and is less than the pre-validation threshold of {{ swap_threshold }} MB"
- block:
- name: clean all yum caches. Must be a become user to execute this
shell: yum clean all
changed_when: false
become: true
- name: generate a report. Do not do this way if using Ansible Tower. Use the a notification module like 'mail'
src: postvalidation-report.j2
dest: /tmp/{{inventory_hostname}}_postvalidation-report.txt
- name: |
fetch the report and place on the local ansible server.
Do not do this step if running this task from Ansible Tower.
It will break the Tower Project repository Sync process
src: /tmp/{{inventory_hostname}}_postvalidation-report.txt
dest: "./{{inventory_hostname}}_posvalidation-report.txt"
flat: yes
Hostname: {{ inventory_hostname }}
Kernel Version: {{ ansible_kernel }}
Packages Not Updated:
{% for entry in package_updates %}
{{ entry }}
{% endfor%}
Disk Layout and Sizing:
{{ df_output.stdout }}
{{ full_fstab_output.stdout }}
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