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Make an HTTPS connection in Java using a certificate file
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Use this code to make a connection to an external HTTP server using the HTTP or HTTPS protocol,
* for both GET and POST requests. This code works without having to rely on the global system properties
* and in order to make your HTTPS connection work.
* This is useful if some other object(s) running in your JVM requires or
* set to something other than what you want to use. Eg. the proxy rather
* then the HTTP Server. Since those system properties can only be set once during the lifetime of
* the JVM, it is not possible to change them at runtime and expect the change to take effect. And
* even if you could change them, it would break the other objects that do need those properties to
* be set to particular values.
// Perform a GET on a URL
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl);
String rawData = fetchUrlString (remoteConn);
// Perform a GET on an SSL URL with SSL cert validation
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = getSSLSocketFactory (certFile);
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl, sslSocketFactory);
String rawData = fetchUrlString (remoteConn);
// Perform a POST on a URL
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl);
String rawData = new String (fetchUrl (remoteUrl, postData));
// Perform a POST on a URL with SSL cert validation
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = getSSLSocketFactory (certFile);
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl, sslSocketFactory);
String rawData = new String (fetchUrl (remoteUrl, postData));
public class URLTools
* Test Only
public static void main (String [] args) throws CertificateException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, IOException
String remoteUrl = "";
URLConnection remoteConn = null;
if (args.length == 0)
System.out.println ("USAGE: java URLTools <url> [<cert file>]");
System.exit (-1);
else if (args.length == 1)
remoteUrl = args [0];
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl);
else if (args.length == 2)
remoteUrl = args [0];
String certFile = args [1];
// Construct an SSLSocketFactory with certFile
SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = getSSLSocketFactory (certFile);
// Construct a URLConnection with empty headers
remoteConn = getConnection (remoteUrl, new HashMap <String, String> (), sslSocketFactory);
// Fetch the data
String rawData = fetchUrlString (remoteConn);
System.out.println (rawData);
* Read an X.509 certificate from a single long string and return it as a properly formatted certificate.
* @param inputCert the long string containing the certificate to use
public static String formatCert (String inputCert)
/** The prefix string for an X.509 certificate */
String beginCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----";
/** The suffix string for an X.509 certificate */
String endCert = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
StringBuilder resultBuilder = new StringBuilder ();
// Add the certificate begin and end lines in case they are missing
if (!inputCert.startsWith (beginCert))
inputCert = beginCert + "\n" + inputCert;
if (!inputCert.endsWith (endCert))
inputCert = inputCert + "\n" + endCert;
// Ensure that the certificate begin and end are on their own individual lines
inputCert = inputCert.replaceAll (beginCert, "\n" + beginCert + "\n").replaceAll (endCert, "\n" + endCert + "\n").replaceAll ("\n\n", "\n");
String certLines[] = inputCert.split ("[\r\n]+"); // Array of all non-empty lines
// The certificate begin and end lines can't exceed 64 char length, but the other(s) can. So wrap them.
for (String currLine : certLines)
if ((currLine.length () > 64))
currLine = currLine.replaceAll ("(.{64})", "$1\n");
resultBuilder.append (currLine).append ("\n");
return resultBuilder.toString ().replaceAll ("\n\n", "\n").trim ();
* Get an SSLSocketFactory that uses the input certificate file.
* @param certFile the full path to the certificate file to use
public static SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory (String certFile) throws CertificateException, IOException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException
return getSSLSocketFactory (true, certFile, "TLS", "PKIX");
* Get an SSLSocketFactory that uses the provided certificate file, protocol and algorithm.
* The standard protocols are listed here:
* @param certInFile if true then the next parameter the the name of the certificate file - otherwise it is the certificate itself
* @param theCert the String containing the certificate itself or name of the certificate file depending on the first parameter
* @param secureProtocol the protocol to use or null for default (TLS)
* @param tmAlgorithm the TrustManagerFactory algorithm name or null for the default (PKIX)
* @return
* @throws CertificateException
* @throws IOException
* @throws KeyStoreException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws KeyManagementException
public static SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory (boolean certInFile, String theCert, String secureProtocol, String tmAlgorithm) throws CertificateException, IOException, KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException
Certificate theCertificate;
if (certInFile)
theCertificate = getCertificateFromFile (theCert);
theCertificate = getCertificateFromString (theCert);
KeyStore keyStore = getKeyStore (theCertificate);
TrustManagerFactory tmFactory = getTrustManagerFactory (keyStore, tmAlgorithm);
return getSSLSocketFactory (tmFactory, secureProtocol);
* Create an SSLContext that uses a given TrustManager Factory and protocol.
* @param tmFactory the TrustManagerFactory for which we need an SSLContext
* @param secureProtocol the protocol to use or null for default
* @return
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws KeyManagementException
public static SSLSocketFactory getSSLSocketFactory (TrustManagerFactory tmFactory, String secureProtocol) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException
if (secureProtocol == null)
secureProtocol = "TLS";
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance (secureProtocol);
// System.out.println ("Created SSLContext using protocol [" + secureProtocol + "]");
sslContext.init (null, tmFactory.getTrustManagers (), null);
return sslContext.getSocketFactory ();
* Create a TrustManager Factory that trusts the CAs in a given KeyStore
* @param keyStore
* @param tmAlgorithm the TrustManagerFactory algorithm name or null for the default
* @return
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws KeyStoreException
public static TrustManagerFactory getTrustManagerFactory (KeyStore keyStore, String tmAlgorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException
if (tmAlgorithm == null)
tmAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm ();
// System.out.println ("Created TrustManagerFactory using Algorithm [" + tmAlgorithm + "]");
TrustManagerFactory tmFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance (tmAlgorithm);
tmFactory.init (keyStore);
return tmFactory;
* Create a KeyStore that trusts the CAs in a given Certificate
* @param theCert
* @return
* @throws KeyStoreException
* @throws IOException
* @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
* @throws CertificateException
public static KeyStore getKeyStore (Certificate theCert) throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException
String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType ();
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance (keyStoreType);
keyStore.load (null, null);
keyStore.setCertificateEntry ("theCert", theCert);
return keyStore;
* Load an X.509 certificate from a PEM formatted string
* @param pemString a String in PEM format encoded in "UTF-8"
* @return an X.509 Certificate
* @throws CertificateException
* @throws IOException
public static Certificate getCertificateFromString (String pemString) throws CertificateException, IOException
if (pemString == null || pemString.length () == 0)
throw new CertificateException ("Null or zero length Certificate string");
// System.out.println ("DEBUG: theCertString = " + pemString);
CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance ("X.509");
//before decoding we need to get rid of the prefix and suffix
//byte [] decodedBytes = Base64.decode (certStr.replaceAll (X509Factory.BEGIN_CERT, "").replaceAll (X509Factory.END_CERT, ""));
//ByteArrayInputStream certStream = new ByteArrayInputStream (decodedBytes);
ByteArrayInputStream certStream = new ByteArrayInputStream (pemString.getBytes ("US-ASCII")); // Not "UTF-8" since certs are base64 encoded
Certificate theCert;
theCert = certFactory.generateCertificate (certStream);
// System.out.println ("DEBUG: theCert = " + ((X509Certificate) theCert).getSubjectDN ());
if (certStream != certStream)
certStream.close ();
return theCert;
* Load an X.509 certificate from a file
* @param certFile
* @return an X.509 Certificate
* @throws CertificateException
* @throws IOException
public static Certificate getCertificateFromFile (String certFile) throws CertificateException, IOException
if (certFile == null || certFile.length () == 0)
throw new CertificateException ("ERROR: Null or zero length certificate file names are not allowed.");
CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance ("X.509");
InputStream certStream = new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (certFile));
Certificate theCert;
theCert = certFactory.generateCertificate (certStream);
// System.out.println ("theCert=" + ((X509Certificate) theCert).getSubjectDN ());
if (certStream != certStream)
certStream.close ();
return theCert;
* Create an HttpsURLConnection that does encryption but not authentication and then connect it to a specified URL
* @param theUrl the URL string to which we are connecting
* @param secureSocketProtocol the protocol to use when creating the encryption (Hint: just use "TLS" or maybe "SSL")
* @throws IOException if unable to create the secure connection
public static HttpsURLConnection getEncryptedNoauthConnection (URL theUrl, String secureSocketProtocol) throws IOException
SSLContext sslContext = null;
// Assume the URL is https - if not, it is an error so we just let the cast throw an exception
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) theUrl.openConnection ();
TrustManager [] trustManagers;
sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance (secureSocketProtocol);
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ne)
throw new IOException ("ERROR: Unable to create SSL Context using protocol: " + secureSocketProtocol + ".\nMessage: " + ne.getMessage ());
// Here we do not care about authenticating the server, so just encrypt but don't worry about certificates
trustManagers = new TrustManager[] { openTrustManager };
connection.setHostnameVerifier (openHostnameVerifier);
sslContext.init (null, trustManagers, null);
catch (KeyManagementException ke)
throw new IOException ("ERROR: Unable to initialize SSL Context using trust manager: " + trustManagers + ".\nMessage: " + ke.getMessage ());
connection.setSSLSocketFactory (sslContext.getSocketFactory ());
return connection;
* This is a fully OPEN trust manager. It will trust EVERY client, server and certificate issuer.
private static TrustManager openTrustManager = new X509TrustManager ()
public X509Certificate [] getAcceptedIssuers () { return new X509Certificate [0]; }
public void checkClientTrusted (X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { return; }
public void checkServerTrusted (X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { return; }
* This is a fully OPEN hostname verifier. It will verify SSL sessions to EVERY host.
private static HostnameVerifier openHostnameVerifier = new HostnameVerifier ()
public boolean verify (String s, SSLSession sslSession) { return true; }
* Read the entire contents of a URLConnection and get results as a byte array.
* @param theConnection the URLConnection from which we are reading data
public static byte [] getData (URLConnection theConnection) throws IOException
return emptyStream (theConnection.getInputStream ());
* Get detailed certificate information about an HttpsURLConnection into a string
* This is quite useful for debugging purposes but not much else.
* @param theConnection the HttpsURLConnection which we are debugging
public static String getCertInfo (HttpsURLConnection theConnection) throws IOException
StringBuilder resultBuffer = new StringBuilder ();
if (theConnection != null)
resultBuffer.append ("Response Code : " + theConnection.getResponseCode ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("Cipher Suite : " + theConnection.getCipherSuite ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("\n");
Certificate[] certificateList = theConnection.getServerCertificates ();
for (Certificate currCert : certificateList)
resultBuffer.append ("Certificate Type : " + currCert.getType ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("Certificate Hash Code : " + currCert.hashCode ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("Certificate Public Key Algorithm : " + currCert.getPublicKey ().getAlgorithm ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("Certificate Public Key Format : " + currCert.getPublicKey ().getFormat ()).append ("\n");
resultBuffer.append ("\n");
catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e)
throw new IOException ("ERROR: SSL Peer Unverified. URL: " + theConnection + ".\nMessage: " + e.getMessage ());
return resultBuffer.toString ();
* Create a new URLConnection to a remote server. Read all headers from a Map
* @param theUrl the <code>String</code> containing the remote target to which we are creating a new connection
* @param reqHeaders the <code>Map <String, String></code> from which we to extract headers, etc for the new connection
* @param sslSocketFactory the <code>SSLSocketFactory</code> to use for creation of secure sockets or null if https is not needed
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static URLConnection getConnection (String theUrl, Map <String, String> reqHeaders, SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) throws IOException
URLConnection theConnection;
if (theUrl.toLowerCase ().startsWith ("https://"))
if (sslSocketFactory == null)
// We have an https:// URL but no certificate - so no authentication
// Ideally, we should just throw an exception here as this is insecure
theConnection = getEncryptedNoauthConnection (new URL (theUrl), "TLS");
// We have an https:// URL with a certificate inside the SSL Socket Factory so we can authenticate the server
HttpsURLConnection secConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL (theUrl).openConnection ();
secConnection.setSSLSocketFactory (sslSocketFactory);
theConnection = secConnection;
// We have a plain http:// URL
theConnection = new URL (theUrl).openConnection ();
if (reqHeaders != null)
setHeaders (theConnection, reqHeaders);
return theConnection;
* Create a new URLConnection to a remote server. Copy all headers from a Map
* @param theUrl the <code>String</code> containing the remote target to which we are creating a new connection
* @param reqHeaders the <code>Map <String, String></code> from which we to extract headers, etc for the new connection
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static URLConnection getConnection (String theUrl, Map <String, String> reqHeaders) throws IOException
return getConnection (theUrl, reqHeaders, null);
* Make a URLConnection to an HTTP or HTTPS URL (using TLS)
* @param theUrl the URL string to which we are connecting
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static URLConnection getConnection (String theUrl) throws IOException
return getConnection (theUrl, null, null);
* Fetch the contents of an HTTPS URL into a byte array using a given SSL Socket Factory
* @param theUrl the URL that needs to be retreived
* @param sslSocketFactory the socket factory to be used for creation of the SSL connection
* @return a byte array containing the contents of the url
* @throws IOException
public static URLConnection getConnection (String theUrl, SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory) throws IOException
return getConnection (theUrl, null, sslSocketFactory);
* Make a GET request to an HTTP or HTTPS URL and get results as a String.
* @param theUrl the URL string to which we are connecting
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static String fetchUrlString (String theUrl) throws IOException
return new String (fetchUrl (getConnection (theUrl), null, "GET"));
* Make a GET request to an HTTP or HTTPS URLConnection and get results as a String.
* @param theConnection the URLConnection to which we are connecting
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static String fetchUrlString (URLConnection theConnection) throws IOException
return new String (fetchUrl (theConnection, null, "GET"));
* Make a GET request to an HTTP or HTTPS URL and get results as a byte array.
* @param theUrl the URL string to which we are connecting
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static byte [] fetchUrl (String theUrl) throws IOException
return fetchUrl (getConnection (theUrl), null, "GET");
* Make a GET request to an HTTP or HTTPS URL and get results as a byte array.
* @param theConnection the URLConnection to which we are connecting
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static byte [] fetchUrl (URLConnection theConnection) throws IOException
return fetchUrl (theConnection, null, "GET");
* GET or POST a request to an HTTP or HTTPS URL and return results as a byte array.
* @param theConnection the URLConnection to which we are connecting
* @param dataBuffer the String containing data to be POSTed (or null for GET) Eg: "name1=value1&name2=value2"
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static byte [] fetchUrl (String theUrl, String dataBuffer) throws IOException
return fetchUrl (getConnection (theUrl), dataBuffer.getBytes (), dataBuffer == null ? "GET" : "POST");
* GET or POST a request to an HTTP or HTTPS URL and return results as a byte array.
* @param theConnection the URLConnection to which we are connecting
* @param dataBuffer the byte array of data to be POSTed (or null for GET)
* @throws IOException if unable to fetch url
public static byte [] fetchUrl (URLConnection theConnection, byte [] dataBuffer, String reqMethod) throws IOException
byte[] responseBuffer = null;
theConnection.setUseCaches (false);
theConnection.setDoInput (true);
theConnection.setRequestProperty ("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
if (reqMethod.toUpperCase ().equals ("GET"))
theConnection.setDoOutput (false);
if (theConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection) // Block probably not needed - check
HttpURLConnection theHttpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) theConnection;
theHttpConnection.setRequestMethod ("GET");
else // This is a POST
theConnection.setDoOutput (true);
if (theConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection) // Block probably not needed - check
HttpURLConnection theHttpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) theConnection;
theHttpConnection.setRequestMethod ("POST");
fillStream (theConnection.getOutputStream (), dataBuffer);
/* FOR DEBUG ONLY - Dump HTTPS Certificate information
if (theConnection instanceof HttpsURLConnection)
HttpsURLConnection secureConnection = (HttpsURLConnection) theConnection;
System.out.println (getCertInfo (secureConnection));
// Read the entire contents of the URLConnection and get results as a byte array.
responseBuffer = getData (theConnection);
catch (MalformedURLException e)
throw new IOException ("ERROR: Invalid URL: " + theConnection + ".\nMessage: " + e.getMessage ());
return responseBuffer;
* Read all of the response headers from an HttpURLConnection into a Map of String pairs
* @param remoteConn the HttpURLConnection from which we are extracting response headers
public static Map <String, String> getResponseHeaders (URLConnection remoteConn)
Map <String, String> headerMap = new HashMap <String, String> ();
Map <String, List<String>> headerFields = remoteConn.getHeaderFields ();
Set <String> headerFieldsSet = headerFields.keySet ();
Iterator <String> headerFieldsIter = headerFieldsSet.iterator ();
while (headerFieldsIter.hasNext ())
String headerFieldKey = ();
if (headerFieldKey != null)
List <String> headerFieldValue = headerFields.get (headerFieldKey);
headerMap.put (headerFieldKey, csvList (headerFieldValue));
return headerMap;
* Merge a List of Strings into a single csv string
* @param headerValues a List of Strings containing the values of a header
public static String csvList (List<String> theList)
StringBuilder mergedValue = new StringBuilder ();
for (String currValue : theList)
if (mergedValue.length () > 0)
mergedValue.append (",");
mergedValue.append (currValue);
return mergedValue.toString ();
* Dump a java map of string keys and string values into a formatted string
* of name value pairs delimited by semi-colons.
* @param theMap the map which we are dumping
public static String dumpMap (Map <String, String> theMap)
String entryTemplate = "%s=\"%s\";";
StringBuilder resultBuffer = new StringBuilder ();
for (Map.Entry <String, String> currEntry : theMap.entrySet ())
resultBuffer.append (String.format (entryTemplate, currEntry.getKey (), currEntry.getValue ()));
if (resultBuffer.length () > 1)
resultBuffer.deleteCharAt (resultBuffer.length () - 1);
return resultBuffer.toString ();
* Write out the an entire contents of a byte array into an output stream
* @param outStream the <code>OutputStream</code> to which we read the data
* @param streamData the data to be written
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static void fillStream (OutputStream outStream, byte [] streamData) throws IOException
outStream.write (streamData);
outStream.flush ();
if (outStream != null) outStream.close ();
* Empty out the an entire contents of an input stream into a byte array.
* @param inStream the <code>InputStream</code> to which we read the data
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static byte [] emptyStream (InputStream inStream) throws IOException
/** size of buffer. */
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = null;
if (inStream == null)
return new byte[0];
outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
int numBytes;
byte [] byteBuffer = new byte [DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE];
while ((numBytes = (byteBuffer)) > -1)
outStream.write (byteBuffer, 0, numBytes);
if (outStream != null)
outStream.close ();
if (inStream != null)
inStream.close ();
return outStream.toByteArray ();
* Compute the Adler32 checksum (fast algorithm) of a byte array
* @param rawData the data for which we are getting the checksum
public static long getAdler32 (byte rawData[])
if (rawData == null)
return 0L;
Checksum checksum = new Adler32 ();
checksum.update (rawData, 0, rawData.length);
return checksum.getValue ();
* Set the value of a request header in a URL connection
* @param remoteConn the <code>URLConnection</code> whose header we are setting
* @param headerName the <code>String</code> containing name of the header we are setting
* @param headerValue the <code>String</code> containing value of the header we are setting
public static void setHeader (URLConnection remoteConn, String headerName, String headerValue)
remoteConn.setRequestProperty (headerName, headerValue);
* Set the values of a bunch of request header in a URL connection from a Map of String pairs
* @param remoteConn the <code>URLConnection</code> whose header we are setting
* @param httpHeaders the <code>Map</code> containing name of the name/value of headers we are setting
public static void setHeaders (URLConnection remoteConn, Map <String, String> httpHeaders)
// Copy over all headers from the map to the remote connection
for (String headerName : httpHeaders.keySet ())
remoteConn.setRequestProperty (headerName, httpHeaders.get (headerName));
* Print the full set of request headers in a URL connection to a logger
* @param logger the <code>Logger</code> to which we are printing the headers
* @param remoteConn the <code>URLConnection</code> from which we are printing the request headers
* @param prefix the <code>String</code> which we can use to identify what is being printed
public static void dumpRequestHeaders (URLConnection remoteConn, String prefix)
for (String currHeader : remoteConn.getRequestProperties().keySet ())
if (currHeader != null)
for (String headerValue : remoteConn.getRequestProperties ().get (currHeader))
System.out.println (prefix + " " + currHeader + ": " + headerValue);
* Print the full set of response headers in a URL connection to the console
* @param remoteConn the <code>URLConnection</code> from which we are printing the response headers
* @param prefix the <code>String</code> which we can use to identify what is being printed
public static void dumpResponseHeaders (URLConnection remoteConn, String prefixStr)
for (String currHeader : remoteConn.getHeaderFields ().keySet ())
if (currHeader != null)
for (String headerValue : remoteConn.getHeaderFields ().get (currHeader))
System.out.println (prefixStr + " " + currHeader + ": " + headerValue);
* Create a checksum of a byte array and store the result in a Map
public static void addChecksumHeader (String headerName, Map <String, String> theMap, byte[] rawData)
if (rawData == null)
theMap.put (headerName, "");
theMap.put (headerName, Long.toString (getAdler32 (rawData)));
* Read a map and fetch the value of the checksum header
public static String getChecksumHeader (String headerName, Map <String, String> theMap)
return theMap.get (headerName);
* Log all messages in a standard way.
* If called from method boo in class Foo like this:
* logPrefix ("ERROR", Thread.currentThread ())
* it will return something like:
* ERROR: [Foo :: boo] -
public static String logPrefix (String msgType, Thread theThread)
StringBuffer resultStr = new StringBuffer (msgType);
resultStr.append (": [");
resultStr.append (theThread.getStackTrace ()[2].getClassName ().toString ());
resultStr.append (" :: ");
resultStr.append (theThread.getStackTrace ()[2].getMethodName ().toString ());
resultStr.append ("] ");
return resultStr.toString ();
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