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Created June 17, 2021 17:30
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PEP8 Naming Conventions Examples
# short lowercase module and package names
# underscores if needed, but discouraged for packages
# package.my_module ie package\
from typing import TypeVar
# CapWords for Type Variable names, and preferably short
VT_co = TypeVar("VT_co", covariant=True)
KT_contra = TypeVar("KT_contra", contravariant=True)
# constants: module level and all caps underscores
PI = 3
# classes: CapWords
class CustomClass:
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
# instance variable: same as function
self.a = a
# non public instance variable: same as function but suffix _
self._b = b
# name mangled instance variable: same as function but suffix __
self.__c = c
# instance method: same as function
# instance method first arg: self
def instance_method(self):
# non public instance method: same as function but suffix _
def _non_public_instance_method(self):
# name mangled instance method: same as function but suffix __
def __mangled_instance_method(self):
# class method first arg: cls
def class_method(cls):
# classes used as callables: same as functions
class callable_class:
def __call__(self):
# error exceptions: also CapWords, but Error suffix
class CustomError(Exception):
# functions: lowercase with underscores
def my_function():
def main():
# variable: same as functions
my_variable = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
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