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Last active January 3, 2021 04:35
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How I Decoupled Circuit Breaker from the Code with AOP in Spring Boot for Better Code Maintenance
registerHealthIndicator: true
slidingWindowSize: 15
#Configures the size of the sliding window which is used to record the outcome of calls when the CircuitBreaker is closed.
#15 seconds since slidingWindowType is TIME_BASED
minimumNumberOfCalls: 2
#Configures the minimum number of calls which are required (per sliding window period) before the CircuitBreaker can calculate the error rate or slow call rate.
#For example, if minimumNumberOfCalls is 10, then at least 10 calls must be recorded, before the failure rate can be calculated.
#If only 9 calls have been recorded the CircuitBreaker will not transition to open even if all 9 calls have failed.
slidingWindowType: TIME_BASED
#the calls of the last slidingWindowSize seconds recorded and aggregated.
slowCallDurationThreshold: 2s
#Configures the duration threshold above which calls are considered as slow and increase the rate of slow calls.
permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: 3
#how much calls are permitted when circuit breaker in half-open state
waitDurationInOpenState: 5s
#The time that the CircuitBreaker should wait before transitioning from open to half-open.
failureRateThreshold: 50
#When the failure rate is equal or greater than the threshold the CircuitBreaker transitions to open and starts short-circuiting calls.
eventConsumerBufferSize: 10
#The emitted CircuitBreaker, Retry, RateLimiter, Bulkhead and TimeLimiter events are stored in a separate circular event consumer buffers
- org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException
- java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
#A list of exceptions that are recorded as a failure and thus increase the failure rate.
#Any exception matching or inheriting from one of the list counts as a failure, unless explicitly ignored via ignoreExceptions.
#If you specify a list of exceptions, all other exceptions count as a success, unless they are explicitly ignored by ignoreExceptions.
# - io.github.robwin.exception.BusinessException
slidingWindowSize: 100
permittedNumberOfCallsInHalfOpenState: 30
waitDurationInOpenState: 1s
failureRateThreshold: 50
eventConsumerBufferSize: 10
#this is an another custom circuit breaker config named as "shared"
#registered name of our circuit breaker
baseConfig: default
#which configuration "myAPOConfiguredMyCircuitBreaker" should be used for it's circuit breaker events
#recordFailurePredicate: io.github.robwin.exception.RecordFailurePredicate
#used to determine which exceptions should be counted as failures into the breaker statistics, the default is the Throwable type
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