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Created July 24, 2020 22:35
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from __future__ import print_function, division
import sys, os, re
import pandas as pd
# Configuration for defining valid files, cleaning sample names, parse fields, rename fields
# Add new files to parse and define their specifications below
config = {
".warning": ["\033[93m", "\033[00m"], ".error": ["\033[91m", "\033[00m"],
"multiqc_cutadapt.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": [".R1$", ".R2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "pairs_processed"],
"rename_field": {
"pairs_processed": "total_read_pairs"
"typecast": {
"total_read_pairs": int
"multiqc_fastqc.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": ["^QC \\| ", "^rawQC \\| ", ".trim$", ".R1$", ".R2$"],
"collapse": True,
"parse_column": ["Sample", "Encoding", "Total Sequences", "Sequence length", "%GC", "avg_sequence_length"],
"rename_field": {
"Total Sequences": "trimmed_read_pairs",
"Sequence length": "sequence_length",
"%GC": "gc_content",
"typecast": {
"trimmed_read_pairs": int,
"avg_sequence_length": float
"multiqc_fastq_screen.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": ["^FQscreen \\| ", "^FQscreen2 \\| ", "_screen$", ".trim$", ".R1$", ".R2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "Uni_Vec percentage", "rRNA percentage", "Human percentage", "Mouse percentage", "Bacteria percentage", "Fungi percentage", "Virus percentage"],
"rename_field": {
"Uni_Vec percentage": "uni_vec_percent_aligned",
"rRNA percentage": "rRNA_percent_aligned",
"Human percentage": "human_percent_aligned",
"Mouse percentage": "mouse_percent_aligned",
"Bacteria percentage": "bacteria_percent_aligned",
"Fungi percentage": "fungi_percent_aligned",
"Virus percentage": "virus_percent_aligned"
"typecast": {
"uni_vec_percent_aligned": float,
"rRNA_percent_aligned": float,
"human_percent_aligned": float,
"mouse_percent_aligned": float,
"bacteria_percent_aligned": float,
"fungi_percent_aligned": float,
"virus_percent_aligned": float
"multiqc_picard_dups.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": [".p2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "PERCENT_DUPLICATION"],
"rename_field": {
"PERCENT_DUPLICATION": "percent_duplication"
"typecast": {
"percent_duplication": float
"multiqc_picard_RnaSeqMetrics.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": [".p2$"],
"rename_field": {
"PCT_CODING_BASES": "pct_coding_bases",
"PCT_MRNA_BASES": "pct_mrna_bases",
"MEDIAN_CV_COVERAGE": "median_cv_coverage",
"PCT_INTRONIC_BASES": "pct_intronic_bases",
"MEDIAN_3PRIME_BIAS": "median_3prime_bias",
"MEDIAN_5PRIME_BIAS": "median_5prime_bias",
"MEDIAN_5PRIME_TO_3PRIME_BIAS": "median_5prime_to_3prime_bias",
"PCT_INTERGENIC_BASES": "pct_intergenic_bases",
"PCT_UTR_BASES": "pct_utr_bases"
"typecast": {
"pct_coding_bases": float,
"pct_mrna_bases": float,
"median_cv_coverage": float,
"pct_intronic_bases": float,
"median_3prime_bias": float,
"median_5prime_bias": float,
"median_5prime_to_3prime_bias": float,
"pct_intergenic_bases": float,
"pct_utr_bases": float
"multiqc_rseqc_infer_experiment.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": ["^RSeQC \\| ", "$",".info.strand$", "^output.", ".p2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "pe_sense", "pe_antisense"],
"rename_field": {
"pe_sense": "percent_sense_strand",
"pe_antisense": "percent_antisense_strand"
"typecast": {
"percent_sense_strand": float,
"percent_antisense_strand": float
"multiqc_star.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": [".p2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "uniquely_mapped_percent", "avg_input_read_length"],
"rename_field": {
"uniquely_mapped_percent": "percent_aligned",
"avg_input_read_length": "avg_aligned_read_length"
"typecast": {
"percent_aligned": float,
"avg_aligned_read_length": int
"multiqc_qualimap_bamqc_genome_results.txt": {
"delimeter": "\t",
"clean_sample_name": [".p2$"],
"parse_column": ["Sample", "mean_insert_size", "median_insert_size", "mean_mapping_quality", "mean_coverage"],
"rename_field": {},
"typecast": {
"mean_insert_size": float,
"median_insert_size": float,
"mean_mapping_quality": float,
"mean_coverage": float
def help():
return """
python <file_1> <file_2> <file_3> <file_N> [-h]
Positional Arguments:
[1...N] Type [File]: An output file from MultiQC, or a list of
output files generated from MultiQC. Each provided
file is parsed, and information is aggregated
across all samples into a single tab-seperated
ouput file: multiqc_matrix.txt
Supported MultiQC Files:
multiqc_cutadapt.txt, multiqc_star.txt, multiqc_picard_dups.txt,
multiqc_fastq_screen.txt, multiqc_picard_RnaSeqMetrics.txt,
multiqc_fastqc.txt, multiqc_rseqc_infer_experiment.txt,
Optional Arguments:
[-h, --help] Displays usage and help information for the script.
# Creates QC table: multiqc_matrix.txt
$ python multiqc_cutadapt.txt multiqc_fastqc.txt multiqc_fastq_screen.txt multiqc_picard_dups.txt
> multiqc_matrix.txt
multiqc == 1.9
python >= 2.7
def args(argslist):
"""Parses command-line args from "sys.argv". Returns a list of filenames to parse."""
# Input list of filenames to parse
files = argslist[1:]
# Check for optional args
if '-h' in files or '--help' in files:
# Check to see if user provided input files to parse
elif not files:
print("\n{}Error: Failed to provide input files to parse!{}".format(*config['.error']), file=sys.stderr)
return files
def isvalid(file):
"""Checks if a file is a recognized/supported file to parse.
Comparse file's name against list of supported files in config specification"""
# Supported files are keys in config
supported = config.keys()
# Remove absolute or relateive PATH
if os.path.basename(file) not in supported:
cstart, cend = config['.warning']
print("{}Warning:{} {} is a not supported file to parse... Skipping over file!".format(cstart, cend, file))
return False
return True
def exists(file):
"""Checks to see if file exists or is accessible.
Avoids problem with inconsistencies across python2.7 and >= python3.4 and
works in both major versions of python"""
fh = open(file)
# File cannot be opened for reading (may not exist) or permissions problem
except IOError:
cstart, cend = config['.warning']
print("{}Warning:{} Cannot open {}... File may not exist... Skipping over file!".format(cstart, cend, file))
return False
return True
def column_indexes(line, filename, verbose=True):
"""Parses header of file to find fields of interest defined in config[filename][parse_column]
Returns a list of integers corresponding to an index of a column to parse."""
indices = []
found = []
header = line
# Remove file's PATH before cross-referencing config
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
fields2parse = config[filename]["parse_column"] # Attributes or columns of interest
# Get index of column to parse
for i in range(0, len(header), 1):
if header[i] in fields2parse:
if verbose:
# Warning that an expected field could not be found
fields_not_found = set(fields2parse) - set(found)
for field in fields_not_found:
cstart, cend = config['.warning']
print("{}Warning:{} Cannot find expected field '{}' in {}... skipping over parsing that field!".format(cstart, cend, field, filename))
return indices
def clean(linelist, sample_name_index, filename):
"""Cleans sample name from suffixes defined in config[filename]['clean_sample_name'] and
renames fields defined in config[filename]['rename_field']. Returns a list of cleaned fields."""
samplename = linelist[sample_name_index]
# Remove file's PATH before cross-referencing config
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
for suffix in config[filename]['clean_sample_name']:
regex = '{}'.format(suffix)
samplename = re.sub(regex, '', samplename)
# Update linelist with new sample name
linelist[sample_name_index] = samplename
return linelist
def rename(header, filename):
"""Renames fields defined in config[filename]['rename_field']. Returns a list of re-named columns."""
renamed = []
for field in header:
newname = config[filename]['rename_field'][field]
# Field is not in config, keep old name
except KeyError:
return renamed
def cast_type(value, column, filename, decimals=3):
"""Cast types data in a row/column according to specification in config[filename]["typecast"][column_name].
Converts string to either an integer or float (rounded to three decimal places).
# Python witch-craft, functions are first-class objects and can be used accordingly
# Storing function object into caster variable for typecasting as int() or float()
caster = config[filename]["typecast"][column]
value = caster(value) # typecast to spec defined in config
if type(value) is float:
value = round(value, decimals)
except ValueError:
# Must convert to float before converting to integer
# cannot pass a string representation of a float into int()
if value: # case for when row/column is empty string
value = caster(float(value))
except KeyError:
# No type is defined in config, pass
return value
def populate_table(parsed_header, parsed_line, file, data_dict):
"""Appends parsed sample metadata to a nested dictionary where
dictionary['Sample_Name']['QC_Attribute'] = QC_Metadata.
Returns an updated dictionary containing new information for N-th line."""
sample_index = parsed_header.index('Sample')
sample_name = parsed_line[sample_index]
# Add sample name to dictionary, if does not exist [key1]
if parsed_line[sample_index] not in data_dict:
data_dict[sample_name] = {}
for i in range(0, len(parsed_line), 1):
# Skip over sample name (already first key)
if parsed_line[i]: # check if empty string
metadata = cast_type(parsed_line[i], parsed_header[i], file)
data_dict[sample_name][parsed_header[i]] = metadata
return data_dict
def parsed(file, delimeter='\t'):
"""Parses columns of file according to specification in config[filename]['parse_column'].
Column names are renamed according to specification in config[filename]['rename_field'].
Sample names are cleaned to removed any prefixes or suffixes specified in config[filename]['clean_sample_name'].
Yields a tuple consisting of the parsed header and N-th parsed line of the file.
#print('\nBeginning to parse {}'.format(file))
with open(file, 'r') as fh:
# Parse header
header = next(fh).strip().split(delimeter) # Get file header
indexes = column_indexes(header, file) # Indexes of columns to parse
header = [header[i] for i in indexes] # Parse each column of interest
header = rename(header, file) # Rename columns
# Parse QC metadata from file
sample_index = header.index('Sample')
for line in fh:
#linelist = line.strip().split(delimiter)
linelist = line.rstrip('\n').split(delimeter)
parsed_line = [linelist[i] for i in indexes]
parsed_line = clean(parsed_line, sample_index, file) # remove extensions from sample name
yield header, parsed_line
def main():
# Todo:
# 1. Add ability to split a file before parsing (i.e. FastQC file)
# 2. Add ability to scale a defined field (add `scaling_factor` to config
# 3. Add a perferred output sorting mechanism
# 4. Get rid of pandas dependency, add transpose function and loop through dict to print table
# 5. Add more advanced argument parsing
# Check for usage and optional arguements, get list of files to parse
ifiles = args(sys.argv)
# Check if files are supported, see config specification, and if file is readable
ifiles = [file for file in ifiles if isvalid(file) and ''exists(file)]
# Parse each file and add to the QC metadata dicitionary
QC = {}
for file in ifiles:
for header, line in parsed(file):
QC = populate_table(header, line, file, QC)
df = pd.DataFrame(QC).transpose()
# Write to file
df.to_csv('multiqc_matrix.txt', index = False, sep='\t')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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