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Created September 3, 2020 21:37
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Pipeline to characterize Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
function usage() { cat << EOF
HERVx: Pipeline to characterize Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression
USAGE: [OPTIONS] -r1 SRR4235541_1.fastq -r2 SRR4235541_2.fastq -o outdir_path
HERVx calculates Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression in paired-end
RNA-seq data. Characterization of HERV retrotranscriptome is difficult due to
uncertainty that arises in fragment assignment because of sequence similarity.
Telescope directly addresses uncertainty in fragment assignment by reassigning
ambiguously mapped fragments to the most probable source transcript as
determined within a Bayesian statistical model.
The HERVx pipeline runs cutadapt to remove adapter sequences and to perform
quality-trimming, bowtie2 to align reads against the Human reference genome (hg38),
SAMtools to convert from SAM to BAM format and to sort reads by name, and Telescope
to characterize Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression.
Required Arguments:
-r1, --read-1 [Type: File] Input R1 FastQ file.
-r2, --read-2 [Type: File] Input R2 FastQ file.
-o, --outdir [Type: Path] Path to output directory.
-b, --basename [Type: Str] Base name of the sample. This is the name of the
sample without the PATH and the file extension.
file extension = MateInfo + .fastq + .gz [opt]
Given: /tmp/S25_WT_1.fastq /tmp/S25_WT_2.fastq
the base name would be "S25_rep1". This string is
used to deterministically resolve output filenames.
If not provided, the base name will be resolved
automatically by cleaning the provided "-r1" input
filename against a list of common extensions.
-t, --threads [Type: Int] Number of threads (Default = 2).
-g, --gtf [Type: File] Input annotation file in GTF format.
NOTE: User must choose from one of the following
GTFs in the container ("/opt2/refs/"):
1. HERV_rmsk.hg38.v2.transcripts.gtf (Default)
2. HERV_rmsk.hg38.v2.genes.gtf
3. L1Base.hg38.v1.transcripts.gtf
4. retro.hg38.v1.transcripts.gtf
-p, --prior [Type: Int] Prior on theta for Telescope (Default = 200000).
Equivalent to adding N non-unique reads.
NOTE: It is recommended to set this prior to a
large value. This increases the penalty for
non-unique reads and improves accuracy.
-m, --max-iter [Type: Int] Maximum number of iterations to test convergence
of the EM algorithm (Default = 200).
-h, --help Displays usage and help information
$ -r1 /tmp/SRR4235541_1.fastq -r2 /tmp/SRR4235541_2.fastq -outdir ERV_hg38
$ singularity exec -B $PWD:$PWD ccbr_telescope.sif HERVx -r1 S25_1.fastq -r2 S25_2.fastq -o tmp
+ DockerHub:
+ Reference files are located in /opt2/ in the container's filesystem.
+ Dockerfile to build this image is located in /opt2/Dockerfile.
# Functions
function err() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2; }
function fatal() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2; usage; exit 1; }
function parser() {
# Adds parsed command-line args to GLOBAL $Arguments associative array
# + KEYS = short_cli_flag ("r1", "r2", "o", ...)
# + VALUES = parsed_user_value ("WT_1.fastq" "WT_2.fastq", "/scratch", ...)
# @INPUT "$@" = user command-line arguments
# @CALLS check() to see if the user provided all the required arguments
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $key in
-h | --help) usage && exit 0;;
-r1 | --read-1) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["r1"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-r2 | --read-2) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["r2"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-o | --outdir) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["o"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-t | --threads) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["t"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-g | --gtf) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["g"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-p | --prior) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["p"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-m | --max-iter) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["m"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-b | --basename) provided "$key" "${2-}"; Arguments["b"]="$2"; shift; shift;;
-* | --*) err "Error: Failed to parse unsupported argument: '${key}'."; usage && exit 1;;
*) err "Error: Failed to parse unrecognized argument: '${key}'. Do any of your inputs have spaces?"; usage && exit 1;;
# Check for required args
function provided() {
# Checks to see if the argument's value exists
# @INPUT $1 = name of user provided argument
# @INPUT $2 = value of user provided argument
# @CALLS fatal() if value is empty string or NULL
if [[ -z "${2-}" ]]; then
fatal "Fatal: Failed to provide value to '${1}'!";
function clean(){
# Finds the base name of the sample
# @INPUT $1 = From optional basename argument
# @RETURN $bname = cleaned base name (PATH and EXT removed)
local bname=${1-}
local exts=("_1.fastq" "_2.fastq" ".R1.fastq" ".R2.fastq" "_R1.fastq" "_R2.fastq")
if [[ -z "$bname" ]]; then
bname="${Arguments[r1]}" # Determine base name from R1 input
# Remove PATH and .gz extension
bname=$(basename $bname | sed 's/.gz$//g')
# Clean remaining extensions (MateInfo + )
for ext in "${exts[@]}"; do
if [[ $bname == *${ext} ]]; then
bname=$(echo "$bname" | sed "s@$ext\$@@")
break # only remove one extension
echo "$bname"
function check(){
# Checks to see if user provided required arguments
# @INPUTS $Arguments = Global Associative Array
# @CALLS fatal() if user did NOT provide all the $required args
# List of required arguments
local required=("r1" "r2" "o")
echo -e "Provided Required Inputs"
for arg in "${required[@]}"; do
value=${Arguments[${arg}]-}; [[ -z "${value}" ]] && {
fatal "Failed to provide all required args.. missing ${arg}"
echo -e "\t-${arg}\t${value}"
function trim(){
# Step 1.) Cutadapt: remove adapter sequences and quality-trimming
# @INPUT $1 = basename (sample name without PATH and file ext)
# @INPUT $2 = Read1 FastQ file
# @INPUT $3 = Read2 FastQ file
# @INPUT $4 = Outdir (trim directory)
# @INPUT $5 = Threads
# @CALLS cutadapt
echo -e "\nStarted Trimming at $(date) with INPUTS: $@"
mkdir -p "${4}"
cutadapt -j "${5}" -b file:/opt2/refs/trimmonatic_TruSeqv3_adapters.fa -B file:/opt2/refs/trimmonatic_TruSeqv3_adapters.fa \
--nextseq-trim=2 --trim-n -n 5 -O 5 -q 10,10 -m 35:35 \
-o ${4}/${1}_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz -p ${4}/${1}_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz \
"$2" "$3" 1> ${4}/${1}_cutadapt.log
function align(){
# Step 2.) Bowtie2: align against reference genome and sorts BAM file
# @INPUT $1 = basename (sample name without PATH and file ext)
# @INPUT $2 = Trimmed Read1 FastQ file
# @INPUT $3 = Trimmed Read2 FastQ file
# @INPUT $4 = Outdir (bam directory)
# @INPUT $5 = Threads
# @CALLS bowtie2, samtools
echo -e "\nStarting Alignment at $(date) with INPUTS: $@"
mkdir -p "${4}"
bowtie2 -p "${5}" -k 100 --very-sensitive-local --score-min "L,0,1.6" \
-x /opt2/bowtie2/hg38 -1 "${2}" -2 "${3}" \
-S ${4}/${1}_bowtie.sam
# Step 3.) SAMtools: covert SAM to BAM and sort by name
samtools view -@ "${5}" -b ${4}/${1}_bowtie.sam > ${4}/${1}_bowtie.bam
samtools sort -@ "${5}" -n ${4}/${1}_bowtie.bam -o ${4}/${1}_bowtie.sorted.bam
rm ${4}/${1}_bowtie.bam ${4}/${1}_bowtie.sam
function hervx(){
# Step 3.) Telescope: characterizes of Human Endogenous Retrovirus (HERV) expression
# @INPUT $1 = basename (sample name without PATH and file ext)
# @INPUT $2 = BAM file (sorted by name)
# @INPUT $3 = Outdir (hervx directory)
# @INPUT $4 = GTF file
# @INPUT $5 = theta-prior (recommended value = 200000)
# @INPUT $6 = Max EM iterations (recommended value = 200)
# @CALLS telescope
echo -e "\nStarting Telescope at $(date) with INPUTS: $@"
mkdir -p "${3}"
telescope assign --theta_prior "${5}" --max_iter "${6}" \
--outdir "$3" "${2}" "/opt2/refs/${4}"
function main(){
# Parses args and runs trimming, aligment, and quantifies HERV expression
# @INPUT "$@" = command-line arguments
# @CALLS parser(), trim(), align(), hervx()
echo -e "\nHERVx (version 0.0.1)\t$(date)"
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then usage; exit 1; fi
# Associative array to store parsed args
declare -Ag Arguments
# Parses user provided command-line arguments
parser "$@"
# Required Arguments
base=$(clean "${Arguments[b]-}")
read1="${Arguments[r1]}"; read2="${Arguments[r2]}"
# Optional Arguments
threads="${Arguments[t]-2}" # default is 2 threads
gtf="${Arguments[g]-HERV_rmsk.hg38.v2.transcripts.gtf}" # default = HERV_rmsk.hg38.v2.transcripts.gtf
prior="${Arguments[p]-200000}" # default = 200000
iter="${Arguments[m]-200}" # default = 200
# HERVx Pipeline
trim "$base" "$read1" "$read2" "${outdir}/trim" "$threads"
align "$base" "${outdir}/trim/${base}_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz" "${outdir}/trim/${base}_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz" "${outdir}/bams" "$threads"
hervx "$base" "${outdir}/bams/${base}_bowtie.sorted.bam" "${outdir}/hervx/${base}" "${gtf}" "${prior}" "${iter}"
# Main: check usage, parse args, and run HERVx pipeline
main "$@"
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