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Created August 11, 2012 04:34
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;; On a regular hendecagon in just two dimensions, how many
;; non-symmetric ways can you draw a maximal set of non-intersecting
;; diagonals?
;; Source:
;; Verified my computation below with:
;; Label the vertices 0 - n. A diagonal is an ordered pair of vertex
;; points. A solution is a list of pairs of points,
;; i.e. ((0 . 2) (0 . 3) (0 . 4)).
(ql:quickload "lisp-unit")
(ql:quickload "cl-svg")
(defpackage :hendecagon
(:use :common-lisp :lisp-unit :cl-svg)
(:export :solve-for))
(in-package :hendecagon)
(defun diag (a b)
"Create a diagonal connecting vertices A and B."
(if (< a b)
(cons a b)
(cons b a)))
(defun diag-< (a b)
"Return T if diagonal A connects lower-numbered vertices than B."
(or (< (car a) (car b))
(and (= (car a) (car b)) (< (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
(defun cross-p (a b)
"Return T if A and B intersect."
(or (equal a b)
(< (car a) (car b) (cdr a) (cdr b))
(< (car b) (car a) (cdr b) (cdr a))))
(defun diag-rotate (sides diag p)
"Rotate diagonal DIAG by P positions."
(labels ((rot (n) (mod (- n p) sides)))
(diag (rot (car diag)) (rot (cdr diag)))))
(defun diag-rotate-all (sides set p)
"Rotate an entire SET of diagonals."
(sort (mapcar (lambda (d) (diag-rotate sides d p)) set) #'diag-<))
(defun diag-reflect (sides diag)
"Reflect DIAG about vertex 1."
(labels ((refl (n) (mod (- sides n) sides)))
(diag (refl (car diag)) (refl (cdr diag)))))
(defun diag-reflect-all (sides set)
"Reflect an entire SET of diagonals."
(sort (mapcar (lambda (d) (diag-reflect sides d)) set) #'diag-<))
;; Generator functions
(defun contains-p (sides set sets)
"Return T if SETS contains SET, accounting for rotations and reflections."
(dolist (set (list set (diag-reflect-all sides set)))
(dotimes (i sides)
(if (gethash (diag-rotate-all sides set i) sets)
(return-from contains-p t)))))
(defun gen (sides &optional (report #'print) (n (- sides 3)) diags)
"Generate N diagonals, starting with existing DIAGS."
(if (= n 0)
(let ((set (sort (copy-list diags) #'diag-<)))
(funcall report set))
(loop for a from 0 to (- sides 3) do
(loop for b from (+ a 2) to (min (1- sides) (+ a (- sides 2))) do
(let ((diag (cons a b)))
(if (not (member diag diags :test 'cross-p))
(gen sides report (1- n) (cons diag diags))))))))
(defun set->svg (sides count set)
"Draw the SET of diagonals out to an SVG."
(let* ((size 600)
(radius 290)
(thickness 5)
(font-size 44))
(labels ((xpos (i) (+ (/ size 2) (* radius (cos (* 2 pi (/ i sides))))))
(ypos (i) (+ (/ size 2) (* radius (sin (* 2 pi (/ i sides)))))))
(scene 'svg-1.1-toplevel :height size :width size)
((format nil "~d-agon-~8,'0d.svg" sides count) :if-exists :supersede)
(text scene (:x 15 :y (- size 15))
(tspan (:font-size font-size) (format nil "~d" count)))
(dotimes (i sides)
(draw scene (:line :x1 (xpos i) :y1 (ypos i)
:x2 (xpos (1+ i)) :y2 (ypos (1+ i)))
:stroke-width thickness :stroke "rgb(0, 0, 0)"
:stroke-linecap "round"))
(dolist (diag set)
(draw scene (:line :x1 (xpos (car diag)) :y1 (ypos (car diag))
:x2 (xpos (cdr diag)) :y2 (ypos (cdr diag)))
:stroke-width thickness :stroke "rgb(0, 0, 0)"))))))
;; Use it:
(defun solve-for (sides)
(let ((all (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
(with-open-file (out (format nil "~d-agon.txt" sides)
:direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(gen sides
(lambda (set)
(unless (contains-p sides set all)
(print set out)
(setf (gethash set all) t)
(set->svg sides (hash-table-count all) set)))))
(hash-table-count all)))
;; Test
(define-test diag
(assert-equal (cons 1 4) (diag 1 4))
(assert-equal (cons 2 6) (diag 6 2)))
(define-test diag-<
(assert-true (diag-< (diag 1 3) (diag 1 4)))
(assert-true (diag-< (diag 2 5) (diag 3 5)))
(assert-false (diag-< (diag 1 3) (diag 1 2)))
(assert-false (diag-< (diag 1 3) (diag 1 3)))
(assert-false (diag-< (diag 4 6) (diag 3 7)))
(assert-true (diag-< (diag 3 7) (diag 4 6))))
(define-test cross-p
(assert-false (cross-p '(3 . 5) '(1 . 6)))
(assert-false (cross-p '(1 . 4) '(1 . 6)))
(assert-true (cross-p '(2 . 5) '(1 . 4))))
(define-test diag-rotate
(assert-equal (diag 2 4) (diag-rotate 6 (diag 0 4) 2))
(assert-equal (diag 1 3) (diag-rotate 6 (diag 1 3) 0))
(assert-equal (diag 3 5) (diag-rotate 6 (diag 1 3) -2)))
(define-test diag-reflect
(assert-equal (diag 3 4) (diag-reflect 6 (diag 2 3)))
(assert-equal (diag 1 5) (diag-reflect 6 (diag 1 5))))
(define-test contains-p
(contains-p 6 (list (diag 0 2) (diag 2 5) (diag 3 5))
(list (list (diag 0 2) (diag 0 3) (diag 3 5)))))
(contains-p 6 (list (diag 0 2) (diag 0 3) (diag 0 4))
(list (list (diag 0 2) (diag 0 3) (diag 0 4)))))
(contains-p 6 (list (diag 0 2)) (list (list (diag 0 4)))))
(contains-p 6 (list (diag 0 2)) (list (list (diag 0 3)))))
(contains-p 8 '((0 . 2) (0 . 3) (3 . 6) (3 . 7) (4 . 6))
'(((0 . 2) (0 . 3) (3 . 6) (3 . 7) (4 . 6))))))
## Usage example:
## ls 9-agon-*.svg | ./togif > 9-agon.gif
xargs -I{} convert {} {}.tmp.gif
gifsicle --loop --delay 100 -O3 --colors 8 *.tmp.gif
rm -f *.tmp.gif
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