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Created September 5, 2021 19:42
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#include "builder.h"
// Begins construction of string
struct StringBuilder sbstart() {
return (struct StringBuilder) {
.str = NULL,
.size = 0,
.capacity = 0
static void assertf(int cond, const char *restrict fmt, ...) {
if (!cond) {
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
fprintf(stderr, fmt, vl);
// Returns length of formatter args
static int fmtlen(const char *restrict fmt, va_list vl){
int size = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, vl);
return size;
// Resizes
static void resize(struct StringBuilder *self, size_t fmt_len) {
if (self->size+fmt_len >= self->capacity) {
self->capacity += fmt_len*2;
// printf("Capacity %ld Size %ld Fmtlen %ld\n", self->capacity, self->size, fmt_len);
assertf(self->capacity > self->size, "Capacity doesn't exceed size: Capacity %ld vs Size %ld", self->capacity, self->size);
if (self->str == NULL)
self->str = malloc(self->capacity+1);
self->str = realloc(self->str, self->capacity+1);
// Printf into the string (va_list)
void vsbprintf(struct StringBuilder *self, const char *restrict fmt, va_list vl) {
va_list lentmp;
va_copy(lentmp, vl);
int len = fmtlen(fmt, lentmp);
resize(self, (size_t) len);
int size = vsprintf(self->str+self->size, fmt, vl);
assertf(size == len, "(StringBuilder: Warn) Size: %d != Len: %d :: \"%s\"\n", size, len, fmt);
assertf(size >= 0, "(StringBuilder: Err) Vsprintf failed :: \"%s\"\n", fmt);
self->size += (size_t) size;
// Printf n-chars into the string (va_list)
void vsbnprintf(struct StringBuilder *self, size_t n, const char *restrict fmt, va_list vl) {
va_list lentmp;
va_copy(lentmp, vl);
resize(self, n);
int size = vsnprintf(self->str+self->size, n+1, fmt, vl);
self->size += n;
// printf("Size is: %d\n", self->size);
assertf(size >= 0, "(StringBuilder: Err) Vsnprintf failed :: \"%s\"\n", fmt);
// Printf into the string
void sbprintf(struct StringBuilder *self, const char *restrict fmt, ...) {
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsbprintf(self, fmt, vl);
// Printf n-chars into the string
void sbnprintf(struct StringBuilder *self, size_t n, const char *restrict fmt, ...) {
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, fmt);
vsbnprintf(self, n, fmt, vl);
// Returns the char pointer to the string you've made
// You must free the string after use
char* sbend(struct StringBuilder *self) {
return self->str;
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