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Created September 5, 2021 12:40
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obj parser
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
const char *src;
} _obj_Parser;
#define VERTEX_COUNT (1 << 15)
#define INDEX_COUNT (1 << 16)
typedef struct {
uint16_t v; // Vertex idx
uint16_t vt; // Texture idx
uint16_t vn; // Normal idx
} obj_Triplet;
// The result for parsing
typedef struct {
size_t vertex_count;
float *vertices;
size_t uv_count;
float *uvs;
size_t normal_count;
float *normals;
size_t index_count;
obj_Triplet *indices;
} obj_Result;
typedef struct {
float *vertices;
uint16_t *indices;
} obj_Unrolled;
#define Parser _obj_Parser
#define chk _obj_chk
#define verify _obj_verify
#define oneof _obj_oneof
#define next _obj_next
static void _obj_index(obj_Result *self, obj_Triplet index) {
assert(self->index_count <= INDEX_COUNT && "Obj: Index buffer overflow");
self->indices[self->index_count++] = index;
static void _obj_vertex(obj_Result *self, float vertex) {
assert(self->vertex_count <= VERTEX_COUNT && "Obj: Vertex buffer overflow");
self->vertices[self->vertex_count++] = vertex;
static void _obj_normal(obj_Result *self, float vertex) {
assert(self->normal_count <= VERTEX_COUNT && "Obj: Normal vertex buffer overflow");
self->normals[self->normal_count++] = vertex;
static void _obj_uv(obj_Result *self, float vertex) {
assert(self->uv_count <= VERTEX_COUNT && "Obj: Uv vertex buffer overflow");
self->uvs[self->uv_count++] = vertex;
static bool _obj_chk(Parser *self, char c) {
if (*self->src == 0) return false;
return *self->src == c;
static bool _obj_verify(Parser *self, const char *s) {
if (strncmp(self->src, s, strlen(s)) == 0) {
self->src += strlen(s);
return true;
return false;
static bool _obj_oneof(Parser *self, const char *chars) {
for (;*chars; chars += 1)
if (chk(self, *chars)) return true;
return false;
static char _obj_next(Parser *self) {
char val = *self->src;
if (*self->src != 0)
self->src += 1;
return val;
static bool _obj_empty(Parser *self) {
const char *begin = self->src;
while (oneof(self, "\n\r\t ")) next(self);
return begin != self->src;
static bool _obj_comment(Parser *self) {
const char *begin = self->src;
if (chk(self, '#')) {
do next(self); while (!chk(self, '\n'));
return begin != self->src;
static void _obj_skip(Parser *self) {
while (_obj_empty(self) || _obj_comment(self));
static bool _obj_isfloat(Parser *self) {
char *end = (char*)self->src;
// Todo(bumbread): don't waste time parsing the float,
// just forward scan for the '.' symbol, or use state-based
// automation.
strtod(self->src, &end);
return end != self->src;
static bool _obj_isint(Parser *self) {
char *end = (char*)self->src;
strtol(self->src, &end, 10);
return end != self->src;
static float _obj_float(Parser *self) {
char *end = (char*)self->src;
float r = strtof(self->src, &end);
assert(end != self->src && "Obj: Supplied empty float");
self->src = end;
return r;
static uint16_t _obj_int(Parser *self) {
char *end = (char*)self->src;
long r = strtol(self->src, &end, 10);
assert(end != self->src && "Obj: Supplied empty int");
self->src = end;
return (uint16_t)r;
static obj_Triplet _obj_triplet(Parser *self) {
uint16_t v = 0, t = 0, n = 0;
v = _obj_int(self);
if (chk(self, '/')) {
if (chk(self, '/')) goto normal;
t = _obj_int(self);
if (chk(self, '/')) {
n = _obj_int(self);
return (obj_Triplet) { v, t, n };
static void _obj_cmd_vertex(Parser *self, obj_Result *res, void via(obj_Result *res, float vertex), size_t n) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i += 1)
via(res, _obj_float(self));
assert(!_obj_isfloat(self) && "Obj: Passed too much parameters to vertex");
static void _obj_cmd_index(Parser *self, obj_Result *res) {
_obj_index(res, _obj_triplet(self));
_obj_index(res, _obj_triplet(self));
_obj_index(res, _obj_triplet(self));
assert(!_obj_isint(self) && "Obj: More than 3 indices unsupported, export with \"Triangulate faces\" flag in blender");
static void obj_dump(obj_Result *self) {
printf("-- Vertices --\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->vertex_count; i += 1) {
printf("%g", self->vertices[i]);
if (i != self->vertex_count-1) printf(", ");
else printf("\n");
printf("-- Normals --\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->normal_count; i += 1) {
printf("%g", self->normals[i]);
if (i != self->normal_count-1) printf(", ");
else printf("\n");
printf("-- Uvs --\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->uv_count; i += 1) {
printf("%g", self->uvs[i]);
if (i != self->uv_count-1) printf(", ");
else printf("\n");
printf("-- Indices --\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->index_count; i += 1) {
printf("%d/%d/%d", self->indices[i].v, self->indices[i].vt, self->indices[i].vn);
if (i != self->index_count-1) printf(", ");
else printf("\n");
static void _obj_ignore(Parser *self, const char *cmd) {
printf("Obj: %s command, ignoring\n", cmd);
while (*self->src && !chk(self, '\n')) {
static obj_Result obj_parse(const char *src) {
Parser self = { .src = src };
obj_Result res = {
.indices = (obj_Triplet*)malloc(INDEX_COUNT*sizeof(obj_Triplet)),
.vertices = (float*)malloc(VERTEX_COUNT*sizeof(float)),
.normals = (float*)malloc(VERTEX_COUNT*sizeof(float)),
.uvs = (float*)malloc(VERTEX_COUNT*sizeof(float)),
while (*self.src) {
if (verify(&self, "mtllib"))
_obj_ignore(&self, "mtllib");
else if (verify(&self, "o"))
_obj_ignore(&self, "o");
else if (verify(&self, "vt"))
_obj_cmd_vertex(&self, &res, _obj_uv, 2);
else if (verify(&self, "vn"))
_obj_cmd_vertex(&self, &res, _obj_normal, 3);
else if (verify(&self, "vp"))
_obj_ignore(&self, "vp");
else if (verify(&self, "v"))
_obj_cmd_vertex(&self, &res, _obj_vertex, 3);
else if (verify(&self, "usemtl"))
_obj_ignore(&self, "usemtl");
else if (verify(&self, "s"))
_obj_ignore(&self, "s");
else if (verify(&self, "f"))
_obj_cmd_index(&self, &res);
else if (*self.src)
assert(false && "Obj: Supplied invalid command");
return res;
static void obj_dispose(obj_Result *res) {
static inline bool _obj_triplet_eq(obj_Triplet a, obj_Triplet b) {
return a.v == b.v && == && a.vt == b.vt;
typedef struct {
obj_Triplet chk;
size_t index;
} _obj_MemoNode;
static _obj_MemoNode _obj_memo[1 << 12] = { 0 };
static inline size_t _obj_memo_insert(obj_Triplet triplet, size_t index) {
size_t hash = (*32+triplet.vt*128*(1<<12))&((1 << 12)-1);
if (_obj_memo[hash].index == 0) {
_obj_memo[hash] = (_obj_MemoNode) { triplet, index+1 };
return index;
static inline size_t _obj_memo_get(obj_Triplet triplet) {
size_t hash = (*32+triplet.vt*128*(1<<12))&((1 << 12)-1);
if (_obj_memo[hash].index != 0 && _obj_triplet_eq(_obj_memo[hash].chk, triplet))
return _obj_memo[hash].index;
return 0;
// This function sucks
static size_t _obj_triplet_pos(obj_Result *res, obj_Triplet triplet, size_t nd) {
size_t index = 0;
if ((index = _obj_memo_get(triplet))) {
return index-1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nd; i += 1) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < i; j += 1)
if (_obj_triplet_eq(res->indices[i], res->indices[j])) {
index -= 1;
if (_obj_triplet_eq(res->indices[i], triplet))
return _obj_memo_insert(triplet, index);
index += 1;
assert(false && "Triplet not found");
// Unrolls as (POSITION3, UV2, NORMAL3)
static obj_Unrolled obj_unroll_pun(obj_Result *res, size_t *vertex_count) {
#ifdef NDEBUG
memset(_obj_memo, 0, sizeof(_obj_memo));
obj_Unrolled unrolled = {
.indices = (uint16_t*)malloc(res->index_count*sizeof(uint16_t)),
.vertices = (float*)malloc(res->index_count*sizeof(float)*8), // POSITION 3 + UV 2 + NORMAL 3
size_t maxpos = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < res->index_count; i += 1) {
obj_Triplet trp = res->indices[i];
assert(trp.v != 0 && != 0 && trp.vt != 0 && "Obj: Cannot consturct PUN format without according vertices present (malformed index)");
assert(trp.v <= res->vertex_count && <= res->normal_count && trp.vt <= res->uv_count && "Obj: Cannot consturct PUN format with index pointing to a vertex out of bounds (malformed index)");
#ifdef NDEBUG
const size_t triplet_pos = _obj_triplet_pos(res, trp, i+1);
const size_t triplet_pos = i;
maxpos = triplet_pos > maxpos ? triplet_pos : maxpos;
trp.v -= 1; // (1 indexed fix) -= 1; // (1 indexed fix)
trp.vt -= 1; // (1 indexed fix)
// Might have some redundant writes but it doesn't matter cuz triplet pos function already sucks
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+0] = res->vertices[trp.v*3+0];
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+1] = res->vertices[trp.v*3+1];
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+2] = res->vertices[trp.v*3+2];
// Uv
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+3] = res->uvs[trp.vt*2+0];
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+4] = res->uvs[trp.vt*2+1];
// Normals
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+5] = res->normals[*3+0];
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+6] = res->normals[*3+1];
unrolled.vertices[triplet_pos*8+7] = res->normals[*3+2];
unrolled.indices[i] = (uint16_t)triplet_pos;
if (vertex_count != NULL)
*vertex_count = maxpos+1;
printf("Vertex count is %zu\n", *vertex_count);
return unrolled;
static void obj_dispose_unrolled(obj_Unrolled *unrolled) {
#undef Parser
#undef chk
#undef oneof
#undef next
#undef verify
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