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Created December 23, 2021 01:18
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# @version 0.3.1
@title Gearbox Protocol 3Pool Adapter
@license MIT
@author Curve Finance
@dev Original CurveV1 Adapter written by Gearbox Protocol can be found at
from vyper.interfaces import ERC20
interface CurvePool:
def get_dy(_i: int128, _j: int128, _dx: uint256) -> uint256: view
def get_virtual_price() -> uint256: view
interface CreditManager:
def executeOrder(_borrower: address, _target: address, _data: Bytes[160]): nonpayable
def getCreditAccountOrRevert(_borrower: address) -> address: view
def provideCreditAccountAllowance(_credit_acct: address, _to_contract: address, _token: address): nonpayable
interface CreditFilter:
def checkCollateralChange(_credit_acct: address, _token_in: address, _token_out: address, _dx: uint256, _dy: uint256): nonpayable
N_COINS: constant(uint256) = 3
CREDIT_MANAGER: constant(address) = 0xC38478B0A4bAFE964C3526EEFF534d70E1E09017
CREDIT_FILTER: constant(address) = 0xcF223eB26dA2Bf147D01b750d2D2393025cEA7Ca
CURVE_POOL: constant(address) = 0xbEbc44782C7dB0a1A60Cb6fe97d0b483032FF1C7
COINS: constant(address[N_COINS]) = [ # DAI/USDC/USDT
def exchange(_i: int128, _j: int128, _dx: uint256, _min_dy: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Exchange an asset on the Curve 3Pool
@param _i Index of the coin to send
@param _j Index of the coin to receive
@param _dx Amount of COINS[_i] to exchange for COINS[_j]
@param _min_dy The minimum amount of COINS[_j] to receive
@return dy uint256 The amount received from the exchange
# fetch credit account
credit_account: address = CreditManager(CREDIT_MANAGER).getCreditAccountOrRevert(msg.sender)
# store coin addresses in memory
coin_i: address = COINS[_i]
coin_j: address = COINS[_j]
# fetch the starting balance of the credit account for both the coins
start_balance: uint256[2] = [
ERC20(coin_i).balanceOf(credit_account), ERC20(coin_i).balanceOf(credit_account)
# perform actual operation
CreditManager(CREDIT_MANAGER).provideCreditAccountAllowance(credit_account, CURVE_POOL, coin_i)
msg.sender, # borrower
CURVE_POOL, # target smart contract
_abi_encode( # calldata
_i, _j, _dx, _min_dy, method_id=method_id("exchange(int128,int128,uint256,uint256)")
# fetch the ending balance of the credit account for both the coins
end_balance: uint256[2] = [
ERC20(coin_i).balanceOf(credit_account), ERC20(coin_i).balanceOf(credit_account)
dy: uint256 = end_balance[1] - start_balance[1]
start_balance[0] - end_balance[0], # amount sent
dy, # amount received
return dy
def get_dy(_i: int128, _j: int128, _dx: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Get the amount of coin `_j` one would receive for swapping `_dx` of coin `_i`
@param _i The index of the input coin
@param _j The index of the output coin
@param _dx The amount of coin `_i` to exchange for coin `_j`
return CurvePool(CURVE_POOL).get_dy(_i, _j, _dx)
def get_virtual_price() -> uint256:
@notice Query the virtual price of the 3Pool LP token
return CurvePool(CURVE_POOL).get_virtual_price()
def coins(_i: uint256) -> address:
@notice Query the coin at index `_i` for the Curve 3Pool
@param _i Index of the coin of interest
return COINS[_i]
def creditFilter() -> address:
@notice Query the Credit Filter contract
def creditManager() -> address:
@notice Query the Credit Manager contract
def curvePool() -> address:
@notice Query the Curve 3Pool address
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