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Last active June 24, 2024 21:43
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Trieve tmuxp Load Config Guide

Trieve tmuxp Load Config Guide

Trieve consists of multiple different services and it is convenient to load them with tmuxp.

1. Start all required docker containers

You will need to enter the directory with the trieve repository with cd trieve from wherever you cloned.

Then, I recommend killing all your running docker containers with docker ps -q | xargs docker kill.

Following this, start the trieve containers with ./convenience -l. You may need to chmod +x ./convenience.

2. Place the tmuxp yaml config into the right place

Start by making the config directory for tmuxp with mkdir ~/.config/tmuxp.

Then, create a file for the trieve config with touch ~/.config/tmuxp/trieve.yaml.

Finally, paste the following contents into the trieve.yaml file using your editor of choice. You may want to chane start_directory to the directory where you cloned trieve.

session_name: trieve
start_directory: ~/git_projects/devflowinc/trieve
  - window_name: server
    layout: tiled
      - cd server; cargo watch -x run
  - window_name: ingestion
      - cd server; cargo run --bin ingestion-worker
  - window_name: deletion
      - cd server; cargo run --bin delete-worker
  - window_name: file
      - cd server; cargo run --bin file-worker
  - window_name: dashboard
      - cd dashboard; yarn dev
  - window_name: search
      - cd search; yarn dev
  - window_name: chat
      - cd chat; yarn dev

3. Load the config

Start up Trieve local dev with tmuxp load trieve.

You can attach to it then with tmux a -t trieve.

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