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Created October 23, 2020 10:03
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Image Picker With Simple Cropping

Image Picker With Simple Cropping

A UI component for a user to select an image from their file system for upload to a data store or rendering on a page. The values in the "config" section define the final desired image size as well as the size of the preview window displayed on the page. Change these to your desired preferences.

A Pen by Dave Hanagan on CodePen.


<!-- |======================= Image & Crop =========================== -->
<div class="image-container variable-size">
<!-- ==|===================== Canvases ============================= -->
<div class="l-position-absolute"
onmousedown="event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); interactionStart(event)"
onmousemove="event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); interactionMove(event)"
ontouchstart="event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); interactionStart(event)"
ontouchmove="event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); interactionMove(event)"
<canvas id="canvas-image" class="l-position-absolute canvas-image variable-size"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas-overlay" class="l-position-absolute canvas-overlay variable-size"></canvas>
<!-- ==|===================== Drop Zone ============================ -->
<div id="image-drop-zone" class="drop-zone l-position-absolute variable-size"
ondragenter="event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"
ondragover="event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault();"
ondrop="event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); onDrop(event);">
<p>Drag and drop a JPEG or PNG image file</p>
<p id="px-warning" class="__warning __hide">Image needs to be at least 440px by 440px</p>
<!-- |=========================== Buttons ============================ -->
<div class="l-centered">
<span id="file-select"><p>Or select a file... </p>
<input id="file-select-input" type="file" name="file" class="file" onchange="onChange(this.files)">
<button id="file-clear" class="__hide" type="button" onclick="clearImage()">Clear Image</button><br>
<button id="file-submit" class="__hide" type="submit" onclick="submitRequest()">Submit
<!-- |======================= Processed Image ======================== -->
<div id="target" class="l-centered">
<script src="./script.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
// ================================ Config ================================ //
* Use RENDERED_IMAGE_WIDTH and RENDERED_IMAGE_HEIGHT to set the target pixel
* dimensions for the file that is rendered and ready for upload to a
* database, etc. These values also define the minimum size, imagePicker will
* respond with an error message if the chosen file has a width or height less
* than the following values.
* In pixels.
* Use PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH to set the onscreen pixel dimensions of the
* Imagepicker box to receive the drag and drop action.
* In pixels
* The aspect ratio for preview image follows the aspect ratio of the rendered
* In pixels.
// =========================== Event Handlers ============================= //
// Drag events
module.onDrop = onDrop;
// Mouse & Touch events
module.interactionStart = interactionStart;
module.interactionMove = interactionMove;
module.interactionEnd = interactionEnd;
module.interactionCancel = interactionCancel;
// Input & Button events
module.clearImage = clearImage;
module.onChange = onChange;
module.submitRequest = submitRequest;
// =========================== Helper Functions =========================== //
const _applyImage = applyImage;
const _setSize = setSize;
const _setSizeAlert = setSizeAlert
const _drawOverlay = drawOverlay;
const _drawCroppedCanvas = drawCroppedCanvas;
const _getImageSize = getImageSize;
// ================================= Init ================================= //
var _canvasWidth = PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH;
var _canvasHeight = PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
var _isEditing = false;
var _overlayOriginX = 0;
var _overlayOriginY = 0;
var _resizeRatio = 1;
var _rawWidth = 0;
var _rawHeight = 0;
var _initialPointerX = 0;
var _initialPointerY = 0;
var _currentX = 0;
var _currentY = 0;
var _previousX = 0;
var _previousY = 0;
var _imageData = null;
var _croppedImageData = null;
var _imageType = '';
// Alter size of HTML elements to config settings
// ========================= Function Definitions ========================= //
* Event handler for receiving drop events. Invokes the onChange event
* associated with the <input> form item for selecting files, passing along
* the dragged & dropped files.
* @param {event} evnt
function onDrop(evnt) {
if (evnt.dataTransfer.files.length < 1) return;
// TODO: Do something with the file name
// evnt.dataTransfer.files[0].name;
_imageType = evnt.dataTransfer.files[0].type;
* Handler for both mouse and touch actions that initiate an interaction:
* onMouseDown and onTouchStart.
* @param {event} event
function interactionStart(event){
_isEditing = true;
_initialPointerX = event.pageX;
_initialPointerY = event.pageY;
// Accommodate touch events
if (event.touches && event.touches.length > 0){
_initialPointerX = event.touches.item(0).pageX;
_initialPointerY = event.touches.item(0).pageY;
* Handler for both mouse the touch events that move a pointer across the
* screen: onMouseMove and onTouchMove
* @param {event} event
function interactionMove(event){
if (!_isEditing) return;
* Handler for both mouse and touch events that end an interaction: onMouseUp
* and onTouchEnd.
function interactionEnd(){
if (_isEditing) _drawCroppedCanvas();
_isEditing = false;
_previousX = _currentX;
_previousY = _currentY;
* Handler for both mouse and touch events that cancel an interaction:
* onMouseLeave and onTouchCancel
function interactionCancel(){
if (_isEditing) _drawCroppedCanvas();
_isEditing = false;
_previousX = _currentX;
_previousY = _currentY;
* Button action to remove the currently selected image and reset to the
* initial state.
function clearImage(){
_imageData = null;
_imageType = '';
document.getElementById('file-submit').className = '__hide';
document.getElementById('file-clear').className = '__hide';
document.getElementById('file-select').className = '';
// Clear the value of the file input HTML element
let filePath = document.getElementById('file-select-input');
filePath.value = '';
// Clear Proof of Concept div
const targetNode = document.getElementById('target');
const children = targetNode.childNodes;
for (let i = children.length; i > 0; i--){
targetNode.removeChild(targetNode.childNodes.item(i - 1));
// Show image drop zone
const dropZone = document.getElementById('image-drop-zone');
dropZone.className = 'drop-zone l-position-absolute';
* Handler initiated by change to the file type <input> and for drop actions
* on the image drop zone. Files identified by either action are loaded and
* converted to arrayBuffer objects. On successfully loading the file,
* continues to update UI by calling _applyImage().
* @param {Array} tryFiles
function onChange(tryFiles){
if (!tryFiles || tryFiles.length < 1) return;
let file = tryFiles[0];
document.getElementById('file-select').className = '__hide';
document.getElementById('file-submit').className = '';
document.getElementById('file-clear').className = '';
// TODO: guard against non-image Content-Types
_imageType = file.type;
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = element => {
_imageData =;
* Button action to render a final image. As a proof of concept, it draws
* the image as full resolution below the imagePicker div.
* @todo Replace this code with work that is relevant to you.
function submitRequest(){
if (!_croppedImageData) return;
// Proof of concept: render image to the screen at full size
const targetNode = document.getElementById('target');
const children = targetNode.childNodes;
for (let i = children.length; i > 0; i--){
targetNode.removeChild(targetNode.childNodes.item(i - 1));
// Add full size image
const blobForPoC = new Blob([_croppedImageData], { type: 'image/png' });
imageForPoC.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blobForPoC);
imageForPoC.onload = function(){
// Draw the image canvas
* Evaluates the aspect ratio and pixel dimensions of a selected image file.
* Launches methods to draw the image onto the canvas element and draw a crop
* frame in the overlay canvas.
function applyImage() {
_rawWidth = _rawHeight = 0;
if (!_imageData) return;
// __hide image drop zone
const imageDropZone = document.getElementById('image-drop-zone');
imageDropZone.className = '__hide';
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas-image');
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const widthAndHeight = _getImageSize(_imageData, _imageType);
if (!widthAndHeight) return console.log('Failed to find image dimensions');
_rawWidth = widthAndHeight.width;
_rawHeight = widthAndHeight.height;
// Guard against images that are too small
if (_rawWidth === 0 && _rawHeight === 0) console.log('failed to read image dimensions');
// Identify the resize-ratio and aspect ratio
let aspectRatio = 1;
// let landscape = _rawWidth >= _rawHeight;
let landscape = _rawWidth / _rawHeight >= PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH / PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
const big = landscape ? _rawWidth : _rawHeight;
const small = landscape ? _rawHeight : _rawWidth;
aspectRatio = big / small;
_resizeRatio = landscape ? _rawHeight / RENDERED_IMAGE_HEIGHT : _rawWidth / RENDERED_IMAGE_WIDTH;
// TODO: change _canvasWidth to PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH, etc
const finalWidth = landscape ? _canvasWidth * aspectRatio / initialAspectRatio : _canvasWidth;
const finalHeight = landscape ? _canvasHeight : _canvasHeight * aspectRatio * initialAspectRatio;
// Adjust HTML elements to new size
_setSize(finalWidth, finalHeight);
const imageForDraw = new Image(finalWidth, finalHeight);
const blobForDraw = new Blob([_imageData], { type: _imageType });
imageForDraw.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blobForDraw);
imageForDraw.onload = function(){
// Draw the image canvas
ctx.drawImage(imageForDraw, 0, 0, finalWidth, finalHeight);
// Draw an initial overlay
// Create an initial cropped image
* Set size of image canvas and container elements based on raw image size.
* @param {number} setWidth
* @param {number} setHeight
function setSize(setWidth, setHeight){
const collectionOfElements = document.getElementsByClassName('variable-size');
for (let n = 0; n < collectionOfElements.length; n++) {
collectionOfElements[n].style.width = `${setWidth}px`;
collectionOfElements[n].style.height = `${setHeight}px`;
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas-image');
_canvasWidth = canvas.width = setWidth;
_canvasHeight = canvas.height = setHeight;
// Remove any lingering crop overlays
const overlayCanvas = document.getElementById('canvas-overlay');
const overlayCtx = overlayCanvas.getContext('2d');
overlayCtx.clearRect(0, 0, overlayCanvas.width, overlayCanvas.height);
* Present an error message when the picked image size fails to meet the
* desired minimum size, based on config settings.
* @param {bool} showAlert Arg is true to show the image, false to hide it.
function setSizeAlert(showAlert){
let classes = showAlert ? '__warning' : '__warning __hide';
let alertText = document.getElementById('px-warning');
alertText.textContent = `Image needs to be at least ${RENDERED_IMAGE_WIDTH}px by ${RENDERED_IMAGE_HEIGHT}px`;
alertText.className = classes;
* Draw a canvas overlay, showing the user a box over the picked image, with
* an aspect ratio based on the desired final rendered image from the config
* settings. Canvas overlay is updated with the movement of the user's mouse
* or touch.
* @param {object} event Mouse or touch events inside the drop zone container.
function drawOverlay(event){
// The crop box size
const cropSize = { width: PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH, height: PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT };
const cropHalf = { width: cropSize.width / 2, height: cropSize.height / 2 };
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas-overlay');
canvas.width = _canvasWidth;
canvas.height = _canvasHeight;
// If no event was provided, create an initial overlay, centered
if (!event){
_previousX = _currentX = _canvasWidth / 2;
_previousY = _currentY = _canvasHeight / 2;
_currentX = _previousX + (event.pageX - _initialPointerX);
_currentY = _previousY + (event.pageY - _initialPointerY);
// Accommodate touch events
if (event.touches && event.touches.length > 0){
_currentX = _previousX + (event.touches.item(0).pageX - _initialPointerX);
_currentY = _previousY + (event.touches.item(0).pageY - _initialPointerY);
// Keep overlay rect in the frame
if (_currentX < cropHalf.width) _currentX = cropHalf.width;
if (_currentX > _canvasWidth - cropHalf.width) _currentX = _canvasWidth - cropHalf.width;
if (_currentY < cropHalf.height) _currentY = cropHalf.height;
if (_currentY > _canvasHeight - cropHalf.height) _currentY = _canvasHeight - cropHalf.height;
// Draw cropping frame
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.strokeStyle = 'white';
ctx.strokeRect(_currentX - cropHalf.width, _currentY - cropHalf.height, cropSize.width, cropSize.height);
// Draw semi-transparent overlay outside the crop rect
let landscape = _rawWidth >= _rawHeight;
ctx.fillStyle = 'hsla(1, 1%, 1%, 0.4)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, landscape ? _currentX - cropHalf.width : _canvasWidth, landscape ? _canvasHeight : _currentY - cropHalf.height);
ctx.fillRect(landscape ? _currentX + cropHalf.width : 0, landscape ? 0 : _currentY + cropHalf.height, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Save original at full size resolution
_overlayOriginX = (_currentX - cropHalf.width) * (RENDERED_IMAGE_WIDTH / PREVIEW_IMAGE_WIDTH);
_overlayOriginY = (_currentY - cropHalf.height) * (RENDERED_IMAGE_HEIGHT / PREVIEW_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
* Render the final image, with cropping based on the user input from the
* overlay selection. Save final image data to var _croppedImageData.
function drawCroppedCanvas(){
const croppedCanvas = document.createElementNS('', 'canvas');
croppedCanvas.width = RENDERED_IMAGE_WIDTH;
croppedCanvas.height = RENDERED_IMAGE_HEIGHT;
const imageForDraw = new Image();
const blobForDraw = new Blob([_imageData], { type: _imageType });
imageForDraw.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(blobForDraw);
imageForDraw.onload = () => {
const cropCtx = croppedCanvas.getContext('2d');
_overlayOriginX * _resizeRatio,
_overlayOriginY * _resizeRatio,
// Convert Canvas -> Blob -> ArrayBuffer
// toBlob() is NOT available in Safari / WebKit. Polyfill courtesy of:
if (!HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob) {
Object.defineProperty(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, 'toBlob', {
value: function (callback, type, quality) {
var binStr = atob( this.toDataURL(type, quality).split(',')[1] ),
len = binStr.length,
arr = new Uint8Array(len);
for (var i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
arr[i] = binStr.charCodeAt(i);
callback( new Blob( [arr], {type: type || 'image/png'} ) );
croppedCanvas.toBlob( blob => {
var fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onloadend = element => {
_croppedImageData =;
// Revoke ObjectURLs after use
}, 'image/png');
* Evaluates the pixel size of an image and returns an object. Currently works
* for JPEG and PNG file types.
* @param {arrayBuffer} arrayBuffer Raw image data.
* @param {string} imageType File type, expects "image/png" or "image/jpeg"
* @return {object} An object with properties for pixel dimensions of the image:
* width: {number}
* height: {number}
* Will return null if the evaluation fails.
function getImageSize(arrayBuffer, imageType){
const MARKER_PREFIX = 255;
const EXIF_APP1_MARKER = 225;
const EXIF_APP1_CONFIRMATION = 1165519206;
const EXIF_SUB_IFD = 34665;
const INTEL_BYTE = 73;
const MOTOROLA_BYTE = 77;
const EXIF_IMAGE_WIDTH = 256;
const EXIF_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 257;
const EXIF_SUB_IFD_WIDTH = 40962;
const EXIF_SUB_IFD_HEIGHT = 40963;
let rawWidth = 0;
let rawHeight = 0;
const dataV = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
function startOfFrame(tag) {
(tag >= 192 && tag <= 195) ||
(tag >= 197 && tag <= 199) ||
(tag >= 201 && tag <= 203) ||
(tag >= 205 && tag <= 207)
) return true;
function subIFD(startByte, offsetToFirstIFD, i, isIntelAlign){
let IFDWidth = 0;
let IFDHeight = 0;
let subOffset = dataV.getUint16(startByte + 9 + offsetToFirstIFD + 2 + (i * 12) + (isIntelAlign ? 8 : 10), isIntelAlign);
if (subOffset === 0) return false;
let fullSubOffset = startByte + 9 + subOffset;
let numOfSubs = dataV.getUint16(fullSubOffset, isIntelAlign);
// Bitmask to exit the loop if width and height are found;
let widthFlag = 1, heightFlag = 2, flags = 0;
for (let n = 0; n < numOfSubs; n++){
let entryItem = dataV.getUint16(fullSubOffset + 2 + (n * 12), isIntelAlign);
if (entryItem === EXIF_SUB_IFD_WIDTH){
IFDWidth = dataV.getUint32(fullSubOffset + 2 + (n * 12) + 8, isIntelAlign);
if (flags & heightFlag) return {width: IFDWidth, height: IFDHeight};
flags |= widthFlag;
if (entryItem === EXIF_SUB_IFD_HEIGHT){
IFDHeight = dataV.getUint32(fullSubOffset + 2 + (n * 12) + 8, isIntelAlign);
if (flags & widthFlag) return {width: IFDWidth, height: IFDHeight};
flags |= heightFlag;
if (imageType === 'image/png'){
rawWidth = dataV.getUint32(16);
rawHeight = dataV.getUint32(20);
return { width: rawWidth, height: rawHeight };
}else if (imageType === 'image/jpeg'){
// While(! start of scan marker){... could be used in place of a for loop,
// but the for loop will guard against a corrupt file that lacks a start
// of scan marker.
for(let x = 0; x < 40000; x++){
if (dataV.getUint8(x) === MARKER_PREFIX){
let byte = x + 1;
// APP1 Marker (EXIF)
if (dataV.getUint8(byte) === EXIF_APP1_MARKER){
// Check if EXIF header marker or APP1 Marker was false positive
if (dataV.getUint32(byte + 3) !== EXIF_APP1_CONFIRMATION) continue;
// 73 73: Intel byte align uses little endian
// 77 77: Motorola byte align uses big endian
let isIntelAlign = false;
if (dataV.getUint8(byte + 9) === INTEL_BYTE && dataV.getUint8(byte + 10) === INTEL_BYTE) isIntelAlign = true;
// Offset to the first IFD
const offsetToFirstIFD = dataV.getUint32(byte + 13, isIntelAlign)
const entryCount = dataV.getUint16(byte + 9 + offsetToFirstIFD, isIntelAlign);
// Each entry is 12 bytes:
// 2 bytes for tag number
// 2 bytes for data type
// 4 bytes for number of components
// 4 bytes for data (or offset to data)
for (let i = 0; i < entryCount; i++){
let tagNum = dataV.getUint16(byte + 9 + offsetToFirstIFD + 2 + (i * 12), isIntelAlign);
// Found Image Width (however for some files this is thumbnail width)
if (tagNum === EXIF_IMAGE_WIDTH){
let actualWidth = dataV.getUint16(byte + 9 + offsetToFirstIFD + 2 + (i * 12) + 8, isIntelAlign);
if (!rawWidth) rawWidth = actualWidth;
// Found Image Height (however for some files this is thumbnail height)
if (tagNum === EXIF_IMAGE_HEIGHT){
let actualHeight = dataV.getUint16(byte + 9 + offsetToFirstIFD + 2 + (i * 12) + 8, isIntelAlign);
if (!rawHeight) rawHeight = actualHeight;
// EXIF SubIFD marker
// EXIF SubIFD is authoritative. If height and width properties
// exist here, they take precedence and can be trusted to be
// definitive.
if (tagNum === EXIF_SUB_IFD){
const IFDResult = subIFD(byte, offsetToFirstIFD, i, isIntelAlign);
if (!IFDResult) continue;
if (!IFDResult.width || !IFDResult.height) return null;
return IFDResult;
// Start-Of-Frame marker
if (startOfFrame(dataV.getUint8(byte))){
if (!rawHeight) rawHeight = dataV.getUint16(byte + 4);
if (!rawWidth) rawWidth = dataV.getUint16(byte + 6);
// Start-Of-Scan marker, stop looking for markers
if (dataV.getUint8(byte) === START_OF_SCAN_MARKER) {
// Return dimensions if valid
if (rawWidth && rawHeight) return { width: rawWidth, height: rawHeight };
// Failed to find dimensions
return null;
// Unrecognized image type
return null;
/* ================================== Base ================================== */
body {
background-color: hsl(200, 20%, 10%);
color: white;
font-family: sans-serif;
p {
margin: 2em;
line-height: 2;
/* ================================= Module ================================= */
margin: 0 auto 1em;
width: 220px;
height: 220px;
.canvas-image {
background-color: hsl(200, 20%, 25%);
background-color: hsl(1, 1%, 1%);
background-color: hsla(1, 1%, 1%, 0.1);
cursor: -webkit-grab;
cursor: -moz-grab;
cursor: grab;
cursor: -webkit-grabbing;
cursor: -moz-grabbing;
cursor: grabbing;
background-color: hsl(200, 20%, 30%);
border: 2px dashed white;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 0;
color: white;
font-size: 80%;
text-align: center;
overflow: hidden;
#file-select p{
margin: auto 0;
font-size: 80%;
display: inline;
/* ================================= Layout ================================= */
width: 320px;
margin: 0 auto;
position: absolute;
/* ================================= State ================================== */
display: none;
color: hsl(1, 100%, 60%);
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