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Created March 23, 2023 12:24
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JSONPatch.js implementation for AlchemyMVC
const PatchApplyError = Error,
InvalidPatch = Error;
* The JSONPatch class:
* Used to generate a JSON patch between two objects
* @constructor
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {String} type
const Patch = Function.inherits('Alchemy.Base', 'Alchemy.Patch', function Patch(patch, mutate) {
this.compiled_operations = null;
this.parsePatch(patch, mutate);
* Apply the given patch to the given object
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
Patch.setStatic(function applyPatch(doc, patch) {
return (new Patch(patch)).apply(doc);
* Parse a patch
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
Patch.setMethod(function parsePatch(patch, mutate) {
let i;
this.compiled_operations = [];
if ('string' === typeof patch) {
patch = JSON.undry(patch);
if (!Array.isArray(patch)) {
throw new InvalidPatch('Patch must be an array of operations');
for (i = 0; i < patch.length; i++) {
let compiled = compileOperation(patch[i], mutate);
* Create a patch.
* The inputs should be simple objects (so already dried)
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
Patch.setStatic(function createPatch(original, target) {
const patch = [];
function createPatchRecursive(orig, tgt, pointer) {
if (Array.isArray(orig) && Array.isArray(tgt)) {
for (let i = 0; i < Math.max(orig.length, tgt.length); i++) {
if (i >= orig.length) {
patch.push({ op: 'add', path: pointer + '/' + i, value: tgt[i] });
} else if (i >= tgt.length) {
patch.push({ op: 'remove', path: pointer + '/' + i });
} else {
createPatchRecursive(orig[i], tgt[i], pointer + '/' + i);
} else if (typeof orig === 'object' && orig !== null && typeof tgt === 'object' && tgt !== null) {
const keys = new Set([...Object.keys(orig), ...Object.keys(tgt)]);
for (let key of keys) {
if (!tgt.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
patch.push({ op: 'remove', path: pointer + '/' + key });
} else if (!orig.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
patch.push({ op: 'add', path: pointer + '/' + key, value: tgt[key] });
} else {
createPatchRecursive(orig[key], tgt[key], pointer + '/' + key);
} else if (orig !== tgt) {
patch.push({ op: 'replace', path: pointer, value: tgt });
createPatchRecursive(original, target, '');
return patch;
* Apply this patch to the given document
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
Patch.setMethod(function apply(doc) {
let i;
for(i = 0; i < this.compiled_operations.length; i++) {
doc = this.compiled_operations[i](doc);
return doc;
* The JSONPatch class:
* Used to generate a JSON patch between two objects
* @constructor
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {String} path
const JSONPointer = Function.inherits('Alchemy.Base', 'Alchemy.Patch', function JSONPointer(path_string) {
// Split up the path
let split = path_string.split('/');
if ('' !== split[0]) {
throw new InvalidPatch('JSONPointer must start with a slash (or be an empty string)!');
let i,
path = [];
for (i = 1; i < split.length; i++) {
path[i-1] = split[i].replace(/~1/g,'/').replace(/~0/g,'~');
this.path = path;
this.length = path.length;
* Get a segment of the pointer given a current doc context
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
JSONPointer.setMethod(function _getSegment(index, node) {
let segment = this.path[index];
if(Array.isArray(node)) {
if ('-' === segment) {
segment = node.length;
} else {
// Must be a non-negative integer in base-10 without leading zeros
if (!segment.match(/^0$|^[1-9][0-9]*$/)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Expected a number to segment an array');
segment = parseInt(segment, 10);
return segment;
* Follow the pointer to its penultimate segment then call
* the handler with the current doc and the last key (converted to
* an int if the current doc is an array). The handler is expected to
* return a new copy of the penultimate part.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} doc The document to search within
* @param {*} handler The callback to handle the last part
* @return {*} The result of calling the handler
JSONPointer.setMethod(function _action(doc, handler, mutate) {
const followPointer = (node, index) => {
let segment,
if (!mutate) {
node = JSON.clone(node);
segment = this._getSegment(index, node);
// Is this the last segment?
if (index == this.path.length-1) {
node = handler(node, segment);
} else {
// Make sure we can follow the segment
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
if (node.length <= segment) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Path not found in document');
} else if (typeof node === "object") {
if (!, segment)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Path not found in document');
} else {
throw new PatchApplyError('Path not found in document');
subnode = followPointer(node[segment], index+1);
if (!mutate) {
node[segment] = subnode;
return node;
return followPointer(doc, 0);
* Takes a JSON document and a value and adds the value into
* the doc at the position pointed to. If the position pointed to is
* in an array then the existing element at that position (if any)
* and all that follow it have their position incremented to make
* room. It is an error to add to a parent object that doesn't exist
* or to try to replace an existing value in an object.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} doc The document to operate against
* @param {*} value The value to insert at the position pointed to
* @return {*} The updated document
JSONPointer.setMethod(function add(doc, value, mutate) {
// Special case for a pointer to the root
if (0 === this.length) {
return value;
return this._action(doc, (node, lastSegment) => {
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
if (lastSegment > node.length) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Add operation must not attempt to create a sparse array!');
node.splice(lastSegment, 0, value);
} else {
node[lastSegment] = value;
return node;
}, mutate);
* Takes a JSON document and removes the value pointed to.
* It is an error to attempt to remove a value that doesn't exist.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} doc The document to operate against
* @return {*} The updated document
JSONPointer.setMethod(function remove(doc, mutate) {
// Special case for a pointer to the root
if (0 === this.length) {
// Removing the root makes the whole value undefined.
// NOTE: Should it be an error to remove the root if it is
// ALREADY undefined? I'm not sure...
return undefined;
return this._action(doc, (node, lastSegment) => {
if (!,lastSegment)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Remove operation must point to an existing value!');
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
node.splice(lastSegment, 1);
} else {
delete node[lastSegment];
return node;
}, mutate);
* Semantically equivalent to a remove followed by an add
* except when the pointer points to the root element in which case
* the whole document is replaced.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} doc The document to operate against
* @return {*} The updated document
JSONPointer.setMethod(function replace(doc, value, mutate) {
// Special case for a pointer to the root
if (0 === this.length) {
return value;
return this._action(doc, (node, lastSegment) => {
if (!,lastSegment)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Replace operation must point to an existing value!');
if (Array.isArray(node)) {
node.splice(lastSegment, 1, value);
} else {
node[lastSegment] = value;
return node;
}, mutate);
* Returns the value pointed to by the pointer in the given doc.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} doc The document to operate against
* @return {*} The value
JSONPointer.setMethod(function get(doc) {
// Special case for a pointer to the root
if (0 === this.length) {
return doc;
let value;
this._action(doc, (node, lastSegment) => {
if (!,lastSegment)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Path not found in document');
value = node[lastSegment];
return node;
}, true);
return value;
* Returns true if this pointer points to a child of the
* other pointer given. Returns true if both point to the same place.
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
* @param {*} otherPointer The other pointer
JSONPointer.setMethod(function subsetOf(otherPointer) {
if (this.length <= otherPointer.length) {
return false;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < otherPointer.length; i++) {
if (otherPointer.path[i] !== this.path[i]) {
return false;
return true;
add: ['value'],
replace: ['value'],
test: ['value'],
remove: [],
move: ['from'],
copy: ['from']
* Validate an operation
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
function validateOp(operation) {
if (!operation.op) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Operation missing!');
if (!OPERATION_REQUIREMENTS.hasOwnProperty(operation.op)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Invalid operation!');
if (!('path' in operation)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('Path missing!');
let required = OPERATION_REQUIREMENTS[operation.op],
// Check that all required keys are present
for (i = 0; i < required.length; i++) {
if(!(required[i] in operation)) {
throw new PatchApplyError(operation.op + ' must have key ' + required[i]);
* Compile an operation
* @author Thomas Parslow <>
* @author Jelle De Loecker <>
* @since 1.3.10
* @version 1.3.10
function compileOperation(operation, mutate) {
let op = operation.op,
path = new JSONPointer(operation.path),
value = operation.value,
from = operation.from ? new JSONPointer(operation.from) : null;
switch (op) {
case 'add':
return (doc) => path.add(doc, value, mutate);
case 'remove':
return (doc) => path.remove(doc, mutate);
case 'replace':
return (doc) => path.replace(doc, value, mutate);
case 'move':
// Check that destination isn't inside the source
if (path.subsetOf(from)) {
throw new PatchApplyError('destination must not be a child of source');
return (doc) => {
let value = from.get(doc),
intermediate = from.remove(doc, mutate);
return path.add(intermediate, value, mutate);
case 'copy':
return (doc) => {
let value = from.get(doc);
return path.add(doc, value, mutate);
case 'test':
return (doc) => {
if (!Object.alike(path.get(doc), value)) {
throw new PatchApplyError("Test operation failed. Value did not match.");
return doc;
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