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Voxel Chunk Raycasting using "Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm" in javascript
function voxel_raycast_min(ray,chunk,aabb){
// Determine if the voxel chunk has an intersection.
var tBox = {};
if(!Ray.inAABB(aabb,ray,tBox)){ return null; }
var inPos = ray.getPos(tBox.min).nearZero(), // entry point for chunk, Clean up vals near zero.
cellSize = chunk.scale,
tries = 30,
//------------- Calc Voxel Coord Integer(x,y,z)
ix = Math.min( Math.floor(inPos.x / cellSize), chunk.xMax),
iy = Math.min( Math.floor(inPos.y / cellSize), chunk.yMax),
iz = Math.min( Math.floor(inPos.z / cellSize), chunk.zMax),
//------------- Simplify direction with -1,0,1
xDir = (ray.dir.x > 0)? 1 : (ray.dir.x == 0)? 0 : -1,
yDir = (ray.dir.y > 0)? 1 : (ray.dir.y == 0)? 0 : -1,
zDir = (ray.dir.z > 0)? 1 : (ray.dir.z == 0)? 0 : -1,
dir = [xDir, yDir, zDir], // Just a short cut to make it ez to access dir, used for in
//------------- Index value to exit loop -1,MaxCell
xOut = (ray.dir.x > 0)? chunk.xLen : -1,
yOut = (ray.dir.y > 0)? chunk.yLen : -1,
zOut = (ray.dir.z > 0)? chunk.zLen : -1,
//------------- Position of the closest boundary line for each axis at the ray direction. Depends on direction.
xBound = ((ray.dir.x >= 0)? ix + 1 : ix) * cellSize,
yBound = ((ray.dir.y >= 0)? iy + 1 : iy) * cellSize,
zBound = ((ray.dir.z >= 0)? iz + 1 : iz) * cellSize,
//------------- Time for axis //(xBound - inPos.x) / ray.dir.x,
xt = (xBound - inPos.x) / ray.dir.x,
yt = (yBound - inPos.y) / ray.dir.y,
zt = (zBound - inPos.z) / ray.dir.z,
//------------- Delta T for each axis as we traverse one voxel at a time
xDelta = cellSize * xDir / ray.dir.x,
yDelta = cellSize * yDir / ray.dir.y,
zDelta = cellSize * zDir / ray.dir.z,
nAxis = tBox.nAxis, // Axis Vector Component 0:x, 1:y, 2:z
iAxis = [ix, iy, iz][nAxis], // Preselect the initial axis voxel coord.
ii; // Voxel Index of a specific axis
for(var i=0; i < tries; i++){
console.log("current voxel", ix,iy,iz);
// Do something with this voxel
// Figure out the next voxel to move to based on which t axis value is the smallest first
if(xt < yt && xt < zt){ //--------- X AXIS
ii = ix + xDir;
if(ii == xOut) break; // When out of bounds of the voxel chunk.
nAxis = 0; // Numeric Axis Index (x,y,z // 0,1,2)
iAxis = ix; // Save before modifing it.
ix = ii; // Move to next voxel
xt += xDelta; // Move T so the next loop has a chance to move in a different axis
}else if (yt < zt){ //--------- Y AXIS
ii = iy + yDir;
if(ii == yOut) break;
nAxis = 1;
iAxis = iy;
iy = ii;
yt += yDelta;
}else{ //--------- Z AXIS
ii = iz + zDir;
if(ii == zOut) break;
nAxis = 2;
iAxis = iz;
iz = ii;
zt += zDelta;
//Sample on how to get the intersection point where the voxel was hit.
//var boundPos = (( dir[nAxis] > 0)? iAxis+1 : iAxis) * cellSize; //Position of boundary
//var tt = ( boundPos - ray.origin[nAxis] ) / ray.vecLen[nAxis]; //Time when at boundary
//var ip = ray.getPos(tt); // Intersection point on voxel face
Just for context about Ray and AABB classes.
import gl, {VAO, ATTR_POSITION_LOC} from "../gl.js";
import Fungi from "../Fungi.js";
import {Vec3, Mat4} from "../Maths.js";
// Ray
class Ray{
constructor(aPos = null,bPos = null){
this.origin = new Vec3(); // Starting position of the ray
this.end = new Vec3(); // Ending position of the ray
this.vecLen = new Vec3(); // Vector Length of Origin to End
this.dir = new Vec3(); // Unit Direction Vector
if(aPos != null && bPos != null){
this.origin.copy(aPos); // Save Origin of the Ray
this.end.copy(bPos); // Save End Position of the ray
this.end.sub(this.origin,this.vecLen); // Vector Length of the ray :: end - origin = vLen
this.vecLen.normalize(this.dir); // Unit Direction Vector of ray
if(out === undefined) out = new Vec3();
return out;
//Optimization trick from ScratchAPixel
this.vecLenInv = this.vecLen.clone().divInvScale(1); //Do inverse of distance, to use mul instead of div for speed.
//Determine which bound will result in tMin so there will be no need to test if tMax < tMin to swop.
this.aabb = [ (this.vecLenInv.x < 0)? 1 : 0, (this.vecLenInv.y < 0)? 1 : 0, (this.vecLenInv.z < 0)? 1 : 0 ];
return this;
//Create actual point in 3d space the mouse clicked plus the furthest point the ray can travel.
static MouseSegment(ix,iy){
//Normalize Device Coordinate
var nx = ix / gl.width * 2 - 1,
ny = 1 - iy / gl.height * 2;
//Clip Cords would be [nx,ny,-1,1];
// inverseWorldMatrix = invert(ProjectionMatrix * ViewMatrix);
// inverseWorldMatrix = localMatrix * invert(ProjectionMatrix); //can cache invert projection matrix.
var matWorld = new Mat4();
//Mat4.mult(matWorld, Fungi.mainCamera.projectionMatrix, Fungi.mainCamera.invertedLocalMatrix);
Mat4.mult(matWorld, Fungi.mainCamera.localMatrix, Fungi.mainCamera.invertedProjectionMatrix); //save a step by doing it backwards.
var vec4Near = [0,0,0,0],
vec4Far = [0,0,0,0];
Mat4.transformVec4(vec4Near, [nx,ny,-1,1.0], matWorld); //using 4d Homogeneous Clip Coordinates
Mat4.transformVec4(vec4Far, [nx,ny,1,1.0], matWorld);
for(var i=0; i < 3; i++){ //Normalize by using W component
vec4Near[i] /= vec4Near[3];
vec4Far[i] /= vec4Far[3];
//Build all the values
var ray = new Ray();
ray.origin.copy(vec4Near); // Save Origin of the Ray
ray.end.copy(vec4Far); // Save End Position of the ray
ray.end.sub(ray.origin,ray.vecLen); // Vector Length of the ray :: end - origin = vLen
ray.vecLen.normalize(ray.dir); // Unit Direction Vector of ray
return ray;
static MouseDirection(ix,iy,range){}
static DebugLine(ray){ Fungi.debugLine.addVecLine(ray.origin,6,ray.end,0); }
static inAABB(box,ray,out){
var tMin, tMax, min, max, minAxis = 0;//, maxAxis = 0;
//X Axis ---------------------------
tMin = (box.worldBounds[ ray.aabb[0]].x - ray.origin.x) * ray.vecLenInv.x;
tMax = (box.worldBounds[1 - ray.aabb[0]].x - ray.origin.x) * ray.vecLenInv.x;
//Y Axis ---------------------------
min = (box.worldBounds[ ray.aabb[1]].y - ray.origin.y) * ray.vecLenInv.y;
max = (box.worldBounds[1 - ray.aabb[1]].y - ray.origin.y) * ray.vecLenInv.y;
if(max < tMin || min > tMax) return false; //if it criss crosses, its a miss
if(min > tMin){ tMin = min; minAxis = 1; } //Get the greatest min
if(max < tMax){ tMax = max; }//Get the smallest max
//Z Axis ---------------------------
min = (box.worldBounds[ ray.aabb[2]].z - ray.origin.z) * ray.vecLenInv.z;
max = (box.worldBounds[1 - ray.aabb[2]].z - ray.origin.z) * ray.vecLenInv.z;
if(max < tMin || min > tMax) return false; //if criss crosses, its a miss
if(min > tMin){ tMin = min; minAxis = 2; } //Get the greatest min
if(max < tMax){ tMax = max; } //Get the smallest max
//Finish ------------------------------
//var ipos = dir.clone().scale(tMin).add(ray.start); //with the shortist distance from start of ray, calc intersection
if(out !== undefined){
out.min = tMin;
out.max = tMax;
out.nAxis = minAxis;
out.nDir = (ray.aabb[minAxis] == 1)? 1 : -1;
return true;
static nearSegmentPoints(ray,A0,A1,tAry){ //
var u = A1.clone().sub(A0),
v = ray.vecLen.clone(),
w = A0.clone().sub(ray.origin),
a =,u), // always >= 0
b =,v),
c =,v), // always >= 0
d =,w),
e =,w),
D = a*c - b*b, // always >= 0
tU, tV;
//compute the line parameters of the two closest points
if(D < 0.000001){ // the lines are almost parallel
tU = 0.0;
tV = (b>c ? d/b : e/c); // use the largest denominator
tU = (b*e - c*d) / D;
tV = (a*e - b*d) / D;
if( tU < 0 || tU > 1 || tV < 0 || tV > 1) return null;
if(tAry !== undefined){ tAry[0] = tU; tAry[1] = tV; }
return [ u.scale(tU).add(A0), v.scale(tV).add(ray.origin) ];
// Bounding Definitions
class AABB{
this.localBounds = [new Vec3(), new Vec3()]; //Local Space Bound Positions
this.worldBounds = [new Vec3(), new Vec3()]; //World Space Bound Position with target position added to local = null;
if(arguments.length == 1){ //Passing in Target
}else if(arguments.length == 2){ //Passing in two Vec3 / arrays
}else if(arguments.length == 6){ //Passing in raw values for bounds.
setTarget(t){ = t;
if(t.bounds != undefined){
return this;
//TODO this won't work well with child renderables. May need to pull translation from worldMatrix.
return this;
export { Ray, AABB };
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