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Last active April 4, 2024 02:16
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  • Save sketchpunk/a8a7c8ef7afe7051aaaf2269c363d6f3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Various Fetch / Downloading functions or Objects
async function fetchArrayBuffer( url ){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Validate the connection, else stop & return null
const res = await window.fetch( url );
if( res.status !== 200 ){
return null;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download Buffer
const buf = await res.arrayBuffer();
if( !buf ){
console.warn('Unable to download array buffer: ' + url);
return null;
return buf;
import { Texture, ClampToEdgeWrapping, RepeatWrapping } from 'three';
import fetchImage from './fetchImage.js';
export default function fetchAsyncTexture( url, flipY=true, isRepeat=false ){
const tex = new Texture();
tex.wrapT = tex.wrapS = ( isRepeat )? ClampToEdgeWrapping : RepeatWrapping;
tex.flipY = flipY;
fetchImage( url ).then( ( img )=>{
tex.image = img;
tex.needsUpdate = true;
return tex;
export async function fetchTexture(
url: string,
props?: {flipY?: boolean, isRepeat?: boolean, SRGB?: boolean},
): Promise<Texture | void> {
const p = {
flipY: true,
repeat: true,
SRGB: false,
// Get response
const res = await window.fetch(url);
if (!res.ok) {
throw err(res.status.toString());
// Download Binary
const blob = await res.blob();
if (!blob) {
throw new Error('Unable to download image blob');
if (blob.size === 0) {
throw new Error('Zero bytes was streamed');
// Convert to image
const img = await window.createImageBitmap(blob, {
colorSpaceConversion: 'none',
imageOrientation: p.flipY ? 'flipY' : 'none',
// Setup ThreeJS Texture
const tex = new THREE.Texture(img);
tex.wrapT = tex.wrapS = p.repeat
? THREE.RepeatWrapping
: THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;
tex.colorSpace = p.SRGB ? THREE.SRGBColorSpace : THREE.LinearSRGBColorSpace;
tex.needsUpdate = true; // Needed, else it may render as black
return tex;
async function fetchAudio2(url: string): Promise<AudioBuffer | void> {
// Get response
const res = await window.fetch(url);
if (!res.ok) {
throw err(res.status.toString());
// Download Binary
const aryBuf = await res.arrayBuffer();
if (!aryBuf) {
throw err('Unable to download audio array buffer');
if (aryBuf.byteLength === 0) {
throw err('Zero bytes for audio download');
// Decode Audio
const ctx = new AudioContext();
const audio: AudioBuffer = await ctx.decodeAudioData(aryBuf);
if (audio.length === 0) {
throw err('Audio decoded with zero length');
// const playSound = ctx.createBufferSource();
// playSound.buffer = audio;
// playSound.connect(ctx.destination);
// playSound.start(ctx.currentTime);
return audio;
async function fetchAudio(url: string): Promise<Any | void> {
// Get response
const res = await window.fetch(url);
if (!res.ok) {
throw err(res.status.toString());
// Download Binary
const blob = await res.blob();
if (!blob) {
throw err('Unable to download audio array buffer');
if (blob.size === 0) {
throw err('Zero bytes for audio download');
const urlObject = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
return urlObject;
function nanoID( t=21 ){
const r = crypto.getRandomValues( new Uint8Array( t ) );
let n, e = '';
for( ;t--; ){
n = 63 & r[ t ];
e += ( n < 36 )? n.toString( 36 ) :
( n < 62 )? ( n - 26 ).toString( 36 ).toUpperCase() :
( n < 63 )? '_' : '-';
return e;
const fetchBatch = new FetchBatch();
fetchBatch.onDownload = itm => console.log( itm );
fetchBatch.onComplete = list => console.log( list );
.add( 'http://blabla.bin', 'buffer', 'extraDataForCallback' )
.add( 'http://blabla.bin2', 'buffer', 'extraDataForCallback2' )
export default class FetchBatch{
// #region MAIN
queue = []; // List of items to download
listComplete = []; // List of items that are done
asyncLimit = 2; // How many active downloads
onDownload = null; // Callback for each download
onComplete = null; // Callback when all the downloads are done
_abortStack = new Map(); // Save Abort Controllers, Also doubles as how many fetches are currently active
_itemCount = 0; // How many items in the batch
_doneCount = 0; // How many items done being processed
_isRunning = false; // Is Downloading queue currently running
// #endregion
// #region METHODS
getSize(){ return this.queue.length; };
for( const v of this._abortStack.values() ) v.abort();
return this;
/** type = buffer | json */
add( url, type, extra=null ){
if( !this._isRunning ){
this.queue.push( { url, type, extra, payload:null } ); // Save to the queue
return this;
if( this._isRunning ) return this;
this._isRunning = true;
const min = Math.min( this.asyncLimit, this.queue.length );
for( let i = 0; i < min; i++ ){
this._next( this.queue.shift() );
return this;
// #endregion
async _next( itm ){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if( !itm ){
if( this._doneCount === this._itemCount ){
this._isRunning = false;
if( this.onComplete ) this.onComplete( this.listComplete );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
const abortId = nanoID( 12 );
const abortCtrl = new AbortController();
this._abortStack.set( abortId, abortCtrl );
const res = await fetch( itm.url, { signal: abortCtrl.signal } );
if( res.status === 200 ){
let payload;
switch( itm.type ){
case 'buffer' : itm.payload = await res.arrayBuffer(); break;
case 'json' : itm.payload = await res.json(); break;
this.listComplete.push( itm );
if( this.onDownload ) this.onDownload( itm );
console.error( 'Error Downloading: %s for %s', res.status, itm.url );
}catch( ex ){
if( !== 'AbortError' ){
console.error( 'Error downloading arraybuffer/json :', ex.message );
console.error( '---', itm.url );
console.error( '--- stack trace', ex.stack );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download the next item on the queue.
this._abortStack.delete( abortId );
this._next( this.queue.shift() );
function fetchArrayBufferProgress(
url: string,
onProgress: (loaded: number, total: number) => void,
): [Promise<ArrayBuffer | null>, AbortController] {
const abortCtrl = new AbortController();
const promise = window
.fetch(url, {signal: abortCtrl.signal})
.then(async res => {
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Validate the connection, else stop & return null
if (res.status !== 200) {
return null;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Stream Data
const reader = res.body.getReader();
const contentBytes = parseInt(res.headers.get('Content-Length'), 10);
const chunks: Array<Uint8Array> = [];
let loadedBytes = 0;
let chunk: {done: boolean, value: Uint8Array};
while (true) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
chunk = await;
if (chunk.done) {
loadedBytes += chunk.value.byteLength;
onProgress(loadedBytes, contentBytes);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Merge chunks into single arraybuffer
const byteArray = new Uint8Array(loadedBytes);
let bIdx = 0;
for (const c of chunks) {
byteArray.set(c, bIdx);
bIdx += c.length;
return byteArray.buffer;
return [promise, abortCtrl];
async function fetchImage( url ){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Get response
const res = await fetch( url );
if( !res.ok ){ Promise.reject( new Error( res.status ) ); return; } // throw new Error(400);
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download Binary
const blob = await res.blob();
if( !blob ){ Promise.reject( new Error( 'Unable to download image blob' ) ); return; }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Convert to image
return await window.createImageBitmap( blob );
function fetchImage( url ){
return new Promise( async ( resolve, reject )=>{
const img = new Image();
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
img.onload = ()=>{ resolve( img ); };
img.onerror = ()=>{ reject( 'Error loading object url into image' ); };
img.src = url;
function fetchImage( url ){
return new Promise( async ( resolve, reject )=>{
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Get response
const res = await fetch( url );
if( !res.ok ){ reject( res.status ); return; }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download Binary
const blob = await res.blob();
if( !blob ){ reject( 'Unable to download image blob' ); return; }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Convert to image
// TODO: look into window.createImageBitmap(blob);
const obj = URL.createObjectURL( blob );
const img = new Image();
img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
img.onload = ()=>{ URL.revokeObjectURL( obj ); resolve( img ); };
img.onerror = ()=>{ URL.revokeObjectURL( obj ); reject( 'Error loading object url into image' ); };
img.src = obj;
export default function fetchJson( url ){
return new Promise( async ( resolve, reject )=>{
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Get response
const res = await fetch( url );
if( !res.ok ){ reject( res.status ); return; }
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download Binary
const json = await res.json();
if( !json ){ reject( 'Unable to download json' ); return; }
resolve( json );
async function fetchProgress( url, onProgress=null ){
const res = await fetch( url );
if( res.status !== 200 ) return null;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download Data
const reader = res.body.getReader();
const contentbytes = parseInt( res.headers.get( 'Content-Length' ) );
const chunks = [];
let loadedBytes = 0;
let chunk;
while( true ){
chunk = await;
if( chunk.done ) break;
chunks.push( chunk.value );
loadedBytes += chunk.value.byteLength;
if( onProgress ) onProgress( ( loadedBytes / contentbytes ) * 100, loadedBytes, contentbytes );
console.log( 'Loaded', loadedBytes, contentbytes, ( loadedBytes / contentbytes ) * 100 )
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Merge chunks into a single ArrayBuffer
const byteArray = new Uint8Array( loadedBytes );
let bIdx = 0;
for( let c of chunks ){
byteArray.set( c, bIdx );
bIdx += c.length;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
//let toText = new TextDecoder( 'utf-8' ).decode( byteArray );
return byteArray.buffer;
function nanoID( t=21 ){
const r = crypto.getRandomValues( new Uint8Array( t ) );
let n, e = '';
for( ;t--; ){
n = 63 & r[ t ];
e += ( n < 36 )? n.toString( 36 ) :
( n < 62 )? ( n - 26 ).toString( 36 ).toUpperCase() :
( n < 63 )? '_' : '-';
return e;
const fetchQueue = new FetchQueue();
( payload, url, extra )=>{},
export default class FetchQueue{
// #region MAIN
queue = []; // List of items to download
asyncLimit = 2; // How many active downloads
_abortStack = new Map(); // Save Abort Controllers, Also doubles as how many fetches are currently active
// #endregion
// #region METHODS
getSize(){ return this.queue.length; };
for( const v of this._abortStack.values() ) v.abort();
return this;
clearQueue(){ this.queue.length = 0; return this; }
/** type = buffer | json */
push( url, type, cb, extra=null ){
this.queue.push( { url, type, cb, extra } ); // Save to the queue
this._next(); // Start download process if one hasn't started
return this;
// #endregion
async _next(){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
if( this._abortStack.size >= this.asyncLimit || this.queue.length === 0 ) return;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
const abortId = nanoID( 12 );
const abortCtrl = new AbortController();
this._abortStack.set( abortId, abortCtrl );
let itm;
itm = this.queue.shift();
const res = await fetch( itm.url, { signal: abortCtrl.signal } );
if( res.status === 200 ){
let payload;
switch( itm.type ){
case 'buffer' : payload = await res.arrayBuffer(); break;
case 'json' : payload = await res.json(); break;
itm.cb( payload, itm.url, itm.extra );
console.error( 'Error Downloading: %s for %s', res.status, itm.url );
}catch( ex ){
if( !== 'AbortError' ){
console.error( 'Error downloading arraybuffer/json :', ex.message );
console.error( '---', itm.url );
console.error( '--- stack trace', ex.stack );
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download the next item on the queue.
this._abortStack.delete( abortId );
import * as THREE from 'three';
import fetchImage from './fetchImage.js';
export default async function fetchTexture( url, flipY=true, isRepeat=false ){
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Download image
const img = await fetchImage( url );
if( !img ) return null;
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Make it a texture
const tex = new THREE.Texture( img );
tex.wrapT = tex.wrapS = ( isRepeat )? THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping : THREE.RepeatWrapping;
tex.flipY = flipY;
tex.colorSpace = THREE.LinearSRGBColorSpace; // THREE.SRGBColorSpace, THREE.NoColorSpace
tex.needsUpdate = true; // Needed, else it may render as black
return tex;
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