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Last active February 16, 2018 18:23
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Interleaved Float32Array and WebGL Buffer
var vertex = [ 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0 ];
var somefloat = [2.0, 18.0];
var componentCnt = [3,1]; //Define the size of the vertext data for each array, for example: in vertex every 3 floats counts as one
var vertexCnt = vertex.length / 3; // How many vertices are there
var attrLocOffset = 1;
var interInfo = interleavedFloatArray( vertexCnt, [vertex,somefloat], componentCnt );
interleavedInstanceFloatBuffer(interInfo ,attrLocOffset);
//Take a collection of array data and its component lengths and try to merge it
//into a single array that interleaved, this helps optimize data sent to the gpu.
function interleavedFloatArray(vertCnt,aryData,aryCompLen){
var bFloat = Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, // Short for float byte size
dLen = aryData.length, // Data array Length
offset = new Array(dLen), // Offset for each array in bytes
iFinal = 0, // Length of final array
stride = 0, // Size of single chunk of vertex data
fi = 0, // Final Index
i, j, k; // Loop Vars
// Calc some values that helps build a buffer on the gpu
for(i=0; i < aryData.length; i++){
iFinal += aryData[i].length;
stride += aryCompLen[i] * bFloat;
offset[i] = (i != 0)? aryCompLen[i-1] * bFloat + offset[i-1]: 0;
var final = new Float32Array(iFinal); // Create a final array to hold all the data.
for(i=0; i < vertCnt; i++) // Loop based on total vertex data that exists
for(j=0; j < aryData.length; j++) // loop per stride of data
for(k=0; k < aryCompLen[j]; k++) // loop per element to put into final
final[ fi++ ] = aryData[j][ (i*aryCompLen[j]) + k ];
return { ary:final, dataCount:dLen, stride:stride, offset:offset, compLen:aryCompLen };
//take the interleaved information and create a gl buffer
function interleavedInstanceFloatBuffer(dat,attrLoc){
// Create GL Buffer
var buf = gl.ctx.createBuffer();
gl.ctx.bufferData(gl.ctx.ARRAY_BUFFER, dat.ary, gl.ctx.STATIC_DRAW); //gl.ctx.DYNAMIC_DRAW
// Define how to read the data in the buffer.
var aLoc;
for(var i=0; i < dat.dataCount; i++){
aLoc = attrLoc + i;
gl.ctx.enableVertexAttribArray( aLoc ); //Enable Attribute
gl.ctx.vertexAttribPointer( aLoc, dat.compLen[i], gl.ctx.FLOAT, false, dat.stride, dat.offset[i] ); //Define Data
gl.ctx.vertexAttribDivisor( aLoc, 1 ); //Make this an instanced attribute, remove if you dont need to to be instanced.
return buf;
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