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Created November 24, 2014 22:44
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Swift: Rotating cube example
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var topOfCube:CAShapeLayer!
var leftOfCube:CAShapeLayer!
var frontOfCube:CAShapeLayer!
var backOfCube:CAShapeLayer!
var baseOfCube:CAShapeLayer!
override func viewDidLoad() {
backOfCube = CAShapeLayer()
baseOfCube = CAShapeLayer()
frontOfCube = CAShapeLayer()
topOfCube = CAShapeLayer()
leftOfCube = CAShapeLayer()
leftOfCube.fillColor = UIColor(hue: 117/360, saturation: 29/100, brightness: 56/100, alpha: 1.0).CGColor
leftOfCube.lineWidth = 3
leftOfCube.zPosition = 3
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
@IBAction func animate(sender:AnyObject)
{ let positionX:CGFloat = 200
let positionY:CGFloat = 200
let radius:CGFloat = 100
let repeat = Float.infinity
// roll animation
var newPos = positionNextCubeRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, spaces: 6, position: CubeRelativePosition.RightFront, 60)
var caPos = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "position")
caPos.toValue = NSValue(CGPoint: newPos)
caPos.duration = 12.0
// colorChange
var colorChangeTop = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "fillColor")
colorChangeTop.delegate = self
colorChangeTop.fromValue = UIColor(hue: 117/360, saturation: 29/100, brightness: 76/100, alpha: 1.0).CGColor
colorChangeTop.toValue = UIColor(hue: 117/360, saturation: 29/100, brightness: 96/100, alpha: 1.0).CGColor
colorChangeTop.duration = 2.0
colorChangeTop.repeatCount = repeat
// colorChange front
var colorChangeFront = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "fillColor")
colorChangeFront.delegate = self
colorChangeFront.fromValue = UIColor(hue: 117/360, saturation: 29/100, brightness: 96/100, alpha: 1.0).CGColor
colorChangeFront.toValue = UIColor(hue: 117/360, saturation: 29/100, brightness: 76/100, alpha: 1.0).CGColor
colorChangeFront.duration = 2.0
colorChangeFront.repeatCount = repeat
// cube base
var pathb0 = cubeBaseRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 0)
var pathb01 = cubeBaseRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 15)
var pathb1 = cubeBaseRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 30)
var pathb02 = cubeBaseRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 45)
var pathb2 = cubeBaseRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 60)
// path1.moveToPoint(CGPointZero)
var animationb = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath:"path")
animationb.duration = 2.0
animationb.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
animationb.values = [pathb0,pathb01,pathb1,pathb02,pathb2]
animationb.repeatCount = repeat
// cube top
var path0 = cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 0)
var path01 = cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 15)
var path1 = cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 30)
var path02 = cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 45)
var path2 = cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 60)
// path1.moveToPoint(CGPointZero)
var animation = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath:"path")
animation.duration = 2.0
animation.values = [path0,path01,path1,path02,path2]
animation.repeatCount = repeat
animation.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
// cube left
var path10 = cubeLeftRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 0)
var path10l = cubeLeftRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 15)
var path11 = cubeLeftRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 30)
var path11l = cubeLeftRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 45)
var path12 = cubeLeftRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 60)
// path1.moveToPoint(CGPointZero)
var animation1 = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath:"path")
animation1.duration = 2.0
animation1.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards
animation1.values = [path10,path10l, path11,path11l,path12]
animation1.repeatCount = repeat
animation1.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
// front of cube
var path110 = cubeFrontRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 0)
var path110f = cubeFrontRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 15)
var path111 = cubeFrontRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 30)
var path111f = cubeFrontRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 45)
var path112 = cubeFrontRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 60)
// path1.moveToPoint(CGPointZero)
var animation11 = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath:"path")
animation11.duration = 2.0
animation11.values = [path110,path110f,path111,path111f,path112]
animation11.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
animation11.repeatCount = repeat
// back of cube
var path1110 = cubeBackRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 0)
var path1110b = cubeBackRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 15)
var path1111 = cubeBackRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 30)
var path1111b = cubeBackRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 45)
var path1112 = cubeBackRotated(x: positionX, y: positionY, radius: radius, sides: 6, adjustment: 90, newangle: 60)
// path1.moveToPoint(CGPointZero)
var animation111 = CAKeyframeAnimation(keyPath:"path")
animation111.duration = 2.0
animation111.values = [path1110,path1110b,path1111,path1111b,path1112]
animation111.calculationMode = kCAAnimationCubic
animation111.repeatCount = repeat
backOfCube.addAnimation(animation111, forKey: nil)
backOfCube.addAnimation(colorChangeFront, forKey: nil)
backOfCube.addAnimation(caPos, forKey: nil)
frontOfCube.addAnimation(animation11, forKey:nil)
frontOfCube.addAnimation(colorChangeFront, forKey: nil)
frontOfCube.addAnimation(caPos, forKey: nil)
leftOfCube.addAnimation(animation1, forKey:nil)
leftOfCube.addAnimation(caPos, forKey: nil)
topOfCube.addAnimation(animation, forKey:nil)
topOfCube.addAnimation(colorChangeTop, forKey: nil)
topOfCube.addAnimation(caPos, forKey: nil)
func cubeTopRotatedOntoRightFrontFace(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPathRef {
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
// HexagonRotatedPoints class takes details and returns new points at rotation angle
let points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius,adjustment: adjustment, direction:.RightFront,newangle:newangle)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, points.origin.x, points.origin.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index1.x, points.index1.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index0.x, points.index0.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index5.x, points.index5.y)
return path
func cubeLeftRotated(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPathRef {
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
var points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius,adjustment: adjustment,direction: .RightFront,newangle:newangle)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, points.index1.x, points.index1.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.origin.x, points.origin.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index3.x, points.index3.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index2.x, points.index2.y)
// CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points[3].x, points[3].y)
return path
func cubeBaseRotated(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPathRef {
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
var points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius,adjustment: adjustment,direction: .RightFront,newangle:newangle)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, points.index4.x, points.index1.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.originrear.x, points.originrear.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index2.x, points.index2.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index3.x, points.index3.y)
return path
func cubeBackRotated(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPathRef {
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
var points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius,adjustment: adjustment,direction: .RightFront,newangle:newangle)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, points.originrear.x, points.originrear.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index0.x, points.index0.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index1.x, points.index1.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index2.x, points.index2.y)
return path
func cubeFrontRotated(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPathRef {
let path = CGPathCreateMutable()
let points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius,adjustment: adjustment, direction:.RightFront,newangle:newangle)
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, points.origin.x, points.origin.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index5.x, points.index5.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index4.x, points.index4.y)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points.index3.x, points.index3.y)
// CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, points[3].x, points[3].y)
return path
enum HexagonIndex:Int {
case Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five
func degree2radian(a:CGFloat)->CGFloat {
let b = CGFloat(M_PI) * a/180
return b
enum HexagonRollOntoDirection {
case RightFront, LeftFront, RightRear, LeftRear, ClockwiseSpin, AntiClockwiseSpin
func polygonPointArray(sides:Int,x:CGFloat,y:CGFloat,radius:CGFloat,adjustment:CGFloat=0)->[CGPoint] {
let angle = degree2radian(360/CGFloat(sides))
let cx = x // x origin
let cy = y // y origin
let r = radius // radius of circle
var i = sides
var points = [CGPoint]()
while points.count <= sides {
let xpo = cx - r * cos(angle * CGFloat(i)+degree2radian(adjustment))
let ypo = cy - r * sin(angle * CGFloat(i)+degree2radian(adjustment))
points.append(CGPoint(x: xpo, y: ypo))
return points
class HexagonRotatedPoints {
let origin:CGPoint, index0:CGPoint, index1:CGPoint, index2:CGPoint, index3:CGPoint, index4:CGPoint, index5:CGPoint, originrear:CGPoint
init (sides:Int,x:CGFloat,y:CGFloat,radius:CGFloat,adjustment:CGFloat, direction:HexagonRollOntoDirection, newangle:CGFloat) {
// Currently these points supply the points for a HexagonRollOntoDirection.RightFront
let points = polygonPointArray(sides,x,y,radius,adjustment: adjustment)
// cube is pivoting on index 3, so the x position never changes
let originX = points[2].x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(60))
// origin is at a point 60 degrees from the 0 line of index 2, it pivots on the arc of the circle from index 2 (to index 3)
let originY = points[2].y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(60))
origin = CGPoint(x: originX, y: originY)
// index 0 on the hexagon
let index0X = x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
let index0Y = y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
index0 = CGPoint(x: index0X, y: index0Y)
// index 1 is at the position 90 degrees (the adjustment) to index 2 and follows the arc of the index 2 circle (to the origin)
let index1X = points[2].x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
let index1Y = points[2].y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
index1 = CGPoint(x: index1X, y: index1Y)
// index 2 at 240 degrees to the 12 o'clock position of a circle about index 3
let index2x = x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(240))
let index2y = y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(240))
index2 = CGPoint(x: index2x, y: index2y)
// index 3 on hexagon (moves to index 2) [AJL: not entirely confident index 3 is correct)
let index3X = x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(180))
let index3Y = y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(180))
index3 = CGPoint(x: index3X, y: index3Y)
// index 4 on hexagon (moves to rear origin)
let index4X = points[5].x - radius * cos(degree2radian(180) + degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
let index4Y = points[5].y - radius * sin(degree2radian(180) + degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
index4 = CGPoint(x: index4X, y: index4Y)
// index 5 at 60 degrees to the top position
let index5X = x - radius * cos(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(60))
let index5Y = y - radius * sin(degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment) + degree2radian(60))
index5 = CGPoint(x: index5X, y: index5Y)
// rear origin
let originrearX = points[5].x - radius * cos(degree2radian(240) + degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
let originrearY = points[5].y - radius * sin(degree2radian(240) + degree2radian(newangle) + degree2radian(adjustment))
originrear = CGPoint(x: originrearX, y: originrearY)
enum CubeRelativePosition:Int {
case Above = 0, LeftBehind, LeftFront, Underneath, RightFront, RightBehind
func positionNextCubeRotated(#x:CGFloat, #y:CGFloat, #radius:CGFloat, #sides:Int, #adjustment:CGFloat, #spaces:Int, #position:CubeRelativePosition, newangle:CGFloat) -> CGPoint {
// block rolls along slope, if HexagonRotatedPoints.origin taken would look like steps at 60 degrees
var points = HexagonRotatedPoints(sides: sides,x: x,y: y,radius: radius*CGFloat(spaces),adjustment: adjustment,direction:HexagonRollOntoDirection.RightFront,newangle:newangle).index5
// var newpoints = polygonPointArray(sides, points.x, points.y, radius, adjustment: adjustment)
return points
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Note: you'll need to add a button to your initial view in the Storyboard file and hook this up to the IBOutlet

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