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rough draft aw bucket merge
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import socket
from typing import Callable, Iterator, Dict, List, Optional
from aw_core.models import Event
from aw_client.client import ActivityWatchClient
from pytz import timezone
def afk_gen(
client: ActivityWatchClient,
hostname: str,
start: Optional[datetime] = None,
end: Optional[datetime] = None,
"""Generator for afk events. This generator merges consecutive afk events if they are within 5 minutes of each other
and returns only the events where the status is "afk". This is done to suppress noise events
(events created by another watcher while afk).
client : ActivityWatchClient
ActivityWatchClient instance
hostname : str
hostname of the machine
start : Optional[datetime]
start of the interval
end : Optional[datetime]
end of the interval
Iterator over all afk events in the given interval
raw_afk_events = client.get_events(f"aw-watcher-afk_{hostname}", start=start, end=end)[ # type: ignore
i = 1
current_afk = raw_afk_events[0]
raw_event_end: datetime
afk_events: List[Event] = []
# in order to suppress noise events(events created by another watcher while afk)
# we merge any consecutive afk events if they are within 5 minutes of each other
while i < len(raw_afk_events):
if raw_afk_events[i].data["status"] ==["status"]:
# check if they are within 5 minutes of each other
if (
+ current_afk.duration
- raw_afk_events[i].timestamp
) < timedelta(minutes=5):
# if they are, merge them
raw_event_end = raw_afk_events[i].timestamp + raw_afk_events[i].duration
current_afk.duration = raw_event_end - current_afk.timestamp
# otherwise move on
current_afk = raw_afk_events[i]
# if the status is different, push the current afk event to the list
current_afk = raw_afk_events[i]
i += 1
if current_afk != afk_events[-1]:
yield from [afk for afk in afk_events if["status"] == "afk"]
def window_gen(
client: ActivityWatchClient,
hostname: str,
start: Optional[datetime] = None,
end: Optional[datetime] = None,
yield from client.get_events(f"aw-watcher-window_{hostname}", start=start, end=end)[::-1] # type: ignore
def event_iter(
client: ActivityWatchClient,
hostname: str,
app_map: Dict[str, str | Callable[[datetime, datetime], List[Event]]],
start: Optional[datetime] = None,
end: Optional[datetime] = None,
"""Returns an iterator over all events in the given interval
client : ActivityWatchClient
ActivityWatchClient instance
hostname : str
hostname of the machine
app_map : Dict[str,str|Callable]
mapping of app names to event types
Iterator over all events in the given interval
app_id: str
default_category: str = "window"
for event in window_gen(client, hostname, start, end):
if (app_id :=["app"]) in app_map:
app_id = app_id if isinstance(app_id, str) else str(app_id)
# check if the app is a string
if isinstance(buckfunc := app_map[app_id], str):
# if it is, assume it's a bucket name
yield from [
(app_id, e)
for e in client.get_events(
end=event.timestamp + event.duration,
elif callable(buckfunc):
# otherwise, assume it's a function
yield from [
(app_id, e)
for e in buckfunc(event.timestamp, event.timestamp + event.duration)
yield (default_category, event)
yield (default_category, event)
def bucket_merge(
client: ActivityWatchClient,
hostname: str,
app_map: Dict[str, str | Callable],
start: Optional[datetime] = None,
end: Optional[datetime] = None,
"""Merges all buckets in the given interval
client : ActivityWatchClient
ActivityWatchClient instance
hostname : str
hostname of the machine
app_map : Dict[str,str|Callable]
mapping of app names to event types
start : datetime
start of the interval
end : datetime
end of the interval
the merged events and their corresponding categories
stop_event = Event("UTC")), data={})
merged_events: List[Event] = []
merged_categories: List[str] = []
afk_events = afk_gen(client, hostname, start, end)
current_afk = next(afk_events, stop_event)
# flag to indicate whether there are any afk events left
no_afk = not
for category, event in event_iter(client, hostname, app_map, start, end):
if no_afk:
# if there are no afk events left, we can just yield the current event
# there are four cases to consider for each window event with respect to the current afk event:
# 1. event starts before, ends after the current afk event -> split(event) and update(afk)
# 2. event starts before, ends during the current afk event -> shorten and keep
# 3. event starts before, ends before the current afk event -> push and keep
# 4. event starts after, ends after the current afk event -> move/shorten and update
# 5. event starts after, ends during the current afk event -> ignore and keep
# first check if the current window event ends after the current afk event
if (event_end := event.timestamp + event.duration) > (
afk_end := current_afk.timestamp + current_afk.duration
# if the current window event starts before the current afk event
if event.timestamp < current_afk.timestamp:
# starts before, ends after
# split the current window event into two events
# first event is the part of the window event before the afk event
event.duration = current_afk.timestamp - event.timestamp
# second event is the part of the window event after the afk event
new_event = Event(
timestamp=afk_end, duration=event_end - afk_end,
merged_events.extend((event, current_afk, new_event))
merged_categories.extend((category, "afk", category))
# update the current afk event
# starts after, ends after
# move the event's timestamp to the end of the afk event
event.timestamp = current_afk.timestamp + current_afk.duration
# shorten the event's duration accordingly
event.duration = event_end - event.timestamp
# TODO: what if event is affected by the next afk event?
merged_events.extend((current_afk, event))
merged_categories.extend(("afk", category))
# update the current afk event in both cases
current_afk = next(afk_events, stop_event)
# check if the current afk event is the stop event
if not
no_afk = True
# next check if the current event starts prior to the current afk event
elif event.timestamp < current_afk.timestamp:
# if it ends during the current afk event, shorten the event's duration
# note we don't yet push the afk event because it will effect the next event
if event_end >= current_afk.timestamp:
# starts before, ends during
# shorten the event's duration to end at the start of the afk event
event.duration = current_afk.timestamp - event.timestamp
# starts before, ends before
# push the event
return (merged_events, merged_categories)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from pprint import pprint
start = (
( - timedelta(days=1))
.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
app_map: dict[str, str | Callable[[datetime, datetime], List[Event]]] = {
"google-chrome": "aw-watcher-web-chrome"
client = ActivityWatchClient()
hostname = socket.gethostname()
merged_events, merged_categories = bucket_merge(
client, hostname, app_map, start=start, end=start + timedelta(days=1)
# pprint(merged_categories)
pprint(list(zip(merged_categories, merged_events)))
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