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Enable TLS on RabbitMQ instance
Automates the TLS Enablement of RabbitMQ.
This script will use provided certs to create the TLS configuration for the RabbitMQ. Unless provided will generate the selfsigned certficate to do so.This script uses OpenSSL to generate certficates and test SSl.
If not installed the script will download and install OpenSSL.
The version of the RabbitMQ installed at "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\" to manipulate the service.
The certficate authority chain to be used.
The key used to sign the certficate.
The cert that is bound to the TLS port of RabbitMQ.
Purpose: Automates the TLS Enablement of Rabbit MQ
Author: Samir Das
Date: 28/11/2019
param (
[string]$RabbitMQver = "3.8.0",
[string]$CA = "",
[string]$Key = "",
[string]$Cert = ""
# if openssl is not installed download and install openssl
$OpenSSLInstallPath = "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64"
$OpenSSLDownloadPath = "c:\Win64OpenSSL_Light-1_1_1d.exe"
$RabbitMQPath = "C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-" + $RabbitMQver + "\sbin"
$OpenSSLService = [bool] (Get-Command openssl -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$OpenSSLSetupExists = Test-Path $OpenSSLDownloadPath -PathType Leaf
$NewLine = "`r`n`r`n"
if (-Not $OpenSSLService){
if(-Not $OpenSSLSetupExists){
Write-Host "OpenSSL is not installed. Downloading OpenSSL 64 bit.." $NewLine
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $OpenSSLDownloadPath
#Install silently if not installed
Write-Host "OpenSSL is being installed silently.." $NewLine
Start-Process -FilePath $OpenSSLDownloadPath -Verb runAs -ArgumentList '/silent /verysilent /sp- /suppressmsgboxes' -Wait
#Reload system path and set OpenSSL as system path
$env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")
$env:Path = $env:Path + ";" + $OpenSSLInstallPath + "\bin;" + $RabbitMQPath
#Setup Self sign config for open ssl
$SelfSignConfContent = '[req]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no
C = AU
L = Sydney
OU = Development
CN = localhost
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyAgreement
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = localhost
DNS.2 =
DNS.3 = ::1'
$SelfSignConfLocation = "C:\"
$SelfSignConf = "req.cnf"
#Create a self signed certficate
$CertPath = $(get-location) -replace '\\','\\'
$SelfSignedCAFile = "selfsigned.crt"
$SelfSignedKey = "selfsigned.key"
$SelfSignedCRT = "selfsigned.crt"
if($Cert -eq "") {
Write-Host "Creating OpenSSL config for self signed certficate generation..." $NewLine
$FileResponse = New-Item -Path $SelfSignConfLocation -Name $SelfSignConf -ItemType "file" -Value $SelfSignConfContent
Write-Host $NewLine
Write-Host "Generating self signed certs as no certs were provided..." $NewLine
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SelfSignedKey -out $SelfSignedCRT -config $SelfSignConfLocation$SelfSignConf -sha256
$SelfSignedCAFile = $CA
$SelfSignedKey = $Key
$SelfSignedCRT = $Cert
if($SelfSignedCAFile -eq "" -or $SelfSignedKey -eq "") {
Write-Host "Certificate CA or Key was not found or supplied. Exiting with code 111"
exit 111
# Add the cert to the Current User "Trusted Cert store", will prompt the user to say "Yes" in order to add to the cert store
certutil -addstore -user -f "Root" $SelfSignedCRT
#Bind the cert to the Rabbit MQ port
$SSLRabbitConfig = 'listeners.ssl.default = 5671
## TLS configuration.
## Related doc guide:
ssl_options.verify = verify_none
ssl_options.fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
ssl_options.cacertfile = ' + $CertPath + '\\' + $SelfSignedCAFile + '
ssl_options.certfile = ' + $CertPath + '\\' + $SelfSignedCRT + '
ssl_options.keyfile = ' + $CertPath + '\\' + $SelfSignedKey + '
Write-Host 'Using new rabbit config...' $NewLine + $SSLRabbitConfig
Set-Content -Path $Env:APPDATA\RabbitMQ\rabbitmq.conf -Value $SSLRabbitConfig
# Re-install Rabbit MQ service
Write-Host "Re-install RabbitMQ service for config to take effect..."
rabbitmq-service remove
rabbitmq-service install
rabbitmq-service start
Write-Host "Housekeeping..."
#1 - Delete downloaded file if any
if(Test-Path $OpenSSLDownloadPath -PathType Leaf)
Write-Host "- Removing installation file for OpenSSL..." $NewLine
Remove-Item $OpenSSLDownloadPath
#2 - remove self sign conf file
Write-Host "- Removing self sign config file for OpenSSL..."
Remove-Item $SelfSignConfLocation$SelfSignConf
Write-Host "Waiting for RabbitMQ to be completely up.. waiting for 15 secs" $NewLine
Start-Sleep -s 15
$SSLResponse = openssl s_client -connect localhost:5671
if($SSLResponse -contains "Secure Renegotiation IS supported") {
Write-Host $NewLine "TLS now successfully enabled on RabbitMQ!" $NewLine
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It is bad that I 've found this script AFTER I completed my own setup. :(

But definitely will use this for further setups.


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