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Created December 25, 2011 07:29
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Gradle Reset Database with versioning
import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
apply plugin:'eclipse'
buildscript {
buildDeps = ['commons-pool:commons-pool:1.5.4', 'commons-io:commons-io:2.0.1', 'commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.3',
repositories {
if(System.getenv("M2_REPO")) {
maven {url file(System.getenv('M2_REPO')).absolutePath}
dependencies {
project.buildDeps.each {
classpath it
def loadProperties(String fileName) {
def props = new Properties()
new File(fileName).withInputStream {
def tokenlist = [:]
props.each ({
tokenlist[it.key] = it.value
def runSql(runDir, fileName) {
props = loadProperties(rootProject.propFile)
'url': props['database.url'],
'password': props['database.password'],
) {
fileset(dir:runDir) {
include (name: fileName)
task dropDatabase << {
runSql('database/init', '**/*.sql')
task loadDatabase << {
runSql('database/refresh', '**/*.sql')
task updateDatabase << {
props = loadProperties(propFile)
def ds = new BasicDataSource()
ds.with {
url = props['database.url']
driverClassName = props['database.driverClassName']
password = props['database.password']
username = props['database.username']
releaseDir = 'database/release'
def sql = new groovy.sql.Sql(ds)
def maxVersion = 0
def row = sql.firstRow 'select max(version) as version from version_info where endtime is not null'
maxVersion = row.version
println "Current DB version: ${maxVersion?:0}"
def fileList = []
def allFiles = file(releaseDir).listFiles().findAll({!})
def filesToRun = []
allFiles.each {
if (prod) {
if (!"mock")) {
filesToRun << it
} else {
filesToRun << it
def fileName =
def matcher = fileName =~ /^([0-9]+).*/
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("file ${fileName} should start with number.")
def fNumber = matcher[0][1]
def versionNumber = (fNumber =~ /^0*/).replaceAll('')
if (!versionNumber?.empty) {
if (new Long(versionNumber) > maxVersion) {
def versionExpando = new groovy.util.Expando(versionNumber: versionNumber, fileName: fileName)
fileList.sort(new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object thisObject, Object thatObject) {
return thisObject.versionNumber.compareTo(thatObject.versionNumber)
println "Number of Scripts to run: ${fileList.size()}"
fileList.each {
execFile = it.fileName
sql.execute ('insert into version_info(version, filename, starttime) values(?, ?, now())', [it.versionNumber, it.fileName])
println "executing ${execFile}"
runSql (releaseDir, execFile)
sql.execute('update version_info set endtime = now() where version = ?', [it.versionNumber])
task resetDatabase (dependsOn: ['dropDatabase', 'updateDatabase'])
task dbFromDump (dependsOn: ['dropDatabase', 'loadDatabase'])
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