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Created June 17, 2011 13:47
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--prefix option for haxe - kind of works...
* Haxe Compiler
* Copyright (c)2005 Nicolas Cannasse
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warraTFnty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
open Ast
type path = string list * string
type field_kind =
| Var of var_kind
| Method of method_kind
and var_kind = {
v_read : var_access;
v_write : var_access;
and var_access =
| AccNormal
| AccNo (* can't be accessed outside of the class itself and its subclasses *)
| AccNever (* can't be accessed, even in subclasses *)
| AccResolve (* call resolve("field") when accessed *)
| AccCall of string (* perform a method call when accessed *)
| AccInline (* similar to Normal but inline when accessed *)
| AccRequire of string (* set when @:require(cond) fails *)
and method_kind =
| MethNormal
| MethInline
| MethDynamic
| MethMacro
type t =
| TMono of t option ref
| TEnum of tenum * tparams
| TInst of tclass * tparams
| TType of tdef * tparams
| TFun of (string * bool * t) list * t
| TAnon of tanon
| TDynamic of t
| TLazy of (unit -> t) ref
and tparams = t list
and tconstant =
| TInt of int32
| TFloat of string
| TString of string
| TBool of bool
| TNull
| TThis
| TSuper
and tfunc = {
tf_args : (string * tconstant option * t) list;
tf_type : t;
tf_expr : texpr;
and anon_status =
| Closed
| Opened
| Const
| Statics of tclass
| EnumStatics of tenum
and tanon = {
mutable a_fields : (string, tclass_field) PMap.t;
a_status : anon_status ref;
and texpr_expr =
| TConst of tconstant
| TLocal of string
| TEnumField of tenum * string
| TArray of texpr * texpr
| TBinop of Ast.binop * texpr * texpr
| TField of texpr * string
| TClosure of texpr * string
| TTypeExpr of module_type
| TParenthesis of texpr
| TObjectDecl of (string * texpr) list
| TArrayDecl of texpr list
| TCall of texpr * texpr list
| TNew of tclass * tparams * texpr list
| TUnop of Ast.unop * Ast.unop_flag * texpr
| TFunction of tfunc
| TVars of (string * t * texpr option) list
| TBlock of texpr list
| TFor of string * t * texpr * texpr
| TIf of texpr * texpr * texpr option
| TWhile of texpr * texpr * Ast.while_flag
| TSwitch of texpr * (texpr list * texpr) list * texpr option
| TMatch of texpr * (tenum * tparams) * (int list * (string option * t) list option * texpr) list * texpr option
| TTry of texpr * (string * t * texpr) list
| TReturn of texpr option
| TBreak
| TContinue
| TThrow of texpr
| TCast of texpr * module_type option
and texpr = {
eexpr : texpr_expr;
etype : t;
epos : Ast.pos;
and tclass_field = {
mutable cf_name : string; (*never was mutable*)
mutable cf_type : t;
cf_public : bool;
cf_pos : pos;
mutable cf_doc : Ast.documentation;
mutable cf_meta : metadata;
mutable cf_kind : field_kind;
cf_params : (string * t) list;
mutable cf_expr : texpr option;
and tclass_kind =
| KNormal
| KTypeParameter
| KExtension of tclass * tparams
| KConstant of tconstant
| KGeneric
| KGenericInstance of tclass * tparams
and metadata = Ast.metadata
and tclass = {
mutable cl_path : path;
mutable cl_pos : Ast.pos;
mutable cl_private : bool;
mutable cl_doc : Ast.documentation;
mutable cl_meta : metadata;
mutable cl_kind : tclass_kind;
mutable cl_extern : bool;
mutable cl_interface : bool;
mutable cl_types : (string * t) list;
mutable cl_super : (tclass * tparams) option;
mutable cl_implements : (tclass * tparams) list;
mutable cl_fields : (string , tclass_field) PMap.t;
mutable cl_statics : (string, tclass_field) PMap.t;
mutable cl_ordered_statics : tclass_field list;
mutable cl_ordered_fields : tclass_field list;
mutable cl_dynamic : t option;
mutable cl_array_access : t option;
mutable cl_constructor : tclass_field option;
mutable cl_init : texpr option;
mutable cl_overrides : string list;
and tenum_field = {
ef_name : string;
ef_type : t;
ef_pos : Ast.pos;
ef_doc : Ast.documentation;
ef_index : int;
mutable ef_meta : metadata;
and tenum = {
mutable e_path : path;
e_pos : Ast.pos;
e_doc : Ast.documentation;
e_private : bool;
mutable e_meta : metadata;
mutable e_extern : bool;
mutable e_types : (string * t) list;
mutable e_constrs : (string , tenum_field) PMap.t;
mutable e_names : string list;
and tdef = {
t_path : path;
t_pos : Ast.pos;
t_doc : Ast.documentation;
t_private : bool;
mutable t_meta : metadata;
mutable t_types : (string * t) list;
mutable t_type : t;
and module_type =
| TClassDecl of tclass
| TEnumDecl of tenum
| TTypeDecl of tdef
type module_def = {
mpath : path;
mtypes : module_type list;
let mk e t p = { eexpr = e; etype = t; epos = p }
let mk_block e =
match e.eexpr with
| TBlock (_ :: _) -> e
| _ -> mk (TBlock [e]) e.etype e.epos
let null t p = mk (TConst TNull) t p
let mk_mono() = TMono (ref None)
let rec t_dynamic = TDynamic t_dynamic
let tfun pl r = TFun ( (fun t -> "",false,t) pl,r)
let fun_args l = (fun (a,c,t) -> a, c <> None, t) l
let mk_class path pos =
cl_path = path;
cl_pos = pos;
cl_doc = None;
cl_meta = [];
cl_private = false;
cl_kind = KNormal;
cl_extern = false;
cl_interface = false;
cl_types = [];
cl_super = None;
cl_implements = [];
cl_fields = PMap.empty;
cl_ordered_statics = [];
cl_ordered_fields = [];
cl_statics = PMap.empty;
cl_dynamic = None;
cl_array_access = None;
cl_constructor = None;
cl_init = None;
cl_overrides = [];
let null_class =
let c = mk_class ([],"") Ast.null_pos in
c.cl_private <- true;
let arg_name (name,_,_) = name
let t_private = function
| TClassDecl c -> c.cl_private
| TEnumDecl e -> e.e_private
| TTypeDecl t -> t.t_private
let t_path = function
| TClassDecl c -> c.cl_path
| TEnumDecl e -> e.e_path
| TTypeDecl t -> t.t_path
let t_pos = function
| TClassDecl c -> c.cl_pos
| TEnumDecl e -> e.e_pos
| TTypeDecl t -> t.t_pos
let print_context() = ref []
let is_closed a = !(a.a_status) <> Opened
let rec s_type ctx t =
match t with
| TMono r ->
(match !r with
| None -> Printf.sprintf "Unknown<%d>" (try List.assq t (!ctx) with Not_found -> let n = List.length !ctx in ctx := (t,n) :: !ctx; n)
| Some t -> s_type ctx t)
| TEnum (e,tl) ->
Ast.s_type_path e.e_path ^ s_type_params ctx tl
| TInst (c,tl) ->
Ast.s_type_path c.cl_path ^ s_type_params ctx tl
| TType (t,tl) ->
Ast.s_type_path t.t_path ^ s_type_params ctx tl
| TFun ([],t) ->
"Void -> " ^ s_fun ctx t false
| TFun (l,t) ->
String.concat " -> " ( (fun (s,b,t) ->
(if b then "?" else "") ^ (if s = "" then "" else s ^ " : ") ^ s_fun ctx t true
) l) ^ " -> " ^ s_fun ctx t false
| TAnon a ->
let fl = PMap.fold (fun f acc -> (" " ^ f.cf_name ^ " : " ^ s_type ctx f.cf_type) :: acc) a.a_fields [] in
"{" ^ (if not (is_closed a) then "+" else "") ^ String.concat "," fl ^ " }"
| TDynamic t2 ->
"Dynamic" ^ s_type_params ctx (if t == t2 then [] else [t2])
| TLazy f ->
s_type ctx (!f())
and s_fun ctx t void =
match t with
| TFun _ ->
"(" ^ s_type ctx t ^ ")"
| TEnum ({ e_path = ([],"Void") },[]) when void ->
"(" ^ s_type ctx t ^ ")"
| TMono r ->
(match !r with
| None -> s_type ctx t
| Some t -> s_fun ctx t void)
| TLazy f ->
s_fun ctx (!f()) void
| _ ->
s_type ctx t
and s_type_params ctx = function
| [] -> ""
| l -> "<" ^ String.concat ", " ( (s_type ctx) l) ^ ">"
let s_access = function
| AccNormal -> "default"
| AccNo -> "null"
| AccNever -> "never"
| AccResolve -> "resolve"
| AccCall m -> m
| AccInline -> "inline"
| AccRequire n -> "require " ^ n
let s_kind = function
| Var { v_read = AccNormal; v_write = AccNormal } -> "var"
| Var v -> "(" ^ s_access v.v_read ^ "," ^ s_access v.v_write ^ ")"
| Method m ->
match m with
| MethNormal -> "method"
| MethDynamic -> "dynamic method"
| MethInline -> "inline method"
| MethMacro -> "macro method"
let rec is_parent csup c =
if c == csup || List.exists (fun (i,_) -> i == csup) c.cl_implements then
else match c.cl_super with
| None -> false
| Some (c,_) -> is_parent csup c
let map loop t =
match t with
| TMono r ->
(match !r with
| None -> t
| Some t -> loop t) (* erase*)
| TEnum (_,[]) | TInst (_,[]) | TType (_,[]) ->
| TEnum (e,tl) ->
TEnum (e, loop tl)
| TInst (c,tl) ->
TInst (c, loop tl)
| TType (t2,tl) ->
TType (t2, loop tl)
| TFun (tl,r) ->
TFun ( (fun (s,o,t) -> s, o, loop t) tl,loop r)
| TAnon a ->
TAnon {
a_fields = (fun f -> { f with cf_type = loop f.cf_type }) a.a_fields;
a_status = a.a_status;
| TLazy f ->
let ft = !f() in
let ft2 = loop ft in
if ft == ft2 then t else ft2
| TDynamic t2 ->
if t == t2 then t else TDynamic (loop t2)
(* substitute parameters with other types *)
let apply_params cparams params t =
match cparams with
| [] -> t
| _ ->
let rec loop l1 l2 =
match l1, l2 with
| [] , [] -> []
| (x,TLazy f) :: l1, _ -> loop ((x,(!f)()) :: l1) l2
| (_,t1) :: l1 , t2 :: l2 -> (t1,t2) :: loop l1 l2
| _ -> assert false
let subst = loop cparams params in
let rec loop t =
List.assq t subst
with Not_found ->
match t with
| TMono r ->
(match !r with
| None -> t
| Some t -> loop t)
| TEnum (e,tl) ->
(match tl with
| [] -> t
| _ -> TEnum (e, loop tl))
| TType (t2,tl) ->
(match tl with
| [] -> t
| _ -> TType (t2, loop tl))
| TInst (c,tl) ->
(match tl with
| [] ->
| [TMono r] ->
(match !r with
| Some tt when t == tt ->
(* for dynamic *)
let pt = mk_mono() in
let t = TInst (c,[pt]) in
(match pt with TMono r -> r := Some t | _ -> assert false);
| _ -> TInst (c, loop tl))
| _ ->
TInst (c, loop tl))
| TFun (tl,r) ->
TFun ( (fun (s,o,t) -> s, o, loop t) tl,loop r)
| TAnon a ->
TAnon {
a_fields = (fun f -> { f with cf_type = loop f.cf_type }) a.a_fields;
a_status = a.a_status;
| TLazy f ->
let ft = !f() in
let ft2 = loop ft in
if ft == ft2 then
| TDynamic t2 ->
if t == t2 then
TDynamic (loop t2)
loop t
let rec follow t =
match t with
| TMono r ->
(match !r with
| Some t -> follow t
| _ -> t)
| TLazy f ->
follow (!f())
| TType (t,tl) ->
follow (apply_params t.t_types tl t.t_type)
| _ -> t
let rec link e a b =
(* tell if setting a == b will create a type-loop *)
let rec loop t =
if t == a then
else match t with
| TMono t -> (match !t with None -> false | Some t -> loop t)
| TEnum (_,tl) -> List.exists loop tl
| TInst (_,tl) | TType (_,tl) -> List.exists loop tl
| TFun (tl,t) -> List.exists (fun (_,_,t) -> loop t) tl || loop t
| TDynamic t2 ->
if t == t2 then
loop t2
| TLazy f ->
loop (!f())
| TAnon a ->
PMap.iter (fun _ f -> if loop f.cf_type then raise Exit) a.a_fields;
Exit -> true
(* tell is already a ~= b *)
if loop b then
(follow b) == a
match b with
| TDynamic _ -> true
| _ -> e := Some b; true
let monomorphs eparams t =
apply_params eparams ( (fun _ -> mk_mono()) eparams) t
let rec fast_eq a b =
if a == b then
else match a , b with
| TFun (l1,r1) , TFun (l2,r2) ->
List.for_all2 (fun (_,_,t1) (_,_,t2) -> fast_eq t1 t2) l1 l2 && fast_eq r1 r2
| TType (t1,l1), TType (t2,l2) ->
t1 == t2 && List.for_all2 fast_eq l1 l2
| TEnum (e1,l1), TEnum (e2,l2) ->
e1 == e2 && List.for_all2 fast_eq l1 l2
| TInst (c1,l1), TInst (c2,l2) ->
c1 == c2 && List.for_all2 fast_eq l1 l2
| _ , _ ->
(* perform unification with subtyping.
the first type is always the most down in the class hierarchy
it's also the one that is pointed by the position.
It's actually a typecheck of A :> B where some mutations can happen *)
type unify_error =
| Cannot_unify of t * t
| Invalid_field_type of string
| Has_no_field of t * string
| Has_extra_field of t * string
| Invalid_kind of string * field_kind * field_kind
| Invalid_visibility of string
| Not_matching_optional of string
| Cant_force_optional
exception Unify_error of unify_error list
let cannot_unify a b = Cannot_unify (a,b)
let invalid_field n = Invalid_field_type n
let invalid_kind n a b = Invalid_kind (n,a,b)
let invalid_visibility n = Invalid_visibility n
let has_no_field t n = Has_no_field (t,n)
let has_extra_field t n = Has_extra_field (t,n)
let error l = raise (Unify_error l)
let has_meta m ml = List.exists (fun (m2,_,_) -> m = m2) ml
let no_meta = []
we can restrict access as soon as both are runtime-compatible
let unify_access a1 a2 =
a1 = a2 || match a1, a2 with
| _, AccNo | _, AccNever -> true
| AccInline, AccNormal -> true
| _ -> false
let direct_access = function
| AccNo | AccNever | AccNormal | AccInline | AccRequire _ -> true
| AccResolve | AccCall _ -> false
let unify_kind k1 k2 =
k1 = k2 || match k1, k2 with
| Var v1, Var v2 -> unify_access v1.v_read v2.v_read && unify_access v1.v_write v2.v_write
| Var v, Method m ->
(match v.v_read, v.v_write, m with
| AccNormal, _, MethNormal -> true
| AccNormal, AccNormal, MethDynamic -> true
| _ -> false)
| Method m, Var v ->
(match m with
| MethDynamic -> direct_access v.v_read && direct_access v.v_write
| MethMacro -> false
| MethNormal | MethInline ->
match v.v_write with
| AccNo | AccNever -> true
| _ -> false)
| Method m1, Method m2 ->
match m1,m2 with
| MethInline, MethNormal
| MethDynamic, MethNormal -> true
| _ -> false
let eq_stack = ref []
type eq_kind =
| EqStrict
| EqCoreType
| EqRightDynamic
| EqBothDynamic
let rec type_eq param a b =
if a == b then
else match a , b with
| TLazy f , _ -> type_eq param (!f()) b
| _ , TLazy f -> type_eq param a (!f())
| TMono t , _ ->
(match !t with
| None -> if param = EqCoreType || not (link t a b) then error [cannot_unify a b]
| Some t -> type_eq param t b)
| _ , TMono t ->
(match !t with
| None -> if param = EqCoreType || not (link t b a) then error [cannot_unify a b]
| Some t -> type_eq param a t)
| TType (t1,tl1), TType (t2,tl2) when (t1 == t2 || (param = EqCoreType && t1.t_path = t2.t_path)) && List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 ->
List.iter2 (type_eq param) tl1 tl2
| TType (t,tl) , _ when param <> EqCoreType ->
type_eq param (apply_params t.t_types tl t.t_type) b
| _ , TType (t,tl) when param <> EqCoreType ->
if List.exists (fun (a2,b2) -> fast_eq a a2 && fast_eq b b2) (!eq_stack) then
else begin
eq_stack := (a,b) :: !eq_stack;
type_eq param a (apply_params t.t_types tl t.t_type);
eq_stack := !eq_stack;
Unify_error l ->
eq_stack := !eq_stack;
error (cannot_unify a b :: l)
| TEnum (e1,tl1) , TEnum (e2,tl2) ->
if e1 != e2 && not (param = EqCoreType && e1.e_path = e2.e_path) then error [cannot_unify a b];
List.iter2 (type_eq param) tl1 tl2
| TInst (c1,tl1) , TInst (c2,tl2) ->
if c1 != c2 && not (param = EqCoreType && c1.cl_path = c2.cl_path) then error [cannot_unify a b];
List.iter2 (type_eq param) tl1 tl2
| TFun (l1,r1) , TFun (l2,r2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
type_eq param r1 r2;
List.iter2 (fun (n,o1,t1) (_,o2,t2) ->
if o1 <> o2 then error [Not_matching_optional n];
type_eq param t1 t2
) l1 l2
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| TDynamic a , TDynamic b ->
type_eq param a b
| TAnon a1, TAnon a2 ->
PMap.iter (fun n f1 ->
let f2 = PMap.find n a2.a_fields in
if f1.cf_kind <> f2.cf_kind && (param = EqStrict || param = EqCoreType || not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind)) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
type_eq param f1.cf_type f2.cf_type
Unify_error l -> error (invalid_field n :: l)
Not_found ->
if is_closed a2 then error [has_no_field b n];
if not (link (ref None) b f1.cf_type) then error [cannot_unify a b];
a2.a_fields <- PMap.add n f1 a2.a_fields
) a1.a_fields;
PMap.iter (fun n f2 ->
if not (PMap.mem n a1.a_fields) then begin
if is_closed a1 then error [has_no_field a n];
if not (link (ref None) a f2.cf_type) then error [cannot_unify a b];
a1.a_fields <- PMap.add n f2 a1.a_fields
) a2.a_fields;
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| _ , _ ->
if b == t_dynamic && (param = EqRightDynamic || param = EqBothDynamic) then
else if a == t_dynamic && param = EqBothDynamic then
error [cannot_unify a b]
let type_iseq a b =
type_eq EqStrict a b;
Unify_error _ -> false
let unify_stack = ref []
let field_type f =
match f.cf_params with
| [] -> f.cf_type
| l -> monomorphs l f.cf_type
let rec raw_class_field build_type c i =
let f = PMap.find i c.cl_fields in
build_type f , f
with Not_found -> try
match c.cl_super with
| None ->
raise Not_found
| Some (c,tl) ->
let t , f = raw_class_field build_type c i in
apply_params c.cl_types tl t , f
with Not_found ->
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
raise Not_found
| (c,tl) :: l ->
let t , f = raw_class_field build_type c i in
apply_params c.cl_types tl t, f
Not_found -> loop l
loop c.cl_implements
let class_field = raw_class_field field_type
let rec unify a b =
if a == b then
else match a, b with
| TLazy f , _ -> unify (!f()) b
| _ , TLazy f -> unify a (!f())
| TMono t , _ ->
(match !t with
| None -> if not (link t a b) then error [cannot_unify a b]
| Some t -> unify t b)
| _ , TMono t ->
(match !t with
| None -> if not (link t b a) then error [cannot_unify a b]
| Some t -> unify a t)
| TType (t,tl) , _ ->
if not (List.exists (fun (a2,b2) -> fast_eq a a2 && fast_eq b b2) (!unify_stack)) then begin
unify_stack := (a,b) :: !unify_stack;
unify (apply_params t.t_types tl t.t_type) b;
unify_stack := !unify_stack;
Unify_error l ->
unify_stack := !unify_stack;
error (cannot_unify a b :: l)
| _ , TType (t,tl) ->
if not (List.exists (fun (a2,b2) -> fast_eq a a2 && fast_eq b b2) (!unify_stack)) then begin
unify_stack := (a,b) :: !unify_stack;
unify a (apply_params t.t_types tl t.t_type);
unify_stack := !unify_stack;
Unify_error l ->
unify_stack := !unify_stack;
error (cannot_unify a b :: l)
| TEnum (ea,tl1) , TEnum (eb,tl2) ->
if ea != eb then error [cannot_unify a b];
unify_types a b tl1 tl2
| TInst (c1,tl1) , TInst (c2,tl2) ->
let rec loop c tl =
if c == c2 then begin
unify_types a b tl tl2;
end else (match c.cl_super with
| None -> false
| Some (cs,tls) ->
loop cs ( (apply_params c.cl_types tl) tls)
) || List.exists (fun (cs,tls) ->
loop cs ( (apply_params c.cl_types tl) tls)
) c.cl_implements
if not (loop c1 tl1) then error [cannot_unify a b]
| TFun (l1,r1) , TFun (l2,r2) when List.length l1 = List.length l2 ->
unify r1 r2;
List.iter2 (fun (_,o1,t1) (_,o2,t2) ->
if o1 && not o2 then error [Cant_force_optional];
unify t1 t2
) l2 l1 (* contravariance *)
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| TInst (c,tl) , TAnon an ->
PMap.iter (fun n f2 ->
let ft, f1 = (try class_field c n with Not_found -> error [has_no_field a n]) in
if not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
if f2.cf_public && not f1.cf_public then error [invalid_visibility n];
unify_with_access (apply_params c.cl_types tl ft) f2
Unify_error l -> error (invalid_field n :: l)
) an.a_fields;
if !(an.a_status) = Opened then an.a_status := Closed;
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| TAnon a1, TAnon a2 ->
PMap.iter (fun n f2 ->
let f1 = PMap.find n a1.a_fields in
if not (unify_kind f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind) then error [invalid_kind n f1.cf_kind f2.cf_kind];
if f2.cf_public && not f1.cf_public then error [invalid_visibility n];
unify_with_access f1.cf_type f2;
Unify_error l -> error (invalid_field n :: l)
Not_found ->
if is_closed a1 then error [has_no_field a n];
if not (link (ref None) a f2.cf_type) then error [];
a1.a_fields <- PMap.add n f2 a1.a_fields
) a2.a_fields;
(match !(a1.a_status) with
| Const when not (PMap.is_empty a2.a_fields) ->
PMap.iter (fun n _ -> if not (PMap.mem n a2.a_fields) then error [has_extra_field a n]) a1.a_fields;
| Opened ->
a1.a_status := Closed
| _ -> ());
(match !(a2.a_status) with
| Statics _ | EnumStatics _ -> error []
| Opened -> a2.a_status := Closed
| _ -> ())
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| TAnon an, TInst ({ cl_path = [],"Class" },[pt]) ->
(match !(an.a_status) with
| Statics cl -> unify (TInst (cl, snd cl.cl_types)) pt
| _ -> error [cannot_unify a b])
| TAnon an, TInst ({ cl_path = [],"Enum" },[pt]) ->
(match !(an.a_status) with
| EnumStatics e -> unify (TEnum (e, snd e.e_types)) pt
| _ -> error [cannot_unify a b])
| TDynamic t , _ ->
if t == a then
else (match b with
| TDynamic t2 ->
if t2 != b then
type_eq EqRightDynamic t t2
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l));
| _ ->
error [cannot_unify a b])
| _ , TDynamic t ->
if t == b then
else (match a with
| TDynamic t2 ->
if t2 != a then
type_eq EqRightDynamic t t2
Unify_error l -> error (cannot_unify a b :: l));
| TAnon an ->
(match !(an.a_status) with
| Statics _ | EnumStatics _ -> error []
| Opened -> an.a_status := Closed
| _ -> ());
PMap.iter (fun _ f ->
type_eq EqStrict (field_type f) t
with Unify_error l ->
error (invalid_field f.cf_name :: l)
) an.a_fields
with Unify_error l ->
error (cannot_unify a b :: l))
| _ ->
error [cannot_unify a b])
| _ , _ ->
error [cannot_unify a b]
and unify_types a b tl1 tl2 =
List.iter2 (type_eq EqRightDynamic) tl1 tl2
Unify_error l -> error ((cannot_unify a b) :: l)
and unify_with_access t1 f2 =
match f2.cf_kind with
(* write only *)
| Var { v_read = AccNo } | Var { v_read = AccNever } -> unify f2.cf_type t1
(* read only *)
| Method MethNormal | Method MethInline | Var { v_write = AccNo } | Var { v_write = AccNever } -> unify t1 f2.cf_type
(* read/write *)
| _ -> type_eq EqBothDynamic t1 f2.cf_type
let iter f e =
match e.eexpr with
| TConst _
| TLocal _
| TEnumField _
| TBreak
| TContinue
| TTypeExpr _ ->
| TArray (e1,e2)
| TBinop (_,e1,e2)
| TFor (_,_,e1,e2)
| TWhile (e1,e2,_) ->
f e1;
f e2;
| TThrow e
| TField (e,_)
| TClosure (e,_)
| TParenthesis e
| TCast (e,_)
| TUnop (_,_,e) ->
f e
| TArrayDecl el
| TNew (_,_,el)
| TBlock el ->
List.iter f el
| TObjectDecl fl ->
List.iter (fun (_,e) -> f e) fl
| TCall (e,el) ->
f e;
List.iter f el
| TVars vl ->
List.iter (fun (_,_,e) -> match e with None -> () | Some e -> f e) vl
| TFunction fu ->
f fu.tf_expr
| TIf (e,e1,e2) ->
f e;
f e1;
(match e2 with None -> () | Some e -> f e)
| TSwitch (e,cases,def) ->
f e;
List.iter (fun (el,e2) -> List.iter f el; f e2) cases;
(match def with None -> () | Some e -> f e)
| TMatch (e,_,cases,def) ->
f e;
List.iter (fun (_,_,e) -> f e) cases;
(match def with None -> () | Some e -> f e)
| TTry (e,catches) ->
f e;
List.iter (fun (_,_,e) -> f e) catches
| TReturn eo ->
(match eo with None -> () | Some e -> f e)
let map_expr f e =
match e.eexpr with
| TConst _
| TLocal _
| TEnumField _
| TBreak
| TContinue
| TTypeExpr _ ->
| TArray (e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TArray (f e1,f e2) }
| TBinop (op,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TBinop (op,f e1,f e2) }
| TFor (v,t,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TFor (v,t,f e1,f e2) }
| TWhile (e1,e2,flag) ->
{ e with eexpr = TWhile (f e1,f e2,flag) }
| TThrow e1 ->
{ e with eexpr = TThrow (f e1) }
| TField (e1,v) ->
{ e with eexpr = TField (f e1,v) }
| TClosure (e1,v) ->
{ e with eexpr = TClosure (f e1,v) }
| TParenthesis e1 ->
{ e with eexpr = TParenthesis (f e1) }
| TUnop (op,pre,e1) ->
{ e with eexpr = TUnop (op,pre,f e1) }
| TArrayDecl el ->
{ e with eexpr = TArrayDecl ( f el) }
| TNew (t,pl,el) ->
{ e with eexpr = TNew (t,pl, f el) }
| TBlock el ->
{ e with eexpr = TBlock ( f el) }
| TObjectDecl el ->
{ e with eexpr = TObjectDecl ( (fun (v,e) -> v, f e) el) }
| TCall (e1,el) ->
{ e with eexpr = TCall (f e1, f el) }
| TVars vl ->
{ e with eexpr = TVars ( (fun (v,t,e) -> v , t , match e with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) vl) }
| TFunction fu ->
{ e with eexpr = TFunction { fu with tf_expr = f fu.tf_expr } }
| TIf (ec,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TIf (f ec,f e1,match e2 with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) }
| TSwitch (e1,cases,def) ->
{ e with eexpr = TSwitch (f e1, (fun (el,e2) -> f el, f e2) cases, match def with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) }
| TMatch (e1,t,cases,def) ->
{ e with eexpr = TMatch (f e1, t, (fun (cl,params,e) -> cl, params, f e) cases, match def with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) }
| TTry (e1,catches) ->
{ e with eexpr = TTry (f e1, (fun (v,t,e) -> v, t, f e) catches) }
| TReturn eo ->
{ e with eexpr = TReturn (match eo with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) }
| TCast (e1,t) ->
{ e with eexpr = TCast (f e1,t) }
let map_expr_type f ft e =
match e.eexpr with
| TConst _
| TLocal _
| TEnumField _
| TBreak
| TContinue
| TTypeExpr _ ->
{ e with etype = ft e.etype }
| TArray (e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TArray (f e1,f e2); etype = ft e.etype }
| TBinop (op,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TBinop (op,f e1,f e2); etype = ft e.etype }
| TFor (v,t,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TFor (v,ft t,f e1,f e2); etype = ft e.etype }
| TWhile (e1,e2,flag) ->
{ e with eexpr = TWhile (f e1,f e2,flag); etype = ft e.etype }
| TThrow e1 ->
{ e with eexpr = TThrow (f e1); etype = ft e.etype }
| TField (e1,v) ->
{ e with eexpr = TField (f e1,v); etype = ft e.etype }
| TClosure (e1,v) ->
{ e with eexpr = TClosure (f e1,v); etype = ft e.etype }
| TParenthesis e1 ->
{ e with eexpr = TParenthesis (f e1); etype = ft e.etype }
| TUnop (op,pre,e1) ->
{ e with eexpr = TUnop (op,pre,f e1); etype = ft e.etype }
| TArrayDecl el ->
{ e with eexpr = TArrayDecl ( f el); etype = ft e.etype }
| TNew (_,_,el) ->
let et = ft e.etype in
(* make sure that we use the class corresponding to the replaced type *)
let c, pl = (match follow et with TInst (c,pl) -> (c,pl) | _ -> assert false) in
{ e with eexpr = TNew (c,pl, f el); etype = et }
| TBlock el ->
{ e with eexpr = TBlock ( f el); etype = ft e.etype }
| TObjectDecl el ->
{ e with eexpr = TObjectDecl ( (fun (v,e) -> v, f e) el); etype = ft e.etype }
| TCall (e1,el) ->
{ e with eexpr = TCall (f e1, f el); etype = ft e.etype }
| TVars vl ->
{ e with eexpr = TVars ( (fun (v,t,e) -> v , ft t , match e with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)) vl); etype = ft e.etype }
| TFunction fu ->
let fu = {
tf_expr = f fu.tf_expr;
tf_args = (fun (n,o,t) -> n, o, ft t) fu.tf_args;
tf_type = ft fu.tf_type;
} in
{ e with eexpr = TFunction fu; etype = ft e.etype }
| TIf (ec,e1,e2) ->
{ e with eexpr = TIf (f ec,f e1,match e2 with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)); etype = ft e.etype }
| TSwitch (e1,cases,def) ->
{ e with eexpr = TSwitch (f e1, (fun (el,e2) -> f el, f e2) cases, match def with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)); etype = ft e.etype }
| TMatch (e1,(en,pl),cases,def) ->
{ e with eexpr = TMatch (f e1, (en, ft pl), (fun (cl,params,e) -> cl, params, f e) cases, match def with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)); etype = ft e.etype }
| TTry (e1,catches) ->
{ e with eexpr = TTry (f e1, (fun (v,t,e) -> v, ft t, f e) catches); etype = ft e.etype }
| TReturn eo ->
{ e with eexpr = TReturn (match eo with None -> None | Some e -> Some (f e)); etype = ft e.etype }
| TCast (e1,t) ->
{ e with eexpr = TCast (f e1,t); etype = ft e.etype }
let s_expr_kind e =
match e.eexpr with
| TConst _ -> "Const"
| TLocal _ -> "Local"
| TEnumField _ -> "EnumField"
| TArray (_,_) -> "Array"
| TBinop (_,_,_) -> "Binop"
| TField (_,_) -> "Field"
| TClosure _ -> "Closure"
| TTypeExpr _ -> "TypeExpr"
| TParenthesis _ -> "Parenthesis"
| TObjectDecl _ -> "ObjectDecl"
| TArrayDecl _ -> "ArrayDecl"
| TCall (_,_) -> "Call"
| TNew (_,_,_) -> "New"
| TUnop (_,_,_) -> "Unop"
| TFunction _ -> "Function"
| TVars _ -> "Vars"
| TBlock _ -> "Block"
| TFor (_,_,_,_) -> "For"
| TIf (_,_,_) -> "If"
| TWhile (_,_,_) -> "While"
| TSwitch (_,_,_) -> "Switch"
| TMatch (_,_,_,_) -> "Match"
| TTry (_,_) -> "Try"
| TReturn _ -> "Return"
| TBreak -> "Break"
| TContinue -> "Continue"
| TThrow _ -> "Throw"
| TCast _ -> "Cast"
let rec s_expr s_type e =
let sprintf = Printf.sprintf in
let slist f l = String.concat "," ( f l) in
let loop = s_expr s_type in
let s_const = function
| TInt i -> Int32.to_string i
| TFloat s -> s ^ "f"
| TString s -> sprintf "\"%s\"" (Ast.s_escape s)
| TBool b -> if b then "true" else "false"
| TNull -> "null"
| TThis -> "this"
| TSuper -> "super"
let str = (match e.eexpr with
| TConst c ->
"Const " ^ s_const c
| TLocal s ->
"Local " ^ s
| TEnumField (e,f) ->
sprintf "EnumField %s.%s" (s_type_path e.e_path) f
| TArray (e1,e2) ->
sprintf "%s[%s]" (loop e1) (loop e2)
| TBinop (op,e1,e2) ->
sprintf "(%s %s %s)" (loop e1) (s_binop op) (loop e2)
| TField (e,f) ->
sprintf "%s.%s" (loop e) f
| TClosure (e,s) ->
sprintf "Closure (%s,%s)" (loop e) s
| TTypeExpr m ->
sprintf "TypeExpr %s" (s_type_path (t_path m))
| TParenthesis e ->
sprintf "Parenthesis %s" (loop e)
| TObjectDecl fl ->
sprintf "ObjectDecl {%s)" (slist (fun (f,e) -> sprintf "%s : %s" f (loop e)) fl)
| TArrayDecl el ->
sprintf "ArrayDecl [%s]" (slist loop el)
| TCall (e,el) ->
sprintf "Call %s(%s)" (loop e) (slist loop el)
| TNew (c,pl,el) ->
sprintf "New %s%s(%s)" (s_type_path c.cl_path) (match pl with [] -> "" | l -> sprintf "<%s>" (slist s_type l)) (slist loop el)
| TUnop (op,f,e) ->
(match f with
| Prefix -> sprintf "(%s %s)" (s_unop op) (loop e)
| Postfix -> sprintf "(%s %s)" (loop e) (s_unop op))
| TFunction f ->
let args = slist (fun (n,o,t) -> sprintf "%s : %s%s" n (s_type t) (match o with None -> "" | Some c -> " = " ^ s_const c)) f.tf_args in
sprintf "Function(%s) : %s = %s" args (s_type f.tf_type) (loop f.tf_expr)
| TVars vl ->
sprintf "Vars %s" (slist (fun (v,t,eo) -> sprintf "%s : %s%s" v (s_type t) (match eo with None -> "" | Some e -> " = " ^ loop e)) vl)
| TBlock el ->
sprintf "Block {\n%s}" (String.concat "" ( (fun e -> sprintf "%s;\n" (loop e)) el))
| TFor (v,t,econd,e) ->
sprintf "For (%s : %s in %s,%s)" v (s_type t) (loop econd) (loop e)
| TIf (e,e1,e2) ->
sprintf "If (%s,%s%s)" (loop e) (loop e1) (match e2 with None -> "" | Some e -> "," ^ loop e)
| TWhile (econd,e,flag) ->
(match flag with
| NormalWhile -> sprintf "While (%s,%s)" (loop econd) (loop e)
| DoWhile -> sprintf "DoWhile (%s,%s)" (loop e) (loop econd))
| TSwitch (e,cases,def) ->
sprintf "Switch (%s,(%s)%s)" (loop e) (slist (fun (cl,e) -> sprintf "case %s: %s" (slist loop cl) (loop e)) cases) (match def with None -> "" | Some e -> "," ^ loop e)
| TMatch (e,(en,tparams),cases,def) ->
let args vl = slist (fun (so,t) -> sprintf "%s : %s" (match so with None -> "_" | Some s -> s) (s_type t)) vl in
let cases = slist (fun (il,vl,e) -> sprintf "case %s%s : %s" (slist string_of_int il) (match vl with None -> "" | Some vl -> sprintf "(%s)" (args vl)) (loop e)) cases in
sprintf "Match %s (%s,(%s)%s)" (s_type (TEnum (en,tparams))) (loop e) cases (match def with None -> "" | Some e -> "," ^ loop e)
| TTry (e,cl) ->
sprintf "Try %s(%s) " (loop e) (slist (fun (v,t,e) -> sprintf "catch( %s : %s ) %s" v (s_type t) (loop e)) cl)
| TReturn None ->
| TReturn (Some e) ->
sprintf "Return %s" (loop e)
| TBreak ->
| TContinue ->
| TThrow e ->
"Throw " ^ (loop e)
| TCast (e,t) ->
sprintf "Cast %s%s" (match t with None -> "" | Some t -> s_type_path (t_path t) ^ ": ") (loop e)
) in
sprintf "(%s : %s)" str (s_type e.etype)
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