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Created March 25, 2014 22:04
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package ;
import byte.ByteData;
class Main {
public static function main() {
var l = new RandomLexer( ByteData.ofString( '<tag><hello></hello><world></world></tag>' ), 'random-pause' );
var t = [];
try while (true) t.push( l.token( RandomLexer.root ) ) catch (e:Dynamic) trace( e );
trace( t );
package ;
import hxparse.Lexer;
import hxparse.RuleBuilder;
import byte.ByteData;
import hxparse.Ruleset.Ruleset;
enum RandomKeywords {
Tag(name:String, tokens:Array<RandomKeywords>);
class RandomLexer extends Lexer implements RuleBuilder {
public function new(content:ByteData, name:String) {
super( content, name );
public static var tags = @:rule [
' ' => Tag('', []),
'<[^/][a-zA-Z0-9]+>' => {
var current = lexer.current;
var tag = current.substring(1, current.length - 1);
trace( tag );
var inner = lexer.token( closing( tag ) );
trace( inner );
var parsed = parse( inner, tag );
Tag(tag, parsed);
public static function closing(tag:String) {
var copy = tag.substring(0);
return Lexer.buildRuleset([{
func:function(lexer:Lexer) {
var c = lexer.current;
return c.substring(0, c.length - '</$copy>'.length);
public static var root = tags;
public static function parse(value:String, name:String) {
var lexer = new RandomLexer( ByteData.ofString( value ), '$name-inner' );
var tokens = [];
try {
while (true) {
tokens.push( lexer.token( tags ) );
} catch (e:Eof) if (lexer.pos != lexer.input.length) {
tokens = tokens.concat( parse( value.substring(lexer.pos), name ) );
} catch (e:Dynamic) {
return tokens;
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