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Last active January 16, 2020 08:59
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Alias bash Prowbce
# Personal
alias p="pwd"
alias vm="cd /Users/bertillon/Sites/developmentVM && vagrant"
alias vmssh="vm ssh"
alias pg="ping"
alias hacksensio="sudo ifconfig en0 lladdr #taCruLustucru"
alias t="multitail"
alias mo='meteor'
alias gremot='git remote show origin'
alias fig='docker-compose'
alias fuck='$(thefuck $(fc -ln -1))'
alias meteo='curl -4'
alias bbb='docker-compose -p behat -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-test.yml'
alias dm="docker-machine"
alias cleargit='git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|develop\-migration)" | xargs --no-run-if-empty git branch -d'
alias tg='osascript -e "set Volume 6" && say -v 'Thomas' "Fermez vos gueules"'
alias love='osascript -e "set Volume 4" && say -v 'Thomas' "Je taime"'
alias balek='afplay ~/Music/balek.mp3'
# Proweb
alias appw="fig exec -u www-data backoffice bash"
alias appwr="fig exec backoffice bash"
alias appd="fig exec hm-db mysql hm"
alias appl="fig exec legacy-db mysql hm_ci -ptoor"
alias sync_ssh='fig exec backoffice sh -c "rm -rf /var/www/.ssh/* && cp -r /home/adminweb/bo/current/.ssh/* /var/www/.ssh/ && chmod 644 /var/www/.ssh/id_rsa /var/www/.ssh/"'
alias recette="#taCruLustucru"
alias preprod="#taCruLustucru"
# MS proweb
alias client="fig exec --user www-data client-api bash"
alias user="fig exec --user www-data user-api bash"
alias stock="fig exec --user www-data stock-api bash"
alias invoice="fig exec --user www-data invoice-api bash"
alias product="fig exec --user www-data product-api bash"
alias common="fig exec --user www-data common-api bash"
alias search="fig exec --user www-data search-api bash"
alias delivery="fig exec --user www-data delivery-api bash"
alias supplier="fig exec --user www-data supplier-api bash"
alias payment-method="fig exec --user www-data payment-method-api bash"
# For mac only, open 3 tab for BPM logging
function bpmlog() {
osascript 2>/dev/null <<EOF
tell application "iTerm"
tell current window
create tab with default profile
end tell
tell current tab of current window
set _new_session to last item of sessions
end tell
tell current window
create tab with default profile
end tell
tell current tab of current window
set _new_session2 to last item of sessions
end tell
tell current window
create tab with default profile
end tell
tell current tab of current window
set _new_session3 to last item of sessions
end tell
# Logs Dinghy docker proxy
tell _new_session
write text "cd Sites/ProWebCE/hm/ && docker logs -f --tail 0 $(docker ps | grep 'dinghy-http-proxy' | awk '{ print $1 }')"
end tell
# Logs Api Gateway
tell _new_session2
write text "cd Sites/ProWebCE/hm/ && fig logs --tail 0 -f api-gateway"
end tell
# Logs MicroService containers
tell _new_session3
write text "cd Sites/ProWebCE/hm/ && make logs-ms"
end tell
end tell
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