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Last active August 2, 2017 12:46
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import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Events as Evt exposing (onClick)
import Html.Events.Extra as Evte
import Html.Keyed as Keyed
import Material
{- Program -}
main =
{ init = ( initialModel, Cmd.none )
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = Sub.none
{- Models -}
type alias LightboxModel =
{ content : Maybe (Html Msg)
, visible : Bool
lbModel =
{ content = Nothing
, visible = True
type alias Model =
{ mdl : Material.Model
, lb : LightboxModel
initialModel : Model
initialModel =
{ mdl = Material.model
, lb = lbModel
type Msg
= Mdl (Material.Msg Msg)
| ShowLightbox
| HideLightbox
| UpdateLightbox (Html Msg)
{- Update -}
update : Types.Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Types.Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowLightbox ->
let lb =
newLb = { lb | visible = True }
( { model | lb = newLb }, Cmd.none )
HideLightbox ->
let lb =
newLb = { lb | visible = False, content = Nothing }
( { model | lb = newLb }, Cmd.none )
UpdateLightbox html ->
let lb =
newLb = { lb | content = (Just html), visible = True}
( { model | lb = newLb }, Cmd.none )
Mdl msg_ ->
Material.update Mdl msg_ model
{- Views -}
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
layout model testView
layout : Types.Model -> Html Msg -> Html Msg
layout model content =
div []
[ content,
testView : Model -> Html Msg
testView model =
div [ Attr.class "test"]
h3 [] [ text "Test Toggle" ]
, Toggles.switch Mdl [1] model.mdl
[ Toggles.ripple
, Toggles.value False
, Options.onToggle (UpdateLightbox (testForm model))
[ text "Test Lightbox"]
testForm : Types.Model -> Html Types.Msg
testForm model =
div [ Attr.class "form" ]
[ h1 [] [ text "Test Form" ]
, Textfield.render Types.Mdl
[ 0 ]
[ Textfield.label "Test"
, Textfield.floatingLabel
, Textfield.text_
, Textfield.value ""
, Options.cs "fullwidth"
{- Lightbox View -}
style : Bool -> Html.Attribute msg
style visible =
case visible of
True ->
[ ("visibility", "visible")
, ("opacity", "1")
False ->
[ ("visibility", "hidden")
, ("opacity", "0")
lbView : LightboxModel -> Html Msg
lbView model =
case model.content of
Nothing ->
div [ Attr.class "lightbox", style model.visible ]
[ a [ Attr.href "#", Attr.class "lightbox-close", Evte.onClickPreventDefault Hide ] [Icon.i "clear"]
, Keyed.node "div" [ Attr.class "lightbox-body" ] [ ("lightbox-body", (text "no content") ) ]
Just content ->
div [ Attr.class "lightbox", style model.visible ]
[ a [ Attr.href "#", Attr.class "lightbox-close", Evte.onClickPreventDefault Hide ] [Icon.i "clear"]
, Keyed.node "div" [ Attr.class "lightbox-body" ] [ ("lightbox-body", content ) ]
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