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  • Save skinsch/821fe507bbaec440430c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save skinsch/821fe507bbaec440430c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
mkdir -p stop-and-frisk
cd stop-and-frisk
# This zip contains data files that I've already converted from the
# original SAS into CSV fields
curl -o && unzip
# Get the common fields, i.e. that are common in the 11 files
for y in $(seq 2003 2013); do head -n 1 $y.csv; done | grep -oE '[^,]+' | sort | uniq -c | grep -E '\b11\b'
# Get the fields that are not common:
for y in $(seq 2003 2013); do head -n 1 $y.csv; done | grep -oE '[^,"]+' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v '\b11\b' | sort
# 1 adrnum
# 1 adrpct
# 1 detail1_
# 1 details_
# 1 dettyp_c
# 1 premtyp
# 1 prenam
# 1 rescod
# 1 strintr
# 1 strname
# 1 wepfound
# 3 forceuse
# 10 addrnum
# 10 addrpct
# 10 detailcm
# 10 dettypcm
# 10 linecm
# 10 premname
# 10 premtype
# 10 rescode
# 10 stinter
# 10 stname
# file 2006.csv has all the weird things
# detail1_ and details_ are exact copies of each other
# and 2006.csv does not have a field for linecm
# and only 2006 has wepfound field, so we take it out
mv 2006.csv 2006.csv.old
head -n 1 2006.csv.old | csvfix exclude -f 80,83 | sed -e s/adrnum/addrnum/ -e s/adrpct/addrpct/ -e s/details_/detailcm/ -e s/dettyp_c/dettypcm/ -e s/premtyp/premtype/ -e s/prenam/premname/ -e s/rescod/rescode/ -e s/strintr/stinter/ -e s/strname/stname/ | csvfix put -v "linecm" | csvfix put -v 'forceuse' > 2006.csv
tail -n +2 2006.csv.old | csvfix exclude -f 80,83 | csvfix put -v "" | csvfix put -v "" >> 2006.csv
# pad all of the pre-2011 tables with an empty forceuse column
for y in 2003 2004 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010; do
echo $y
mv $y.csv $y.csv.old
head -n 1 $y.csv.old | csvfix put -v 'forceuse' > $y.csv
tail -n +2 $y.csv.old | csvfix put -v "" >> $y.csv
# now merge all the files into one big file, with common fields
common_headers=$(csvfix echo -smq 2013.csv | head -n 1)
echo $common_headers > 2003-2013.csv
for y in $(seq 2003 2013); do
echo "Adding $y"
csvfix order -fn "$common_headers" $y.csv | sed 1d | csvfix trim -l -t | csvfix edit -f 4 -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\3-\1-\2/' -e 's/\([0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\3-0\1-\2/' | csvfix edit -f 5 -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]\):?\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1:\2/' -e 's/^\([0-9]\):?\([0-9][0-9]\)/0\1:\2/' -e 's/^\([0-9][0-9]\)$/00:\1/' -e 's/^\([0-9]\)$/00:0\1/' >> 2003-2013.csv
# now make a file with the timestamps set up
export LC_CTYPE=C
export LANG=C
# fixing the datestop and timestop fields
csvfix trim -l -t 2003-2013.csv | csvfix edit -f 4 -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\3-\1-\2/' -e 's/\([0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\)/\3-0\1-\2/' | csvfix edit -f 5 -e 's/\([0-9][0-9]\):?\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1:\2/' -e 's/^\([0-9]\):?\([0-9][0-9]\)/0\1:\2/' -e 's/^\([0-9][0-9]\)$/00:\1/' -e 's/^\([0-9]\)$/00:0\1/' > 2003-2013.timefixed.csv
# Now load into BigQuery
gsutil -m cp 2003-2013.csv gs://nypd-stop-and-frisk/2003-2013.csv
# first, create the table with 2013's data, since it has the most fields
bq load --project_id='nypd-data' --skip_leading_rows=1 'nypd-data:nypd.stop_and_frisk' gs://nypd-stop-and-frisk/2003-2013.csv year,pct,ser_num,datestop,timestop,recstat,inout,trhsloc,perobs,crimsusp,perstop,typeofid,explnstp,othpers,arstmade,arstoffn,sumissue,sumoffen,compyear,comppct,offunif,officrid,frisked,searched,contrabn,adtlrept,pistol,riflshot,asltweap,knifcuti,machgun,othrweap,pf_hands,pf_wall,pf_grnd,pf_drwep,pf_ptwep,pf_baton,pf_hcuff,pf_pepsp,pf_other,radio,ac_rept,ac_inves,rf_vcrim,rf_othsw,ac_proxm,rf_attir,cs_objcs,cs_descr,cs_casng,cs_lkout,rf_vcact,cs_cloth,cs_drgtr,ac_evasv,ac_assoc,cs_furtv,rf_rfcmp,ac_cgdir,rf_verbl,cs_vcrim,cs_bulge,cs_other,ac_incid,ac_time,rf_knowl,ac_stsnd,ac_other,sb_hdobj,sb_outln,sb_admis,sb_other,repcmd,revcmd,rf_furt,rf_bulg,offverb,offshld,forceuse,sex,race,dob,age,ht_feet,ht_inch,weight,haircolr,eyecolor,build,othfeatr,addrtyp,rescode,premtype,premname,addrnum,stname,stinter,crossst,aptnum,city,state,zip,addrpct,sector,beat,post,xcoord,ycoord,dettypcm,linecm,detailcm
project_id = 'nypd-data'
sql = "select datestop, race, count(*) AS stops from [nypd-data:nypd.stop_and_frisk] group by datestop, race"
data <- query_exec(sql, project = project_id, max_pages = Inf)
datax <- filter(data, datestop != "") %>%
mutate(date = as.POSIXct(datestop, tz = 'UTC', origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
mutate(year = format(date, '%Y')) %>%
mutate(month = format(date, '%m')) %>%
mutate(general_race = ifelse(race == 'B', 'Black', ifelse(race=='Q' | race == 'P', 'Hispanic', 'Other'))) %>%
group_by(year, month, general_race) %>%
summarize(total_stops = sum(stops)) %>%
mutate(yearmonthday = as.POSIXct(paste(year,month,'01', sep='-'), tz='UTC', origin = '1970-01-01')) %>%
filter(year >= 2003) # ugly hack, I know
ggplot(datax, aes(x = yearmonthday, y = total_stops,fill=factor(general_race) )) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",colour ="gray") + scale_fill_brewer() + geom_smooth() +
facet_grid(general_race ~ .) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = "none",text = element_text(family="Gill Sans"), plot.title = element_text(size=20)) +
ggtitle(expression(atop("NYPD Stop and Frisk data", atop(italic("By Dan Nguyen / Stanford Journalism"), "")))) +
ylab("Stops per month") + xlab("") + scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)
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