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Last active June 19, 2021 09:38
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diffie-hellman key exchange
BASE = 11
class Person
def secret_num
@num ||= rand(50).to_i
def prime_to_the_power_of_secret_num
BASE ** secret_num
def presecret
prime_to_the_power_of_secret_num % MODULUS
def master_secret(other_half)
(other_half ** secret_num) % MODULUS
def red(text)
def blue(text)
alice =
bob =
puts <<EOF
Alice and Bob, in public, agree on a prime number and a modulus. The prime number
needs to be a primative root prime modulus of the modulus number.
They choose the following:
prime number: #{blue(BASE)}
modulus: #{blue(MODULUS)}
These numbers are blue to indicate that they are publically known as they are
sent across the wire in plain text. Secret numbers will be coloured red.
Alice then chooses a number which she keeps secret. In this case she chooses #{red(alice.secret_num)}.
She then raises the prime number chosen earlier to the power of
her secret number: #{blue(BASE)}^#{red(alice.secret_num)} = #{alice.prime_to_the_power_of_secret_num}
Then she uses the modulus on that result to get her presecret: #{alice.prime_to_the_power_of_secret_num} mod #{blue(MODULUS)} = #{blue(alice.presecret)}
At the same time as Alice Bob is following the exact same steps.
Bob's values:
his secret: #{red(bob.secret_num)}
prime raised to his secret: #{bob.prime_to_the_power_of_secret_num}
modulus result: #{blue(bob.presecret)}
The modulus results (presecrets) are exchanged over plaintext, they will then raise the
number they receive to the power of their own secret number and use the modulus on the result.
Let's walk through it.
Alice takes Bob's presecret and raises it to her secret number then mods it:
(#{blue(bob.presecret)} ^ #{red(alice.secret_num)}) mod #{blue(MODULUS)} = #{red(alice.master_secret(bob.presecret))}
Bob takes Alice's modulus and raises it to his secret number then mods it:
(#{blue(alice.presecret)} ^ #{red(bob.secret_num)}) mod #{blue(MODULUS)} = #{red(bob.master_secret(alice.presecret))}
The symmetric key is #{red(alice.master_secret(bob.presecret))} which both parties can use to encrypt messages.
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