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Created June 24, 2023 21:33
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class AnswersToDocs(BaseComponent):
This Node is used to convert retrieved documents into predicted answers format.
It is useful for situations where you are calling a Retriever only pipeline via REST API.
This ensures that your output is in a compatible format.
:param progress_bar: Whether to show a progress bar
outgoing_edges = 1
def __init__(self, progress_bar: bool = True):
self.progress_bar = progress_bar
def run(self, query: str, answers: List[Answer]): # type: ignore
documents: List[Document] = []
for ans in answers:
cur_ans = self._convert_answer_to_doc(ans)
output = {"query": query, "documents": documents}
return output, "output_1"
def run_batch(self, queries: List[str], answers: Union[List[Answer], List[List[Answer]]]): # type: ignore
output: Dict = {"queries": queries, "documents": []}
# Docs case 1: single list of Documents
if len(answers) > 0 and isinstance(answers[0], Answer):
for answer in tqdm(answers, disable=not self.progress_bar, desc="Converting to docs"):
if not isinstance(answer, Answer):
raise HaystackError(f"answer was of type {type(answer)}, but expected a Answer.")
docs = [self._convert_answer_to_doc(answer)]
# Docs case 2: list of lists of Documents
elif len(answers) > 0 and isinstance(answers[0], list):
for answs in tqdm(answers, disable=not self.progress_bar, desc="Converting to documents"):
if not isinstance(answs, list):
raise HaystackError(f"docs was of type {type(answs)}, but expected a list of Documents.")
documents = []
for answ in answs:
cur_doc = self._convert_answer_to_doc(answ)
return output, "output_1"
def _convert_answer_to_doc(answ: Answer) -> Document:
if isinstance(answ, Document):
return answ
return Document(
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