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Created October 19, 2023 19:05
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A comparison of the PR merge rates of some large GitHub repositories

These charts show the monthly merge rates for PRs in some large GitHub repositories.


  • The raw data was fetched October 19, 2023.
  • Each bar is a month. October 2023 isn't shown, so each chart ends with September 2023.
  • PRs that are closed but not merged have been ignored.
  • PRs that are marked as drafts have been ignored.
  • PRs opened by bots have been ignored.
  • Of the remaining PRs, the bar shows the proportion of PRs that are merged. So a value of 1 means they are all merged, whereas 0 means they are all still open. i.e. M / (M + O).
  • PRs count towards the month they were opened. The chart doesn't give a direct indication of how long a PR remained open before being merged, only that it was merged prior to the data being collected.


Vite merge rate


Svelte merge rate


React merge rate


Vue merge rate

The differing timescales make it a little difficult to compare these charts directly. Vite data goes back to April 2020, so here's a comparison that shows April 2020 to September 2023 for these same 4 repos:

Merge rate comparison

While these charts can't tell the full story, I think the Vite and Svelte repos appear to be very healthy.

React is a little behind, but it still tends to be over 70% for most months. It does dip a little in June/July 2023, but even then it is above 40%.

In recent months, Vue has had a merge rate below 30%. It hasn't been above 70% in 18 months.

There are two notable spikes for S-O-N/2022 and M-A-M/2023 that buck the overall trend for Vue. I believe the first spike corresponds to work on Vue 3.2.40-3.2.45. The second spike is Vue 3.3.0-3.3.4.

The scripts used to collect the data are at

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