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Last active May 31, 2016 16:50
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  • Save skiwi2/ce188c7d3b13fe3e3dbdb5c5f0752cd1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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name = "sieve_multithreaded"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["skiwi <>"]
bit-vec = "0.4.3"
nalgebra = "0.8.2"
extern crate bit_vec;
extern crate nalgebra;
use std::thread;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc;
use bit_vec::BitVec;
const MAXIMUM_PRIME: usize = 100;
const THREAD_COUNT: usize = 8;
fn main() {
let sqrt_prime = ((MAXIMUM_PRIME as f64).sqrt() as usize) + 1;
let actual_thread_count = std::cmp::min(THREAD_COUNT, sqrt_prime);
println!("Finding primes up to {} on {} threads", MAXIMUM_PRIME, actual_thread_count);
let mut thread_handles = Vec::with_capacity(THREAD_COUNT - 1);
let mut prime_transmitters = Vec::with_capacity(THREAD_COUNT - 1);
let (tx_results, rx_results) = mpsc::channel();
//set up threads
for tid in 0..(THREAD_COUNT - 1) {
//let tx = tx.clone();
let block_data = BlockData::create_for_thread(tid + 1, actual_thread_count);
println!("Block data: (start index = {}, end index = {})", block_data.start_index, block_data.end_index);
let (tx_primes, rx_primes) = mpsc::channel();
let tx_results = tx_results.clone();
let thread_handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut local_primes = BitVec::from_elem(block_data.size(), true);
for prime in rx_primes.iter() {
println!("TID {} received prime {}", tid, prime);
let mut m = block_data.first_possible_prime_with_divisor(prime);
println!("First possible prime: {}", m);
while m <= block_data.end_number() {
println!("TID {} set number {} to no prime (local index = {}, block start index = {}, block end index = {}, divisor = {})", tid, m, block_data.to_local_index(m), block_data.start_index, block_data.end_index, prime);
local_primes.set(block_data.to_local_index(m), false);
m += prime;
//send found primes back to main
tx_results.send(ThreadResult {
tid: tid,
primes: Arc::new(local_primes)
//set up own bit vector
let first_block_data = BlockData::create_for_thread(0, actual_thread_count);
println!("Block data: (start index = {}, end index = {})", first_block_data.start_index, first_block_data.end_index);
let mut primes = BitVec::from_elem(MAXIMUM_PRIME, true);
primes.set(first_block_data.to_local_index(1), false);
//find primes on main thread
for (i, n) in first_block_data.local_index_number_iter() {
if primes[i] {
let mut m = n * n;
while m <= first_block_data.end_number() {
primes.set(first_block_data.to_local_index(m), false);
m += n;
println!("Found prime: {}", n);
for tx_primes in prime_transmitters.iter() {
//close channel to threads
for tx_primes in prime_transmitters.into_iter() {
for _ in 0..(THREAD_COUNT-1) {
println!("Attempting to receive result");
let result = rx_results.recv().unwrap();
println!("Received result: {:?}", result);
let result_block_data = BlockData::create_for_thread(result.tid + 1, actual_thread_count);
// //let result_primes = Arc::try_unwrap(result.primes).unwrap();
// let result_primes = result.primes;
for (i, n) in result_block_data.local_index_number_iter() {
println!("Index {} / Number {}", i, n);
primes.set(result_block_data.to_global_index(i), result.primes[i]);
//wait for threads to finish
for thread_handle in thread_handles.into_iter() {
//find primes
let found_primes: Vec<_> = primes.iter().enumerate().filter(|t| t.1).map(|t| t.0 + 1).collect();
println!("Found primes:\n{:?}", found_primes);
struct ThreadResult {
tid: usize,
primes: Arc<BitVec>
struct BlockData {
start_index: usize,
end_index: usize
impl BlockData {
fn create_for_thread(pid: usize, thread_count: usize) -> BlockData {
let start_index = ((pid as f32) * (MAXIMUM_PRIME as f32 / thread_count as f32)).floor() as usize;
let end_index = ((((pid + 1) as f32) * (MAXIMUM_PRIME as f32 / thread_count as f32)).floor() as usize) - 1;
BlockData { start_index: start_index, end_index: end_index }
fn size(&self) -> usize {
self.end_index - self.start_index + 1
fn to_number(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
index + self.start_index + 1
fn to_local_index(&self, number: usize) -> usize {
number - self.start_index - 1
fn to_global_index(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
index + self.start_index
fn local_index_number_iter<'a>(&'a self) -> Box<Iterator<Item=(usize,usize)> + 'a> {
let index_iter = (self.start_index..self.end_index).map(move |i| self.to_local_index(self.to_number(i)));
let number_iter = (self.start_index..self.end_index).map(move |i| self.to_number(i));
fn start_number(&self) -> usize {
fn end_number(&self) -> usize {
self.to_number(self.size() - 1)
fn first_possible_prime_with_divisor(&self, divisor: usize) -> usize {
let possible_prime = divisor * divisor;
if possible_prime < self.start_number() {
if self.start_number() % divisor == 0 {
return self.start_number();
return self.start_number() + (divisor - (self.start_number() % divisor));
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