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Save a object to EDF/EDF+/BDF/BDF+
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Dec 5 12:56:31 2018
@author: skjerns
Gist to save a object to an EDF file using pyEDFlib
- Saving your data this way will result in slight
loss of precision (magnitude +-1e-09).
- It is assumed that the data is presented in Volt (V),
it will be internally converted to microvolt
- BDF or EDF+ is selected based on the filename extension
- Annotations preserved
import pyedflib # pip install pyedflib
from pyedflib import highlevel # new high-level interface
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
import mne
import os
def _stamp_to_dt(utc_stamp):
"""Convert timestamp to datetime object in Windows-friendly way."""
if 'datetime' in str(type(utc_stamp)): return utc_stamp
# The min on windows is 86400
stamp = [int(s) for s in utc_stamp]
if len(stamp) == 1: # In case there is no microseconds information
return (datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=timezone.utc) +
timedelta(0, stamp[0], stamp[1])) # day, sec, μs
def write_mne_edf(mne_raw, fname, picks=None, tmin=0, tmax=None,
Saves the raw content of an and its subclasses to
a file using the EDF+/BDF filetype
pyEDFlib is used to save the raw contents of the RawArray to disk
mne_raw :
An object with super class that contains the data
to save
fname : string
File name of the new dataset. This has to be a new filename
unless data have been preloaded. Filenames should end with .edf
picks : array-like of int | None
Indices of channels to include. If None all channels are kept.
tmin : float | None
Time in seconds of first sample to save. If None first sample
is used.
tmax : float | None
Time in seconds of last sample to save. If None last sample
is used.
overwrite : bool
If True, the destination file (if it exists) will be overwritten.
If False (default), an error will be raised if the file exists.
if not issubclass(type(mne_raw),
raise TypeError('Must be type')
if not overwrite and os.path.exists(fname):
raise OSError('File already exists. No overwrite.')
# static settings
has_annotations = True if len(mne_raw.annotations)>0 else False
if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.edf':
file_type = FILETYPE_EDFPLUS if has_annotations else FILETYPE_EDF
dmin, dmax = -32768, 32767
file_type = FILETYPE_BDFPLUS if has_annotations else FILETYPE_BDF
dmin, dmax = -8388608, 8388607
print('saving to {}, filetype {}'.format(fname, file_type))
sfreq =['sfreq']
date = _stamp_to_dt(['meas_date'])
if tmin:
date += timedelta(seconds=tmin)
# no conversion necessary, as pyedflib can handle datetime.
#date = date.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')
first_sample = int(sfreq*tmin)
last_sample = int(sfreq*tmax) if tmax is not None else None
# convert data
channels = mne_raw.get_data(picks,
start = first_sample,
stop = last_sample)
# convert to microvolts to scale up precision
channels *= 1e6
# set conversion parameters
n_channels = len(channels)
# create channel from this
f = pyedflib.EdfWriter(fname,
channel_info = []
ch_idx = range(n_channels) if picks is None else picks
keys = list(mne_raw._orig_units.keys())
for i in ch_idx:
ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i],
'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]],
'sample_rate': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['n_samps'][i],
'physical_min': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_min'][i],
'physical_max': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_max'][i],
'digital_min': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_min'][i],
'digital_max': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_max'][i],
'transducer': '',
'prefilter': ''}
ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i],
'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]],
'sample_rate': sfreq,
'physical_min': channels.min(),
'physical_max': channels.max(),
'digital_min': dmin,
'digital_max': dmax,
'transducer': '',
'prefilter': ''}
f.setPatientCode(mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['subject_info'].get('id', '0'))
f.setPatientName(mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['subject_info'].get('name', 'noname'))
for annotation in mne_raw.annotations:
onset = annotation['onset']
duration = annotation['duration']
description = annotation['description']
f.writeAnnotation(onset, duration, description)
except Exception as e:
raise e
return True
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GABowers commented Mar 21, 2020

Is EEGLab in general unable to load BDF+? Then this might be an issue to post at ?

Else I can implement your change, even if it feels a bit hacky.

Can you try to call f.set_number_of_annotation_signals(0) right after line 95? might fix the issue more gracefully.

(don't have a matlab licence anymore, post-student-life etc ;-) )

Basically yes. There are a couple different methods of handling BDF imports. One (BioSig) merely gives a warning, the other (FileIO) gives an error. Here are a couple of things that reference the issue indirectly:

I downloaded a test BDF+ file from here ( and got the same error (I've tried to attach a picture to this comment showing that, but GitHub doesn't like it).

How about something like this?

if mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['nchan'] == (len(mne_raw.get_data()) + 1):
    annot = True
elif mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['nchan'] == len(mne_raw.get_data()):
    annot = False
    # ??? throw Exception?
    annot = False
if os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] == '.edf':
    if annot:
        file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_EDFPLUS
        file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_EDF
    dmin, dmax = -32768, 32767 
    if annot:
        file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS 
        file_type = pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDF
    dmin, dmax = -8388608, 8388607

This allows one to set the file to all four types. It's the only way I can see to detect the + version. It's possible for an object to have an annotation channel, but 0 annotations, so one cannot depend upon the raw.annotations object.

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skjerns commented Mar 22, 2020

Okay. I'll look into this.

Actually saving the file as XDF instead of XDF+ should be no problem as all the additional features of XDF+ are not used anyway in this implementation.

Edit: @GABowers can you check if it works now? Somehow my test files only produce garbage

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I can confirm it works. Running:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bdf = 'I:/???/BDFtestfiles/Newtest17-2048.bdf'

    save = bdf[:-4] + '_save.bdf'

    mne_1 =, preload=True)
    write_mne_edf(mne_1, save, overwrite=True)
    mne_2 =, preload=True)

    channels_1 = len(mne_1.get_data())
    print('visible: {} - total: {} ({})'.format(channels_1, mne_1._raw_extras[0]['nchan'], bdf))

    channels_2 = len(mne_2.get_data())
    print('visible: {} - total: {} ({})'.format(channels_2, mne_2._raw_extras[0]['nchan'], save))

...with the latest version of the gist above outputs the following:

visible: 17 - total: 17 (I:/???/BDFtestfiles/Newtest17-2048.bdf)
visible: 17 - total: 17 (I:/???/BDFtestfiles/Newtest17-2048_save.bdf)

And I can import it into Matlab just fine. Just for the record, that file can be downloaded here.

It should be noted that it is possible for a BDF+ file to not have any annotations, but still have an annotation channel. But one could easily argue that such a file should be BDF, not BDF+.

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MAXMT75 commented May 12, 2020

Good afternoon there.

I was wondering whether you managed to keep the annotations in saving raw data to a edf.file


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skjerns commented May 12, 2020

@MM75CO yes it does that.

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LunaHub commented Jun 29, 2020


Great work!! I really miss this option in the mne package :D

I am trying to use the gist to convert a csv file to edf. I have contructed my own mne raw object from the data in the csv file, but I get an error when trying to save the Raw object to edf. I get the following error and the output file is empty (size 0KB):
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'keys'
The error seems to originate from line 103 and mne_raw._orig_units?

I also get this error when converting the timestamp. But I think solved this by omitting it. (But maybe that is messing something else up?)
'NoneType' object is not iterable

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@LanaHub You might want to see what the mne field is for the example mne data and just copy from there.

@skjerns do you think there is any interesting in making this a PR to mne? There is a lot of i/o structure in mne already but it's all based around loading data, I think it would be a bit of a new direction to save data in non-fif formats. MNE-BIDS already uses pybv because fif is not one of the BIDS required formats for EEG.

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skjerns commented Jun 30, 2020

@LanaHub if you just want to convert a csv to edf (and do not need mne functionality), just use pyedflib directly! the highlevel interface should make that quite easy. Load the CSV with numpy or pandas and save it with pyedflib.

@alexrockhill I'd gladly do it, but the devs of mne do not want any third-party dependencies (which using pyedflib would introduce), that's why they told me to create a gist instead. That would mean that I'd have to create the edf creation from scratch in raw python. See also mne-tools/mne-python#5755

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LunaHub commented Jun 30, 2020

Thank you for getting back so soon!
I would like to use the mne functionallity, but I also want to save the data as edf to be compliant with BIDS. Btw. I get the same error when trying to convert a gdf file to edf..
I will have another look at the example mne data and try to figure out a way to make it work.

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alexrockhill commented Jun 30, 2020

@skjerns ahh, I see. Maybe worth thinking about whether this could be in mne-bids since there is already a pybv dependency. That does seem like when the data needs to be in edf, i.e. when it's in BIDS. @jasmainak what do you think?

Also, the gist is nice, thanks for doing that but it is a rather important part that can go very wrong if the file is exported incorrectly and it would be great to have some round trip tests that would be added if it were to be a PR.

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I'm a bit hesitant to take on the responsibility of an edf writer. There are tons of corner cases in the edf format. Why not contribute to existing efforts such as pyedf:

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That doesn't have any tests either haha

It seems like there is a lot of use of the gist and like people would probably like it to be officially supported by mne and @skjerns said he would write the initial PR but I understand the hesitance and I get the message. I thought it was worth floating the idea.

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datalw commented Aug 21, 2020

this gist is really great idea! Just the functionality, which I have been searched in mne and did not find. A great supplement. Big thanks to you!

I tried to save the preprocessed mne raw object into a new edf, and got the following error

line 27, in _stamp_to_dt
    stamp = [int(s) for s in utc_stamp]
TypeError: 'datetime.datetime' object is not iterable['meas_date'] in my script gives me:

datetime.datetime(2020, 3, 12, 16, 34, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)

Have you encoutered this problem?

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LunaHub commented Aug 21, 2020

Yes, I had the same problem. I solved it by changing line 76 to date =['meas_date']. However then I got a new problem and I actually gave up :P Let me know if you succed!

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skjerns commented Aug 21, 2020

I've adapted the script.

@datalw can you check if it works now?

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datalw commented Aug 21, 2020

@skjerns Thanks a lot for the swift response! I tried the adapted version and got the following error:

----> 3     if 'datetime' in type(utc_stamp): return utc_stamp
      4     # The min on windows is 86400
      5     stamp = [int(s) for s in utc_stamp]

TypeError: argument of type 'type' is not iterable

So I changed if 'datetime' in type(utc_stamp): to if 'datetime' in str(type(utc_stamp)) and it works :D Would you mind to adapt it again?
Thanks a lot for the great work!
@LunaHub it works for me so far, you could try it again : )

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skjerns commented Aug 21, 2020

oops, yes didnt test it, thank's, I corrected it

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datalw commented Sep 14, 2020

I have used the gist for a while, it is really awesome, especially for saving the preprocessed data!

I am here again for a follow-up question. So far the files without annotations have been saved successfully. However for a file with annotations, the raw.times in the saved file was incorrect. I have looked into the code and found out the problem might be due to this line
'sample_rate': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['n_samps'][i]['sfreq'] gives 256, but mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['n_samps'][i] gives 2048 instead.
Since I have never dealt with _raw_extras, I tried to find some information about _raw_extras in mne documention, but failed.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem, or how I can proceed? Or is this a bug in _raw_extras?

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alexrockhill commented Sep 14, 2020

I am not familiar with raw._raw_extras you might be able to reach a wider audience that wrote that part of the code on Gitter unless someone on this thread knows

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skjerns commented Sep 16, 2020

@datalw did you resample the data? was one of original sample frequencies 2048?

to be honest, I just hacked this snippet together and changed it often over time, I'm also not very familiar with the mne internals. If you find a solution, let me know! I'm still in favor of integrating edf writing compatibility inside mne, but currently they don't want to introduce optional dependencies. maybe that changes as a python-native implementation of edflib has been published last month :)

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So this still isn't incorporated into mne-python, any chance it ever will? Been a few years.

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skjerns commented Sep 28, 2020

Feel free to ask this directly at MNE: or the gitter

The problem was the additional dependency on pyedflib and that pyedflib uses Cython to compile some C libraries, which they did not want to include (afaik, and which I somehow understand).

However, we could ask if it would be possible to include an optional dependency on pyedflib. Additionally, EDDlib has just released a Python-only-version which would solve some problems :) but its quite slow (it's Python, nevertheless)

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datalw commented Sep 28, 2020

@alexrockhill @skjerns Thanks a lot for the reply and sorry for my delayed answer. I plan to come back to this issue in the next couple of weeks and if I find a solution I will let you @skjerns know ; )

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Hello, thanks a lot for the great work! I am having one problem when using this script. When I try to open the resulted edf file this message came up "Error, number of datarecords is 0, expected >0. You can fix this problem with the header editor, check the manual for details. File is not a valid EDF or BDF file.". I am not quite sure why is this the case and I wonder if anyone is having the same problem or has any solution.

Thanks a lot!

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That's a bit hard to diagnose what's going on without sharing a minimally reproducible example that someone else can run on their machine.

It sounds like maybe your object didn't have any data in it or any data of type eeg, grad, mag or seeg. See

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That's a bit hard to diagnose what's going on without sharing a minimally reproducible example that someone else can run on their machine.

It sounds like maybe your object didn't have any data in it or any data of type eeg, grad, mag or seeg. See

@alexrockhill Hello, thanks a lot for the reply. This is the piece of code I used when creating the object.
sample_data_raw_file = os.path.join("filename.edf")
raw =
My original document is already in .edf, I put the file through some processing in mne-python and I would want to save the end-product as .edf using your script. Thanks a lot for your help!

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alexrockhill commented Oct 16, 2020

From my experience reading in edf files, often the data types are not correctly set by mne by default. I would try setting all your channel types to eeg I assume but whatever type they are and saving again. I'd be interested to know if that works.

Also, I helped a bit but the thanks definitely goes to @skjerns for this gist.

Maybe this will help

import mne
raw_fname = 'filename.edf'
raw =
raw = raw.set_channel_types({ch: 'eeg' for ch in raw.ch_names})

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Thanks for the reply. I have tried setting the channel types to eeg using raw = raw.set_channel_types({ch: 'eeg' for ch in raw.ch_names}) , but the resulting file still can't be opened.

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I am having the same. My guess is that there is some unexpected bug occurs while you reading the raw data from edf. Is there any method to sure I read the edf correctly?

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Ok, that was just an informed guess but I couldn't tell you what's wrong because I don't have access to your data.

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I realized that the smaller the original file I use the smaller the resulting file that is saved. But nomatter how big my original file is, the resulting file is always too small to be opened. When I called the function I called it this way write_mne_edf(raw,'testfile.edf', overwrite=True). I wonder if I am not aware of some details from the script resulting in this error of getting an extremely small file.

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skjerns commented Oct 20, 2020

It is difficult to help you without having the original file to work with. Feel free to upload the file somewhere (eg wetransfer) and post the link here. Alternatively, if the data is sensitive, send it privately to

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It is difficult to help you without having the original file to work with. Feel free to upload the file somewhere (eg wetransfer) and post the link here. Alternatively, if the data is sensitive, send it privately to

Hello, thank you very much for your reply. I have sent an email to the address provided. Thanks!

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skjerns commented Oct 20, 2020

There was an Exception raised during the file you sent, as the date wasn't set correctly, so the resulting file was just a leftover of an incomplete write. I changed the gist to raise an Exception explicitly and not just print it. It should work now. This was due to a bug in pyedflib, which I fixed now.

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There was an Exception raised during the file you sent, as the date wasn't set correctly, so the resulting file was just a leftover of an incomplete write. I changed the gist to raise an Exception explicitly and not just print it. It should work now. This was due to a bug in pyedflib, which I fixed now.

Thank you very much for your help, it works perfectly now!

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Hi @skjerns! Thank you for this great gist, we've been using it a lot in my lab. If the option of integrating it directly into MNE ever comes back to the table (now that there is a native Python implementation), I'd be happy to vouch for it!

Just a quick comment on the code, wouldn't it make more sense to update the date so that it starts at tmin, and not meas_date? Concretely, just adding a timedelta(seconds=tmin) to the date datetime?


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skjerns commented Oct 29, 2020

The Python native implementation of edflib is unfortunately extremely slow (I posted a benchmark here), up to 20x slower. So I don't think implementation in mne is going to come soon. But I see what I can do w.r.t this issue, as it seems to be a major feature lacking in mne. It should be possible to speed up quite a bit, with knowing a bit of Python internals and bottlenecks.

good one for the tmin! I'll implement that. I actually never use this gist myself, so I rely on users to improve it :)

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LudovicGardy commented Nov 3, 2020

Hello, and thank you for your great job!

I have a little problem because when I convert a file using your method, it goes from 1h duration to 8h duration (probably related to the sample rate, which is transformed from 2048 to 256Hz somewhere in the process). However, I change absolutely nothing, I just load my .edf data (duration = 1h), use write_edf, load the new .edf data (duration = 8h).

Edit : I solved the problem by changing the following code. Basically I just changed the 'sample_rate' parameter into the ch_dict.

            ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i], 
                       'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]], 
                       #'sample_rate': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['n_samps'][i], 
                       'physical_min': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_min'][i], 
                       'physical_max': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_max'][i], 
                       'digital_min':  mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_min'][i], 
                       'digital_max':  mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_max'][i], 
                       'transducer': '', 
                       'prefilter': ''}
            ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i], 
                       'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]], 
                       #'sample_rate': sfreq, 
                       'physical_min': channels.min(), 
                       'physical_max': channels.max(), 
                       'digital_min':  dmin, 
                       'digital_max':  dmax, 
                       'transducer': '', 
                       'prefilter': ''}

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Hello, thanks a lot for this amazing script. I realize that the resulting file saved from this script will be in the folder which the original data is located. I wonder if there is any way we can change where the output file will be within the script. Thank you.

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LudovicGardy commented Dec 23, 2020

Hello, thanks a lot for this amazing script. I realize that the resulting file saved from this script will be in the folder which the original data is located. I wonder if there is any way we can change where the output file will be within the script. Thank you.

Hi, you can just set "fname" to the full path you want (folderpath/filename.edf) when you call the write_mne_edf() function.

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const7 commented Feb 25, 2021

Hi, thanks for your great work.
I'm trying to fit this code into mff files, but I'm not sure what does channels *= 1e6 do. Can someone give more explanation? Thanks.

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skjerns commented Feb 25, 2021

It is assumed that the data is passed from MNE is in Volts (see disclaimer of the function, this is default in MNE afaik), even though most values recorded with EEG are in the mV or uV range. However, as EDF+ is only using 16-bit precision, such small values easily lose much precision. Therefore values are converted from Volt to Microvolt, where less precision is lost. The physical dimension is then added to the EDF+ header, so it should load correctly. To be honest, now that I'm re-reading the code I'm struggeling myself to trust that this also works in cases where data is not EEG (e.g. with data in nT like MEG). I haven't used MNE ever since, so I don't really know.

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PARODBE commented Jul 3, 2021


One question. If you have a numpy array with channels and the information:

And Also I have the labels:


How I could convert this in edf file, please?


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skjerns commented Jul 3, 2021

just use pyedflib

see here for use case examples

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PARODBE commented Jul 5, 2021

Thanks @skjerns , but the labels? How could I introduce them? Thanks again!

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skjerns commented Jul 5, 2021

you can add them as annotations

signals = np.random.rand(5, 256*300)*200 # 5 minutes of random signal
channel_names = ['ch1', 'ch2', 'ch3', 'ch4', 'ch5']
signal_headers = highlevel.make_signal_headers(channel_names, sample_frequency=256)
header = highlevel.make_header(patientname='patient_x', gender='Female')
annotations = [[0, 0, "Wake"], [30, 0, "S2"]] # format [onset, duration, description], I think time is in seconds or ms,  I don't remember
header['annotations'] = annotations
highlevel.write_edf('edf_file.edf', signals, signal_headers, header)

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PARODBE commented Jul 9, 2021

Thanks for your support! The code has worked for me, but I have a problem. My shape is (channels, epochs,51230), If I do a flatten multiplying epochs by 51230, the result is:


I can't see anything clear, however these signals had a different view...For you, what is the problem?


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skjerns commented Jul 9, 2021

likely some wrong values for digital min/max and physical min/max in EDF. Else just a display problem in EDFBrowser, try pressing '+' to increase the signals. However, this is not the place to get support for that - it has little to do with this blob.

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paulokanda commented Oct 24, 2021

I'm trying to open an edf in mne, edit it, and save result in a new file using your gist. Unfortunately, when I do:
write_mne_edf(EEG_raw, fname, picks=None, tmin=0, tmax=None,

saving to EDF_test, filetype 2

the resulting file is very small and its content is :

Error! C:\Python\Python38\EDF_test is not UTF-8 encoded
Saving disabled.
See Console for more details.

edf original:

Could you help me . Thanks in advance


{'technician': '', 'recording_additional': '', 'patientname': 'RLSR', 'patient_additional': 'righthanded 4 Kg', 'patientcode': '00000', 'equipment': 'EMSA Equipamentos Medicos S.A.', 'admincode': '0000001', 'gender': 'Female', 'startdate': datetime.datetime(2004, 11, 1, 8, 19, 53), 'birthdate': '02 nov 1995', 'annotations': []}

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skjerns commented Oct 25, 2021

I edited the gist, it should work now. (I also removed some patient-sensitive data from your post, please also remove the file from your google drive as it contains patient specific data that you're probably not allowed to share)

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paulokanda commented Oct 25, 2021

Dear Mr Kern

I updated the gist

original file without sensitive info:

but the result doesnot copy the data:

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skjerns commented Oct 26, 2021

I cannot reproduce the problem.

raw ='0651701_Copy (1).edf')
write_mne_edf(raw, 'test.edf')

I can read and save the file with no problems. Sorry, I will not be able to give individual support for specific problems that are not directly related to the gist.

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Sure, I do it for fun and I'll find a way, thank you for your time, have a great day.


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I am getting an os error when trying to save the preprocessed eeg data in EDF format. Earlier it worked. I am now unable to save the epoched eeg data into a folder in EDF format. Could you tell me how to solve this issue? I'm getting the error shown below
"OSError: The filename (/Users/sreelakshmiraveendran/Desktop/Research papersMAC/Python programming/out_data) for file type raw must end with .fif or .fif.gz"

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skjerns commented Nov 8, 2021

You are not using the script, but probably, which is MNE buitlin. Also I have no idea what you are doing, please provide a context with code that reproduces the issue. This does not seem like an error in the script, but rather a general Python programming mistake.

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The original file is edF file, now want to convert to BDF file format, can this library be used successfully?Thank you very much,My email is

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skjerns commented Jun 21, 2022

You can do so easily with pyedflib. However, you will gain nothing from it, as your precision will be obviously capped by the EDF file.

EDF and BDF are the same file format with the difference of having 16 and 24 bits of precision.

import pyedflib
signals, sheads, header = pyedflib.highlevel.read_edf(filename)
pyedflib.highlevel.write_edf('out.bdf', signals, sheads, header)

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jinshengliu commented Jun 21, 2022 via email

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jinshengliu commented Jun 21, 2022 via email

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skjerns commented Jun 21, 2022

you might need to manually alter the physical min/max in the signal headers of some channels. Sorry, cannot give any further help than this :-/

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jinshengliu commented Jun 21, 2022 via email

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I'm encountering an error with the current gist here and BDF files, using the latest versions of mne and pyedflib (1.3.1 and 0.1.32 respectively)

Using the files directly from BioSemi I mentioned in an earlier message here (, I'm running this script:

import mne, save_edf, os

if __name__ == "__main__":
    path = '~~~/Downloads/BDFtestfiles'
    files = [x for x in os.listdir(path) if 'mod' not in x]
    for file in files:
        minus = '.'.join(file.split('.')[:-1])
        nneww = '{}/{}_mod.bdf'.format(path, minus)
        dat ='{}/{}'.format(path, file))
        save_edf.write_mne_edf(mne_raw=dat, fname=nneww, overwrite=True)

There is another file named that is the gist on this page. I get the following error:

I'm not sure but I suspect this is related to BioSemi's default units--I think their devices save in micro-Volts. The only field I see than mentions that (in the object) is the _orig_units field; however the "original" in that name makes me hesitant to treat it as a ground truth for the current state of the file. Any suggestions for handling this?

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skjerns commented Apr 27, 2023 via email

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MNE has an now too which might be helpful if that's all handled within that function

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GABowers commented Apr 27, 2023

I think the only thing that you can try is trial and error: downscale the data and change dimension accordingly and check with EdfBrowser if the signal is loaded correctly. If they save in microvolts I'm surprised that there are values of 1e13, which would be death for most organisms-----------Sent from mobileAm 27.04.2023 um 13:52 schrieb GABowers @.>:Re: @. commented on this gist.I'm encountering an error with the current gist here and BDF files, using the latest versions of mne and pyedflib (1.3.1 and 0.1.32 respectively)Using the files directly from BioSemi I mentioned in an earlier message here (, I'm running this script:import mne, save_edf, os if name == "main": path = '~~~/Downloads/BDFtestfiles' files = [x for x in os.listdir(path) if 'mod' not in x] for file in files: minus = '.'.join(file.split('.')[:-1]) nneww = '{}/{}_mod.bdf'.format(path, minus) dat ='{}/{}'.format(path, file)) save_edf.write_mne_edf(mne_raw=dat, fname=nneww, overwrite=True) There is another file named that is the gist on this page. I get the following error:I'm not sure but I suspect this is related to BioSemi's default units--I think their devices save in micro-Volts. The only field I see than mentions that (in the object) is the _orig_units field; however the "original" in that name makes me hesitant to treat it as a ground truth for the current state of the file. Any suggestions for handling this?—Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub or unsubscribe.You are receiving this email because you authored the thread.Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.

Your comment led me to look a bit deeper. It seems that the mne_raw._raw_extras dictionary is missing some keys, which causes the code to use values from the data for the various channel infos--the "except" in the following:

                ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i], 
                           'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]], 
                           'sample_rate': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['n_samps'][i], 
                           'physical_min': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_min'][i], 
                           'physical_max': mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['physical_max'][i], 
                           'digital_min':  mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_min'][i], 
                           'digital_max':  mne_raw._raw_extras[0]['digital_max'][i], 
                           'transducer': '', 
                           'prefilter': ''}
                ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i], 
                           'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]], 
                           'sample_rate': sfreq, 
                           'physical_min': channels.min(), 
                           'physical_max': channels.max(), 
                           'digital_min':  dmin, 
                           'digital_max':  dmax, 
                           'transducer': '', 
                           'prefilter': ''}

And it's getting those values from, surprise surprise, the BioSemi Status channel.

I think the simplest solution is to get that physical_min and max from all channels except any named Status--I'll write something up for that in a few hours when I have some time.

Edit: See below. Simple change.

                physical = channels if 'Status' not in mne_raw.ch_names[-1] else channels[:-1]
                ch_dict = {'label': mne_raw.ch_names[i], 
                           'dimension': mne_raw._orig_units[keys[i]], 
                           'sample_rate': sfreq, 
                           'physical_min': physical.min(), 
                           'physical_max': physical.max(), 
                           'digital_min':  dmin, 
                           'digital_max':  dmax, 
                           'transducer': '', 
                           'prefilter': ''}

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