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Created April 18, 2014 15:17
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Test and wrapper script for simulator core functions.
To recompile the C++ library type ! ./ from the ipython console and restart
the ipython kernel.
import os
import sys
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
sys.path.append(path + '/..')
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
import numpy.linalg as la
import numpy as np
import math
from math import pi, acos
from Timer import Timer
from cffi import FFI
from numba import int_, double, void, jit
ffi = FFI()
# Simulator core functions as defined in sim_core_.cpp.
ffi.cdef("double calc_cl(double alpha);")
ffi.cdef("double calc_cd(double alpha);")
ffi.cdef("void init_cl(double *alpha_cl, double *cl_list, int size);")
ffi.cdef("void init_cd(double *alpha_cl, double *cl_list, int size);")
ffi.cdef("void calcDrag(double *v_wt, double *vp, double *uv, double l_segment, double rho, \
double d_tether, double *drag);")
ffi.cdef("void calcParticleForces(double *pos1, double *pos2, double *vel1, double *vel2, \
double *v_wind_tether, double* spring, double* forces, \
double stiffnes_factor, int segments, double d_tether, double rho, int i);")
ffi.cdef("void calcAeroForces4(double *pos, double *vel, double *v_wind, double rho, double alpha_depower, \
double rel_steering, double alpha_zero, int segments, double KS, \
double ALPHA_ZTIP, double AREA, double REL_SIDE_AREA, double* forces, double* xyz, double* \
last_alphas, double *lift, double *drag);")
ffi.cdef("void innerLoop(double *pos, double *vel, double *v_wind, double *v_wind_tether, double* SPRINGS, double* forces, \
double stiffnes_factor, int segments, double d_tether);")
# linalg helpers
ffi.cdef("double dot3(double a0, double a1, double a2, double b0, double b1, double b2);")
ffi.cdef("double norm3(double in1, double in2, double in3);")
ffi.cdef("void normalize3(double in1, double in2, double in3, double *out);")
ffi.cdef("double calcWindHeight(double v_wind_gnd, double height);")
ffi.cdef("double calcWindFactor(double height);")
# load the C++ library
lib = ffi.dlopen(path + "/")
# create a pointer to an output buffer array
buf0 = np.zeros(3)
buf = ffi.cast("double *",
res1 = np.zeros(3)
K_D = 1.0
""" Calculate the aerodynamic kite properties. """
ALPHA_CL = [-180.0, -160.0, -90.0, -20.0, -10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 90.0, 160.0, 180.0]
CL_LIST = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.08, 0.125, 0.15, 0.2,1.0*K_D, 1.0, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0]
ALPHA_CD = [-180.0, -170.0, -140.0, -90.0, -20.0, 0.0, 20.0, 90.0, 140.0, 170.0, 180.0]
CD_LIST = [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2*K_D, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
calc_cl_ = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(ALPHA_CL, CL_LIST)
calc_cd_ = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(ALPHA_CD, CD_LIST)
# random values for alpha in the range of -5.0 to 25.0 degrees
RANDOM = np.random.random_sample((10000,)) * 30.0 - 5.0
SPRINGS_ = ffi.cast("double *",
AREA = 16.5 # projected kite area [m^2]
KD = 40.0 / 180.0 * math.pi # max depower
KS = 20.0 / 180.0 * math.pi # max steering
K = 1 - REL_SIDE_AREA # correction factor for the drag
N = 1024
alpha_cl = np.linspace(-180.0, 180.0, N, endpoint=True)
cl_list = np.zeros(N)
alpha_cd = np.linspace(-180.0, 180.0, N, endpoint=True)
cd_list = np.zeros(N)
# pylint: disable=E1101
d_array = double[:]
dd_array = double[:, :]
def init():
""" Calculate the initial conditions y0, yd0 and sw0. Tether with the given elevation angle,
particel zero fixed at origin. """
DELTA = 1e-6
# self.setCL_CD(10.0 / 180.0 * math.pi)
pos, vel, acc = [], [], []
state_y = DELTA
vel_incr = 0
sin_el, cos_el = math.sin(ELEVATION / 180.0 * math.pi), math.cos(ELEVATION / 180.0 * math.pi)
for i in range (SEGMENTS + 1):
radius = - i * L_0
if i == 0:
pos.append(np.array([-cos_el * radius, DELTA, -sin_el * radius]))
vel.append(np.array([DELTA, DELTA, DELTA]))
pos.append(np.array([-cos_el * radius, state_y, -sin_el * radius]))
if i < SEGMENTS:
vel.append(np.array([DELTA, DELTA, -sin_el * vel_incr*i]))
vel.append(np.array([DELTA, DELTA, -sin_el * vel_incr*(i-1.0)]))
acc.append(np.array([DELTA, DELTA, -9.81]))
pos_array, vel_array = np.array(pos, order='F'), np.array(vel, order='F')
# kite particles (pos and vel)
for i in range (KITE_PARTICLES):
pos_array = np.vstack((pos_array, (PARTICLES[i+2]))) # Initial state vector
# kite particles (vel and acc)
for i in range (KITE_PARTICLES):
vel_array = np.vstack((vel_array, (np.array([DELTA, DELTA, DELTA])))) # Initial state vector
# return state_y0
return( pos_array, vel_array)
def init_cl():
for i in range(N):
cl_list[i] = calc_cl_(alpha_cl[i])
lib.init_cl(ffi.cast("double *",, ffi.cast("double *",, N)
def init_cd():
for i in range(N):
cd_list[i] = calc_cd_(alpha_cd[i])
lib.init_cd(ffi.cast("double *",, ffi.cast("double *",, N)
def dot_(vec1, vec2):
""" Calculate the dot product of two 3d vectors.
Not very fast. Only for testing the C function. """
return lib.dot3(vec1[0], vec1[1], vec1[2], vec2[0], vec2[1], vec2[2])
dot = jit(double(double[:], double[:]))(dot_)
def norm_(vec3):
return lib.norm3(vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2])
norm = jit(double(double[:]))(norm_)
def normalize_(vec3):
res = np.zeros(3)
lib.normalize3(vec3[0], vec3[1], vec3[2], buf)
res[:] = buf0[:]
return res
normalize = jit(double[:](double[:]))(normalize_)
def cross_(vec1, vec2):
""" Calculate the dot product of two 3d vectors. """
result = np.zeros(3)
a1, a2, a3 = double(vec1[0]), double(vec1[1]), double(vec1[2])
b1, b2, b3 = double(vec2[0]), double(vec2[1]), double(vec2[2])
result[0] = a2 * b3 - a3 * b2
result[1] = a3 * b1 - a1 * b3
result[2] = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1
return result
cross = jit(double[:](double[:], double[:]))(cross_)
def calcDrag_(v_wind_tether, v_particle, unit_vector, l_segment, rho):
v_apparent = v_wind_tether - v_particle
v_app_norm = norm(v_apparent)
area = l_segment * D_TETHER * (1 - 0.9 * abs(dot(unit_vector, v_apparent) / v_app_norm))
return -0.5 * rho * v_app_norm * area * v_apparent
#extern "C" void calcDrag(double *v_wt, double *vp, double *uv, double l_segment, double rho, \
# double d_tether, double *drag)
def calcDrag2(v_wind_tether, v_particle, unit_vector, l_segment, rho, res):
d_tether = D_TETHER
v_wt = ffi.cast("double *",
vp = ffi.cast("double *",
uv = ffi.cast("double *",
lib.calcDrag(v_wt, vp, uv, l_segment, rho, d_tether, buf)
res[:] = buf0[:]
return res
def calcParticleForces_(pos1, pos2, vel1, vel2, v_wind_tether, spring, forces, stiffnes_factor, segments, \
d_tether, i):
""" Calculate the drag force of the tether segment, defined by the parameters po1, po2, vel1 and vel2
and distribute it equally on the two particles, that are attached to the segment.
The result is stored in the array self.forces. """
p_1 = int_(spring[0]) # Index of point nr. 1
p_2 = int_(spring[1]) # Index of point nr. 2
l_0 = spring[2] # Unstressed length
k = spring[3] * stiffnes_factor # Spring constant
c = spring[4] # Damping coefficient
#print 'k, c: ', k, c
segment = pos1 - pos2
rel_vel = vel1 - vel2
av_vel = 0.5 * (vel1 + vel2)
norm1 = norm(segment)
unit_vector = segment / norm1
k1 = 0.25 * k # compression stiffness kite segments
k2 = 0.1 * k # compression stiffness tether segments
# look at:
# calculate the relative velocity in the direction of the spring (=segment)
spring_vel = dot(unit_vector, rel_vel)
#print 'norm1, l_0: ', norm1, l_0
#print "spring_vel: ", spring_vel
#print "unit_vector: ", unit_vector
if (norm1 - l_0) > 0.0:
spring_force = (k * (norm1 - l_0) + (c * spring_vel)) * unit_vector
elif i >= segments: # kite spring
spring_force = (k1 * (norm1 - l_0) + (c * spring_vel)) * unit_vector
spring_force = (k2 * (norm1 - l_0) + (c * spring_vel)) * unit_vector
#print "spring_force: ", spring_force
# Aerodynamic damping for particles of the tether and kite
v_apparent = v_wind_tether - av_vel
v_app_norm = norm(v_apparent)
area = norm1 * d_tether * (1 - 0.9 * abs(dot(unit_vector, v_apparent) / v_app_norm))
half_drag_force = -0.25 * 1.25 * v_app_norm * area * v_apparent
forces[p_1] += half_drag_force + spring_force
forces[p_2] += half_drag_force - spring_force
calcParticleForces2 = jit(void(double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:], double[:], \
double[:,:], double, int_, double, int_)) (calcParticleForces_)
def calcParticleForces(pos1, pos2, vel1, vel2, v_wind_tether, spring, forces, stiffnes_factor, segments, \
d_tether, i):
pos1_ = ffi.cast("double *",
pos2_ = ffi.cast("double *",
vel1_ = ffi.cast("double *",
vel2_ = ffi.cast("double *",
v_wind_tether_ = ffi.cast("double *",
spring_ = ffi.cast("double *",
forces_ = ffi.cast("double *",
lib.calcParticleForces(pos1_, pos2_, vel1_, vel2_, \
v_wind_tether_, spring_, forces_, \
stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether, i)
def innerLoop2_(pos, vel, v_wind, v_wind_tether, forces, stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether):
for i in xrange(SPRINGS_F.shape[0]):
p_1 = int_(SPRINGS_F[i, 0]) # First point nr.
p_2 = int_(SPRINGS_F[i, 1]) # Second point nr.
height = 0.5 * (pos[p_1][2] + pos[p_2][2])
v_wind_tether[0] = lib.calcWindHeight(v_wind[0], height)
v_wind_tether[1] = lib.calcWindHeight(v_wind[1], height)
v_wind_tether[2] = lib.calcWindHeight(v_wind[2], height)
# print "height, v_wind_tether: ", height, v_wind_tether
calcParticleForces_(pos[p_1], pos[p_2], vel[p_1], vel[p_2], v_wind_tether, SPRINGS_F[i], forces, \
stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether, i)
innerLoop2 = jit(void(double[:, :], double[:, :], double[:], double[:], double[:, :], double, int_, double))(innerLoop2_)
class FastPSS(object):
""" Fast particle system solver. """
def __init__(self):
self.pos = np.zeros((SEGMENTS + KITE_PARTICLES + 1,3), order = 'F')
self.vel = np.zeros((SEGMENTS + KITE_PARTICLES + 1,3), order = 'F')
self.v_wind_tether = np.zeros(3)
self.v_wind = np.zeros(3)
self.last_alphas = d_array(np.array((0.1, ALPHA_ZTIP, ALPHA_ZTIP)))
self.forces = dd_array(np.zeros((SEGMENTS + PARTICLES.shape[0] - 1, 3), order='F')) = dd_array(np.zeros((3,3), order='F'))
self.pos_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.vel_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.v_wind_tether_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.v_wind_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.forces_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.xyz_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.last_alphas_ = ffi.cast("double *",
self.lift_ ="double *")
self.lift_[0] = 0.0
self.drag_ ="double *")
self.drag_[0] = 0.0
@void(double[:, :], double[:, :], double[:], double[:], double, int_, double)
def innerLoop(self, pos, vel, v_wind, v_wind_tether, stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether):
self.pos[:] = pos
self.vel[:] = vel
self.v_wind[:] = v_wind
self.v_wind_tether[:] = v_wind_tether
lib.innerLoop(self.pos_, self.vel_, self.v_wind_, self.v_wind_tether_, SPRINGS_, self.forces_, stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether)
@void( double[:,:], double[:,:], double[:], double, double, double, double, int_)
def calcAeroForces4_(self, pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS):
pos0, pos3, pos4: position of the kite particles P0, P3, and P4
v2, v3, v4: velocity of the kite particles P2, P3, and P4
rho: air density [kg/m^3]
rel_depower: value between 0.0 and 1.0
rel_steering: value between -1.0 and +1.0
self.pos[:] = pos
self.vel[:] = vel
pos2, pos3, pos4 = pos[SEGMENTS+2], pos[SEGMENTS+3], pos[SEGMENTS+4]
v2, v3, v4 = vel[SEGMENTS+2], vel[SEGMENTS+3], vel[SEGMENTS+4]
va_2, va_3, va_4 = v_wind - v2, v_wind - v3, v_wind - v4
pos_centre = 0.5 * (pos3 + pos4)
delta = pos2 - pos_centre
z = -normalize(delta)
y = normalize(pos3 - pos4)
x = cross(y, z)
va_xz2 = va_2 - dot(va_2, y) * y
va_xy3 = va_3 - dot(va_3, z) * z
va_xy4 = va_4 - dot(va_4, z) * z
alpha_2 = (pi - acos(dot(normalize(va_xz2), x)) - alpha_depower ) * 360.0 / pi + alpha_zero
alpha_3 = (pi - acos(dot(normalize(va_xy3), x)) - rel_steering * KS) * 360.0 / pi + ALPHA_ZTIP
alpha_4 = (pi - acos(dot(normalize(va_xy4), x)) + rel_steering * KS) * 360.0 / pi + ALPHA_ZTIP
CL2, CD2 = double(lib.calc_cl(alpha_2)), double(lib.calc_cd(alpha_2))
CL3, CD3 = double(lib.calc_cl(alpha_3)), double(lib.calc_cd(alpha_3))
CL4, CD4 = double(lib.calc_cl(alpha_4)), double(lib.calc_cd(alpha_4))
L2 = -0.5 * rho * (norm(va_xz2))**2 * AREA * CL2 * normalize(cross(va_2, y))
L3 = -0.5 * rho * (norm(va_xy3))**2 * AREA * REL_SIDE_AREA * CL3 * normalize(cross(va_3, z))
L4 = -0.5 * rho * (norm(va_xy4))**2 * AREA * REL_SIDE_AREA * CL4 * normalize(cross(z, va_4))
D2 = -0.5 * K * rho * norm(va_2) * AREA * CD2 * va_2
D3 = -0.5 * K * rho * norm(va_3) * AREA * REL_SIDE_AREA * CD3 * va_3
D4 = -0.5 * K * rho * norm(va_4) * AREA * REL_SIDE_AREA * CD4 * va_4
self.forces[SEGMENTS + 2] += (L2 + D2)
self.forces[SEGMENTS + 3] += (L3 + D3)
self.forces[SEGMENTS + 4] += (L4 + D4)
@void( double[:,:], double[:,:], double[:], double, double, double, double, int_, \
double, double, double, double)
def calcAeroForces4(self, pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS, \
pos0, pos3, pos4: position of the kite particles P0, P3, and P4
v2, v3, v4: velocity of the kite particles P2, P3, and P4
rho: air density [kg/m^3]
rel_depower: value between 0.0 and 1.0
rel_steering: value between -1.0 and +1.0
self.pos[:] = pos
self.vel[:] = vel
self.v_wind[:] = v_wind
lib.calcAeroForces4(self.pos_, self.vel_, self.v_wind_, rho, alpha_depower, \
rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS, KS, \
ALPHA_ZTIP, AREA, REL_SIDE_AREA, self.forces_, self.xyz_, self.last_alphas_, self.lift_, self.drag_)
PSS = FastPSS()
def test_calcAeroForces4():
pos, vel = init()
rho = 1.25
v_wind = np.array((8.0, 0.2, 0.0))
alpha_depower = 0.1
rel_steering = -0.1
alpha_zero = 5.0
PSS.calcAeroForces4_(pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS)
# print PSS.forces
PSS.calcAeroForces4(pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS,\
# print PSS.forces
assert la.norm(PSS.forces - forces1) <= 1e-10
print "Fished test_calcAeroForces4()"
def innerLoop_(pos, vel, v_wind_tether, forces, stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether):
pos_ = ffi.cast("double *",
vel_ = ffi.cast("double *",
v_wind_tether_ = ffi.cast("double *",
forces_ = ffi.cast("double *",
lib.innerLoop(pos_, vel_, v_wind_tether_, SPRINGS_, forces_, stiffnes_factor, segments, d_tether)
innerLoop = jit(void(double[:, :], double[:, :], double[:], double[:, :], double, int_, double))(innerLoop_)
def test_calcParticleForces():
pos1 = np.array((1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
pos2 = np.array((2.0, 3.0, 4.0))
vel1 = np.array((3.0, 4.0, 5.0))
vel2 = np.array((4.0, 5.0, 6.0))
for i in range(SPRINGS_F.shape[0]):
spring = SPRINGS_F[i]
forces = dd_array(np.zeros((SEGMENTS + PARTICLES.shape[0] - 1, 3), order='F'))
stiffnes_factor = 0.5
v_wind_tether = np.array((8.0, 0.1, 0.0))
calcParticleForces_(pos1, pos2, vel1, vel2, v_wind_tether, spring, forces, stiffnes_factor, SEGMENTS, \
#print forces1
calcParticleForces(pos1, pos2, vel1, vel2, v_wind_tether, spring, forces, stiffnes_factor, SEGMENTS, \
assert la.norm(forces - forces1) <= 1e-10
print "Fished test_calcParticleForces()"
def test_innerLoop():
pos, vel = init()
# print 'pos.shape: ', pos.shape
# print "pos.shape", pos.shape
v_wind = np.array((7.0, 0.1, 0.0))
v_wind_tether = np.array((8.0, 0.1, 0.0))
stiffnes_factor = 0.5
forces = dd_array(np.zeros((SEGMENTS + PARTICLES.shape[0] - 1, 3), order='F'))
innerLoop2_(pos, vel, v_wind, v_wind_tether, forces, stiffnes_factor, SEGMENTS, D_TETHER)
#print forces1
PSS.innerLoop(np.ascontiguousarray(pos), vel, v_wind, v_wind_tether, stiffnes_factor, SEGMENTS, D_TETHER)
#print forces
assert la.norm(forces - forces1) <= 1e-10
print "Fished test_innerLoop()"
# test_calcParticleForces()
if __name__ == '__main__':
vec1 = np.array((1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
vec2 = np.array((2.0, 3.0, 4.0))
vec3 = np.array((3.0, 4.0, 5.0))
vec4 = np.array((4.0, 5.0, 6.0))
spring = SPRINGS_F[0]
stiffnes_factor = 0.5
v_wind_tether = vec1
v_wind = np.array((8.0, 0.2, 0.0))
alpha_depower = 0.1
rel_steering = -0.1
alpha_zero = 5.0
v_particle = np.array((-1.0, 2.5, 3.0))
l_segment = 100.0
rho = 1.25
v_wind_tether = vec1
v_particle = np.array((-1.0, 2.5, 3.0))
unit_vector = normalize(np.array((0.5, 0.1, 9.0)))
l_segment = 100.0
rho = 1.25
drag1 = calcDrag_(v_wind_tether, v_particle, unit_vector, l_segment, rho)
drag2 = calcDrag2(v_wind_tether, v_particle, unit_vector, l_segment, rho, res1)
# print drag1
# print drag2
pos, vel = init()
# print "pos.shape", pos.shape
v_wind_tether = np.array((8.0, 0.1, 0.0))
forces = dd_array(np.zeros((SEGMENTS + PARTICLES.shape[0] - 1, 3), order='F'))
stiffnes_factor = 0.5
print "calcWindHeight(8.0, 500.0): ", lib.calcWindHeight(8.0, 500.0)
if True:
with Timer() as t0:
for i in xrange(10000):
print "time for empty loop [µs] ", t0.secs / 10000 * 1e6
with Timer() as t1:
for i in xrange(10000):
PSS.calcAeroForces4_(pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS)
print "calcAeroForces4: [µs] ", (t1.secs - t0.secs) / 10000 * 1e6
with Timer() as t1:
for i in xrange(10000):
PSS.calcAeroForces4(pos, vel, v_wind, rho, alpha_depower, rel_steering, alpha_zero, SEGMENTS, \
print "calcAeroForces4 cffi: [µs] ", (t1.secs - t0.secs) / 10000 * 1e6
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