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Created July 12, 2016 21:28
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from pprint import pprint
s_expr = ('bundle',
('python-type', '&array_of_int32TypeObject'))),
('signature', ('param', '$array_of_int32_type', '$a'), ('result', 'int32')),
('local', '$total', 'i32'),
('local', '$i', 'i64'), # question: are these zero-initialized or undefined?
('set_local', '$total', ('i32.const', 0)),
('set_local', '$i', ('i32.const', 0)),
('loop', '$done', '$loop',
('', ('get_local', '$i'), ('i64.load', '$a', 24)),
('br', '$done'),
('get_local' '$total'),
('i64.load', '$a', 16),
('i64.mul', ('i64.const', 4), (('get_local', '$i')))),
('set_local', '$i', ('i64.add', ('get_local', '$i'), ('i64.const', 1))))),
('br', '$loop')),
('get_local', '$total')),
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