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Created August 9, 2018 17:35
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// File: contracts/inherited/Proxy.sol
/// @title Proxy - Generic proxy contract allows to execute all transactions applying the code of a master contract.
/// @author Stefan George - <>
contract Proxy {
address masterCopy;
/// @dev Constructor function sets address of master copy contract.
/// @param _masterCopy Master copy address.
function Proxy(address _masterCopy)
require(_masterCopy != 0);
masterCopy = _masterCopy;
/// @dev Fallback function forwards all transactions and returns all received return data.
function ()
assembly {
let masterCopy := and(sload(0), 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff)
calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())
let success := delegatecall(not(0), masterCopy, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)
returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize())
switch success
case 0 { revert(0, returndatasize()) }
default { return(0, returndatasize()) }
// File: tokens/eip20/EIP20Interface.sol
// Abstract contract for the full ERC 20 Token standard
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
contract EIP20Interface {
/* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard.
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply);
is replaced with:
uint256 public totalSupply;
This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply.
This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not
currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract
function by the compiler.
/// total amount of tokens
uint256 public totalSupply;
/// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved
/// @return The balance
function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance);
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender`
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
/// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from`
/// @param _from The address of the sender
/// @param _to The address of the recipient
/// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred
/// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
/// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer
/// @return Whether the approval was successful or not
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success);
/// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens
/// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
/// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
// File: tokens/eip20/EIP20.sol
Implements EIP20 token standard:
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
contract EIP20 is EIP20Interface {
uint256 constant MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1;
The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them.
They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality.
Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information.
string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks
uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show.
string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX
function EIP20(
uint256 _initialAmount,
string _tokenName,
uint8 _decimalUnits,
string _tokenSymbol
) public {
balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens
totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply
name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes
decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
//Default assumes totalSupply can't be over max (2^256 - 1).
//If your token leaves out totalSupply and can issue more tokens as time goes on, you need to check if it doesn't wrap.
//Replace the if with this one instead.
//require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]);
require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value);
balances[msg.sender] -= _value;
balances[_to] += _value;
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
//same as above. Replace this line with the following if you want to protect against wrapping uints.
//require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value && balances[_to] + _value > balances[_to]);
uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender];
require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value);
balances[_to] += _value;
balances[_from] -= _value;
if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) {
allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value;
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
function balanceOf(address _owner) view public returns (uint256 balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
view public returns (uint256 remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
mapping (address => uint256) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) allowed;
// File: contracts/DelphiStake.sol
contract DelphiStake {
event ClaimantWhitelisted(address _claimant, uint _whitelistId, uint _deadline, string _data);
event WhitelistDeadlineExtended(uint _whitelistId, uint _newDeadline);
event ClaimOpened(address _claimant, uint _whitelistId, uint _claimId);
event ClaimOpenedWithoutSettlement(address _claimant, uint _whitelistId, uint _claimId);
event FeeIncreased(address _increasedBy, uint _claimId, uint _amount);
event ClaimAccepted(uint _claimId);
event SettlementProposed(address _proposedBy, uint _claimId, uint _settlementId);
event SettlementAccepted(address _acceptedBy, uint _claimId, uint _settlementId);
event SettlementFailed(address _failedBy, uint _claimId, string _data);
event ClaimRuled(uint _claimId, uint _ruling);
event ReleaseTimeIncreased(uint _stakeReleaseTime);
event StakeWithdrawn(uint _amount);
event StakeIncreased(address _increasedBy, uint _value);
struct Claim {
uint whitelistId;
address claimant;
uint amount;
uint fee;
uint surplusFee;
string data;
uint ruling;
bool settlementFailed;
struct Settlement {
uint amount;
bool stakerAgrees;
bool claimantAgrees;
struct Whitelist {
address claimant;
address arbiter;
uint minimumFee;
uint deadline;
uint public claimableStake;
EIP20 public token;
string public data;
address public staker;
uint public stakeReleaseTime;
Claim[] public claims;
uint public openClaims;
mapping(uint => Settlement[]) public settlements;
Whitelist[] public whitelists;
modifier onlyStaker(){
require(msg.sender == staker);
modifier validClaimID(uint _claimId){
require(_claimId < claims.length);
modifier validSettlementId(uint _claimId, uint _settlementId){
require(_settlementId < settlements[_claimId].length);
modifier validWhitelistId(uint _whitelistId){
require(_whitelistId < whitelists.length);
modifier onlyArbiter(uint _claimId){
require(msg.sender == whitelists[claims[_claimId].whitelistId].arbiter);
modifier isBeforeDeadline(uint _whitelistId){
require(now <= whitelists[_whitelistId].deadline);
modifier largeEnoughFee(uint _whitelistId, uint _newFee){
require(_newFee >= whitelists[_whitelistId].minimumFee);
modifier claimNotRuled(uint _claimId){
require(claims[_claimId].ruling == 0);
modifier stakerCanPay(uint _amount, uint _fee){
require(claimableStake >= (_amount + _fee));
modifier settlementDidFail(uint _claimId){
modifier settlementDidNotFail(uint _claimId){
modifier onlyWhitelistedClaimant(uint _whitelistId){
require(msg.sender == whitelists[_whitelistId].claimant);
modifier noOpenClaims(){
require(openClaims == 0);
modifier stakeIsReleased(){
require (now > stakeReleaseTime);
@dev when creating a new Delphi Stake using a proxy contract architecture, a user must
initialialize their stake, depositing their tokens
@param _staker the address which is creating the stake through the proxy contract
@param _value the value of the stake in token units
@param _token the address of the token being deposited
@param _data a content hash of the relevant associated data describing the stake
@param _claimDeadline the deadline for opening new cliams; the earliest moment that
a stake can be withdrawn by the staker
function initDelphiStake(address _staker, uint _value, EIP20 _token, string _data, uint _stakeReleaseTime)
require(_stakeReleaseTime > now);
// This function can only be called if it hasn't been called before, or if the token was
// set to 0 when it was called previously.
require(token == address(0));
// Initialize contract storage.
claimableStake = _value;
token = _token;
data = _data;
stakeReleaseTime = _stakeReleaseTime;
staker = _staker;
// Revert if the specified value to stake cannot be transferred in
require(_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _value));
@dev before going into business with a staker, the staker's counterparty should expect to be
"whitelisted for claims" such that a clear path exists for the adjudication of disputes should
one arise in the course of events.
@param _claimant an address which, once whitelisted, can make claims against this stake
@param _arbiter an address which will rule on any claims this whitelisted claimant will open
@param _minimumFee the minum fee the new claimant must deposit when opening a claim
@param _deadline the timestamp before which the whitelisted individual may open a claim
@param _data an IPFS hash representing the scope and terms of the whitelisting
function whitelistClaimant(address _claimant, address _arbiter, uint _minimumFee, uint _deadline, string _data)
// the new claimant cannot be the same address as the staker or arbiter
require(_claimant != staker && _claimant != _arbiter);
// Whitelist the claimant by adding their entry in the whitelists array
whitelists.push(Whitelist(_claimant, _arbiter, _minimumFee, _deadline));
// Emit an event noting that this claimant was whitelisted
ClaimantWhitelisted(_claimant, whitelists.length - 1, _deadline, _data);
@dev if a staker desires, they may extend the deadline before which a particular claimant may open a claim
@param _whitelistId the index of the whitelisting whose deadline is being extended
@param _newDeadline the new deadline for opening claims
function extendClaimDeadline(uint _whitelistId, uint _newDeadline)
// the new deadline must be greater than the existing deadline
require(_newDeadline > whitelists[_whitelistId].deadline);
whitelists[_whitelistId].deadline = _newDeadline;
// Emit an event noting that this whitelisting's deadline was extended
WhitelistDeadlineExtended(_whitelistId, _newDeadline);
@dev a whitelisted claimant can use this function to make a claim for remuneration. Once
opened, an opportunity for pre-arbitration settlement will commence, but claims cannot be
unilaterally cancelled.
@param _whitelistId the index of the whitelisting corresponding to the claim
@param _amount the size of the claim being made, denominated in the stake's token. Must be less
than or equal to the current amount of stake not locked up in other disputes, minus the fee deposited.
@param _fee the size of the fee, denominated in the stake's token, to be offered to the arbiter
as compensation for their service in adjudicating the dispute. If the claimant loses the claim,
they lose this fee.
@param _data an arbitrary string, perhaps an IPFS hash, containing data substantiating the
basis for the claim.
function openClaim(uint _whitelistId, uint _amount, uint _fee, string _data)
stakerCanPay(_amount, _fee)
largeEnoughFee(_whitelistId, _fee)
// Add a new claim to the claims array and increment the openClaims counter
claims.push(Claim(_whitelistId, msg.sender, _amount, _fee, 0, _data, 0, false));
openClaims ++;
// The claim amount and claim fee are reserved for this particular claim until the arbiter
// rules
claimableStake -= (_amount + _fee);
// Transfer the fee into the DelphiStake
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _fee));
// Emit an event that a claim was opened by the message sender (not the claimant), and
// include the claim's ID.
ClaimOpened(msg.sender, _whitelistId, claims.length - 1);
@dev a whitelisted claimant can use this function to make a claim for remuneration. Opened claims
will proceed directly to full arbitration, when their claims can be ruled upon.
@param _whitelistId the index of the whitelist corresponding to the new claim
@param _claimant the entity which will act as the claimant in the course of the adjudication.
@param _amount the size of the claim being made, denominated in the stake's token. Must be less
than or equal to the current amount of stake not locked up in other disputes, minus the fee deposited.
@param _fee the size of the fee, denominated in the stake's token, to be offered to the arbiter
as compensation for their service in adjudicating the dispute. If the claimant loses the claim,
they lose this fee.
@param _data an arbitrary string, perhaps an IPFS hash, containing data substantiating the
basis for the claim.
function openClaimWithoutSettlement(uint _whitelistId, uint _amount, uint _fee, string _data)
stakerCanPay(_amount, _fee)
largeEnoughFee(_whitelistId, _fee)
claims.push(Claim(_whitelistId, msg.sender, _amount, _fee, 0, _data, 0, true));
openClaims ++;
// The claim amount and claim fee are reserved for this particular claim until the arbiter
// rules
claimableStake -= (_amount + _fee);
// the claim amount and claim fee are locked up in this contract until the arbiter rules
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _fee));
ClaimOpenedWithoutSettlement(msg.sender, _whitelistId, claims.length - 1);
@dev increase the arbiter fee being offered for this claim. Regardless of how the claim is
ruled, this fee is not returned. The fee cannot be increased while still in the settlement
phase, or after a ruling has been submitted.
@param _claimId the ID of the claim to boost the fee for
@param _amount the amount, denominated in the stake's token, to increase the fee by
function increaseClaimFee(uint _claimId, uint _amount)
// record for this claim by the amount transferred.
claims[_claimId].surplusFee += _amount;
// Transfer tokens from the message sender to this contract and increment the surplusFee
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount));
// Emit a FeeIncreased event including data on who increased the fee, which claim the fee was
// increased for, and by what amount.
FeeIncreased(msg.sender, _claimId, _amount);
@dev once a claim has been opened, the staker may simply accept their claim at face value
(to avoid doing so through a settlement)
@param _claimId the claim to be accepted
function acceptClaim(uint _claimId)
Claim storage claim = claims[_claimId];
// first set the ruling status to "settled"
claim.ruling = 5;
claimableStake += claim.fee;
//transfer the claim amount and return the fee to the claimant
require(token.transfer(claim.claimant, (claim.amount + claim.fee)));
@dev once a claim has been opened, either party can propose settlements to resolve the matter
without getting the arbiter involved. If a settlement is accepted, both parties recover the fee
they would otherwise forfeit in the arbitration process.
@param _claimId the claim to propose a settlement amount for
@param _amount the size of the proposed settlement, denominated in the stake's token
function proposeSettlement(uint _claimId, uint _amount)
// Only allow settlements for up to the amount that has been reserved (locked) for this claim
require((claims[_claimId].amount + claims[_claimId].fee) >= _amount);
// Add a new settlement to this claim's settlement array. Depending on who proposed the
// settlement, set their "agrees" flag to true upon proposal.
if (msg.sender == staker){
settlements[_claimId].push(Settlement(_amount, true, false));
} else if (msg.sender == claims[_claimId].claimant){
settlements[_claimId].push(Settlement(_amount, false, true));
} else {
// Emit an event including the settlement proposed, the claimID the settlement is proposed
// for, and the settlement ID.
SettlementProposed(msg.sender, _claimId, settlements[_claimId].length - 1);
@dev once either party in a claim has proposed a settlement, the opposite party can choose to
accept the settlement. The settlement proposer implicitly accepts, so only the counterparty
needs to invoke this function.
@param _claimId the ID of the claim to accept a settlement for
@param _settlementId the ID of the specific settlement to accept for the specified claim
function acceptSettlement(uint _claimId, uint _settlementId)
validSettlementId(_claimId, _settlementId)
Settlement storage settlement = settlements[_claimId][_settlementId];
Claim storage claim = claims[_claimId];
// Depending on who sent this message, set their agreement flag in the settlement to true
if (msg.sender == staker){
settlement.stakerAgrees = true;
} else if (msg.sender == claims[_claimId].claimant){
settlement.claimantAgrees = true;
} else {
// Check if all conditions are met for the settlement to be agreed, and revert otherwise.
// For a settlement to be agreed, both the staker and claimaint must accept the settlement,
// settlement must not have been rejected previously by either party, and the claim must not
// be ruled. Claims are ruled for which settlements have been accepted, so this prevents
// multiple settlements from being accepted for a single claim.
require (settlement.claimantAgrees &&
settlement.stakerAgrees &&
!claim.settlementFailed &&
claim.ruling == 0);
// Set this claim's ruling to 5 to prevent further actions (settlements or
// arbitration) being taken against this claim.
claim.ruling = 5;
// Increase the stake's claimable stake by the claim amount and fee, minus the agreed
// settlement amount. Then decrement the openClaims counter, since this claim is resolved.
claimableStake += (claim.amount + claim.fee - settlement.amount);
openClaims --;
// Transfer to the claimant the settlement amount, plus the fee they deposited.
require(token.transfer(claim.claimant, (settlement.amount + claim.fee)));
// Emit an event including who accepted the settlement, the claimId and the settlementId
SettlementAccepted(msg.sender, _claimId, _settlementId);
@dev Either party in a claim can call settlementFailed at any time to move the claim from
settlement to arbitration.
@param _claimId the ID of the claim to reject settlement for
@param _data the IPFS hash of a json object detailing the reason for rejecting settlements
function settlementFailed(uint _claimId, string _data)
require(msg.sender == staker || msg.sender == claims[_claimId].claimant);
// Set the claim's settlementFailed flag to true, preventing further settlement proposals
// and settlement agreements.
claims[_claimId].settlementFailed = true;
// Emit an event stating who rejected the settlement, and for which claim settlement was
// rejected.
SettlementFailed(msg.sender, _claimId, _data);
@dev This function can only be invoked by the stake's arbiter, and is used to resolve the
claim. Invoking this function will rule the claim and pay out the appropriate parties.
@param _claimId The ID of the claim to submit the ruling for
@param _ruling The ruling. 0 if the claim is justified, 1 if the claim is not justified, 2 if
the claim is collusive (the claimant is the staker or an ally of the staker), or 3 if the claim
cannot be ruled for any reason.
function ruleOnClaim(uint _claimId, uint _ruling)
Claim storage claim = claims[_claimId];
address arbiter = msg.sender;
if (_ruling == 1){
claim.ruling = 1;
// The claim is justified. Transfer to the arbiter their fee.
require(token.transfer(arbiter, (claim.fee + claim.surplusFee)));
require(token.transfer(claim.claimant, (claim.amount + claim.fee)));
} else if (_ruling == 2){
claim.ruling = 2;
// The claim is not justified. Free up the claim amount and fee for future claims, and
// transfer to the arbiter their fee.
claimableStake += (claim.amount + claim.fee);
require(token.transfer(arbiter, (claim.fee + claim.surplusFee)));
} else if (_ruling == 3){
claim.ruling = 3;
// The claim is collusive. Transfer to the arbiter both the staker and claimant fees, and
// burn the claim amount.
require(token.transfer(arbiter, (claim.fee + claim.fee + claim.surplusFee)));
require(token.transfer(address(0), claim.amount));
// burns the claim amount in the event of collusion
} else {
// The claim cannot be ruled. Free up the claim amount and fee.
claimableStake += (claim.amount + claim.fee);
require(token.transfer(claim.claimant, (claim.fee)));
// transfers of 0 tokens will throw automatically
if (claim.surplusFee > 0){
require(token.transfer(arbiter, (claim.surplusFee)));
// The claim is ruled. Decrement the total number of open claims.
// Emit an event stating which claim was ruled.
ClaimRuled(_claimId, _ruling);
@dev Increases the stake in this DelphiStake
@param _value the number of tokens to transfer into this stake
function increaseStake(uint _value)
// claimableStake by _value.
claimableStake += _value;
// Transfer _value tokens from the message sender into this contract, and increment the
require(token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _value));
StakeIncreased(msg.sender, _value);
@dev Increases the stake release time
@param _stakeReleaseTime the new stake release time
function extendStakeReleaseTime(uint _stakeReleaseTime)
require(_stakeReleaseTime > stakeReleaseTime);
stakeReleaseTime = _stakeReleaseTime;
@dev Returns the stake to the staker, if the claim deadline has elapsed and no open claims remain
@param _amount the number of tokens that the staker wishes to withdraw
function withdrawStake(uint _amount)
claimableStake -= _amount;
require(token.transfer(staker, _amount));
@dev Getter function to return the total number of claims which have ever been made against
this stake.
function getNumClaims()
returns (uint)
// Return the length of the claims array. Claims are never removed from this array, no matter
// if or how they are resolved.
return claims.length;
@dev Getter function to return the total number of whitelists which have ever been made against
this stake.
function getNumWhitelists()
returns (uint)
// Return the length of the claims array. Claims are never removed from this array, no matter
// if or how they are resolved.
return whitelists.length;
@dev Getter function to return the total number of settlements which have ever been made for
this claim.
@param _claimId the index of the claim
function getNumSettlements(uint _claimId)
returns (uint)
// Return the length of the settlements array. Settlements are never removed from this array, no matter
// if or how they are resolved.
return settlements[_claimId].length;
@dev Getter function to return the total available fee for any historical claim
function getTotalFeeForClaim(uint _claimId)
returns (uint)
Claim storage claim = claims[_claimId];
// The total available fee is the claim fee, plus any surplus fee provided by either party
return claim.fee + claim.surplusFee;
// File: contracts/DelphiStakeFactory.sol
contract DelphiStakeFactory {
event StakeCreated(uint _stakeId, address _contractAddress);
DelphiStake[] public stakes;
address public masterCopy;
@dev constructor function which sets the master copy of the stake contract
@param _masterCopy the address where the template DelphiStake contract resides
function DelphiStakeFactory(address _masterCopy){
masterCopy = _masterCopy;
@dev when creating a new Delphi Stake using a proxy contract architecture, a user must
initialialize their stake, depositing their tokens
@param _staker the address of the individual creating the stake
@param _value the value of the stake in token units
@param _token the address of the token being deposited
@param _data a content hash of the relevant associated data describing the stake
@param _claimDeadline the deadline for opening new cliams; the earliest moment that
a stake can be withdrawn by the staker
function createDelphiStake(address _issuer, uint _value, EIP20 _token, string _data, uint _stakeReleaseTime)
// Revert if the issuer is the 0 _contractAddress
require(_issuer != address(0));
// Revert if the specified value to stake cannot be transferred in
require(_token.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _value));
address newStake = new Proxy(masterCopy);
// Approve for the stake's tokens to be transfered into the stake upon initialization
_token.approve(newStake, _value);
// Initialize the stake and set the staker address as the msg.sender
stakes[stakes.length - 1].initDelphiStake(_issuer, _value, _token, _data, _stakeReleaseTime);
StakeCreated(stakes.length - 1, stakes[stakes.length - 1]);
@dev Getter function to return the total number of stakes which have ever been created
function getNumStakes()
returns (uint)
return stakes.length;
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