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Created July 8, 2017 08:59
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# include <Siv3D.hpp> // OpenSiv3D v0.1.5
struct Ball
Ball(const Vec2& _p, const Vec2& _v) : p(_p), v(_v) {}
Vec2 p;
Vec2 v;
void Main()
Window::SetTitle(L"Ideal gas");
Window::Resize(1280, 720);
const double r = 5;
double wx = Window::Size().x;
Array<Ball> balls;
for (double x = r * 2; x < wx - r * 2; x += r * 12)
for (double y = r * 2; y < Window::Size().y - r * 2; y += r * 12)
balls.emplace_back(Vec2(x, y), RandomVec2(1));
while (System::Update())
for (auto& b : balls)
b.p += b.v;
for (auto& t : balls)
const double length = (b.p - t.p).length();
if (length != 0 && length < r * 2)
const Vec2 p = (t.p - b.p).normalized();
const Vec2 f = p*(b.v - t.v).dot(p);
t.v += f;
b.v -= f;
b.p += p*(length - r * 2) / 2.0;
t.p -= p*(length - r * 2) / 2.0;
if (b.p.x < r) { b.v.x = -b.v.x; b.p.x = r; }
if (b.p.y < r) { b.v.y = -b.v.y; b.p.y = r; }
if (b.p.x > wx - r) { b.v.x = -b.v.x; b.p.x = wx - r; }
if (b.p.y > Window::Size().y - r) { b.v.y = -b.v.y; b.p.y = Window::Size().y - r; }
if (KeyRight.pressed()) wx++;
if (KeyLeft.pressed()) wx--;
if (KeySpace.down()) for (auto& b : balls) b.v *= 2;
if (KeyEnter.down()) for (auto& b : balls) b.v /= 2;
for (const auto& b : balls) Circle(b.p, r).draw(Palette::White);
Rect(int(wx), 0, 16, Window::Size().y).draw(Palette::Black);
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