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Created October 5, 2018 20:43
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reactiveValues; for values to be 'floating', and not `fixed`.
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("minus", "-1"),
actionButton("plus", "+1"),
# The comments below show the equivalent logic using reactiveValues()
server <- function(input, output, session) {
value <- reactiveVal(0) # rv <- reactiveValues(value = 0)
observeEvent(input$minus, {
newValue <- value() - 1 # newValue <- rv$value - 1
value(newValue) # rv$value <- newValue
observeEvent(input$plus, {
newValue <- value() + 1 # newValue <- rv$value + 1
value(newValue) # rv$value <- newValue
output$value <- renderText({
value() # rv$value
shinyApp(ui, server)
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