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Created April 18, 2023 09:55
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import sys
import country_converter as coco
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components
def load_airport():
node_table = pd.read_csv(
"", sep=" ",
edge_table = pd.read_csv(
sep=" ",
names=["source", "target", "weight"],
regional_code = pd.read_csv(
# Country name resolution
cc = coco.CountryConverter()
node_table["alpha-2"] = np.nan
node_table["alpha-3"] = np.nan
rename_country = {"Perú": "Peru"}
for i, row in node_table.iterrows():
country = row["Country"]
country = rename_country.get(country, country)
iso2 = cc.convert(names=country, to="ISO2")
if iso2 == "not found":
iso3 = cc.convert(names=country, to="ISO3")
node_table.loc[i, "alpha-2"] = iso2
node_table.loc[i, "alpha-3"] = iso3
node_table = pd.merge(
node_table, regional_code, left_on="alpha-3", right_on="alpha-3", how="left"
uids, edges = np.unique(
edge_table[["source", "target"]].values.reshape(-1), return_inverse=True
edge_table[["source", "target"]] = edges.reshape((edge_table.shape[0], 2))
node_table = pd.merge(
pd.DataFrame({"id": np.arange(uids.size), "Airport ID": uids}),
left_on="Airport ID",
right_on="Airport ID",
num_nodes = node_table.shape[0]
net = sparse.csr_matrix(
(edge_table.weight, (edge_table.source,,
shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes),
n_components, labels = connected_components(
csgraph=net, directed=False, return_labels=True
ulabels, freq = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
s = labels == ulabels[np.argmax(freq)]
# net = net + net.T
# = np.ones_like(
node_table = node_table.loc[s, :]
net = net[s, :][:, s]
# Add network stats
node_table["deg"] = np.array(net.sum(axis=0)).reshape(-1)
return node_table, net
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