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Created September 7, 2023 16:14
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Planted partition model
import graph_tool.all as gt
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import connected_components
def generate_PPI_network(Cave, mixing_rate, N, q):
Generate PPI network.
Cave: int. The average degree.
mixing_rate: float. The mixing of communities, with range (0,1].
The mixing_rate = 1 generates an Erdos-Renyi random graph, and mixing_rate~0 generates well-separated communities.
It is defined as the ratio p_out / pave, where pout is the probability of inter-community edges, and
pave is the average edge probability (the density of edges in the network).
return: net, membership
net: scipy.csr_matrix representation of the adjacency matrix of the generated network.
membership: numpy array of membership IDs of the nodes in the network.
memberships = np.sort(np.arange(N) % q)
q = int(np.max(memberships) + 1)
N = len(memberships)
U = sparse.csr_matrix((np.ones(N), (np.arange(N), memberships)), shape=(N, q))
Cout = np.maximum(1, mixing_rate * Cave)
Cin = q * Cave - (q - 1) * Cout
pout = Cout / N
pin = Cin / N
Nk = np.array(U.sum(axis=0)).reshape(-1)
P = np.ones((q, q)) * pout + np.eye(q) * (pin - pout)
probs = np.diag(Nk) @ P @ np.diag(Nk)
gt_params = {
"b": memberships,
"probs": probs,
"micro_degs": False,
"in_degs": np.ones_like(memberships) * Cave,
"out_degs": np.ones_like(memberships) * Cave,
# Generate the network until the degree sequence
# satisfied the thresholds
while True:
g = gt.generate_sbm(**gt_params)
A = gt.adjacency(g).T = np.ones_like(
# check if the graph is connected
if connected_components(A)[0] == 1:
return A, memberships
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