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Created August 22, 2021 09:47
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Create a PDF and Email to Client
#Dont forget the view imports
def emailDocumentInvoice(request, slug):
#fetch that invoice
invoice = Invoice.objects.get(slug=slug)
messages.error(request, 'Something went wrong')
return redirect('invoices')
#fetch all the products - related to this invoice
products = Product.objects.filter(invoice=invoice)
#Get Client Settings
p_settings = Settings.objects.get(clientName='Skolo Online Learning')
#Calculate the Invoice Total
invoiceTotal = 0.0
if len(products) > 0:
for x in products:
y = float(x.quantity) * float(x.price)
invoiceTotal += y
context = {}
context['invoice'] = invoice
context['products'] = products
context['p_settings'] = p_settings
context['invoiceTotal'] = "{:.2f}".format(invoiceTotal)
#The name of your PDF file
filename = '{}.pdf'.format(invoice.uniqueId)
#HTML FIle to be converted to PDF - inside your Django directory
template = get_template('invoice/pdf-template.html')
#Render the HTML
html = template.render(context)
#Options - Very Important [Don't forget this]
options = {
'encoding': 'UTF-8',
'javascript-delay':'1000', #Optional
'enable-local-file-access': None, #To be able to access CSS
'page-size': 'A4',
'custom-header' : [
('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip')
#Javascript delay is optional
#Remember that location to wkhtmltopdf
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf='/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf')
#Saving the File
filepath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'client_invoices')
os.makedirs(filepath, exist_ok=True)
pdf_save_path = filepath+filename
#Save the PDF
pdfkit.from_string(html, pdf_save_path, configuration=config, options=options)
#send the emails to client
to_email = invoice.client.emailAddress
from_client = p_settings.clientName
emailInvoiceClient(to_email, from_client, pdf_save_path)
invoice.status = 'EMAIL_SENT'
#Email was send, redirect back to view - invoice
messages.success(request, "Email sent to the client succesfully")
return redirect('create-build-invoice', slug=slug)
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.conf import settings
def emailInvoiceClient(to_email, from_client, filepath):
from_email = settings.EMAIL_HOST_USER
subject = '[Skolo] Invoice Notification'
body = """
Good day,
Please find attached invoice from {} for your immediate attention.
Skolo Online Learning
message = EmailMessage(subject, body, from_email, [to_email])
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