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Created January 25, 2012 23:44
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Git/HG profile
if (test-path function:\prompt) {
$oldPrompt = ls function: | ? {$_.Name -eq "prompt"}
remove-item -force function:\prompt
function prompt {
function getGitStatus {
$branch = git branch 2>&1
if($branch.Exception -eq $null) {
$status = "git"
$branch | foreach {
if ($_ -match "^\*(.*)"){
$status += $matches[1]
$untracked = 0
$updates = 0
$deletes = 0
$addsIndex = 0
$deletesIndex =0
$updatesIndex = 0
git status --porcelain | foreach {
if($_ -match "^([\w?]|\s)([\w?])?\s*") {
switch ($matches[1]) {
"A" {$addsIndex++ }
"M" {$updatesIndex++ }
"D" {$deletesIndex++ }
"?" {$untracked++ }
switch ($matches[2]) {
"A" {$adds++ }
"M" {$updates++ }
"D" {$deletes++ }
$status += " a:" +$addsIndex
if($adds -gt 0) {
$status += "($adds)"
$status += " m:" +$updatesIndex
if($updates -gt 0) {
$status += "($updates)"
$status += " d:" +$deletesIndex
if($deletes -gt 0) {
$status += "($deletes)"
$status += " ?:$untracked"
return $status
else {
return $false
function getHgStatus {
$summary = hg summary 2>&1
if($summary.Exception -eq $null) {
$regex = "(?si)(parent:(?<parent>.*?)(\n|\r)+.*?)(branch:(?<branch>.*)\s)(commit:(?<commit>.*)\s)(update:(?<update>.*))";
$summary = [System.String]::Join([System.Environment]::NewLine,$summary)
$res = $summary -match $regex
$status = "hg {0} c:{1}" -f $matches["branch"].Trim(), $matches["commit"].Trim()
return $status
else {
return $false
$status = getGitStatus
if(-not $status) {
$status = getHgStatus
$host.ui.rawui.WindowTitle = (get-location).Path
if($status) {
write-host ($status) -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green
write-host (">") -NoNewLine -ForegroundColor Green
else {
& $oldPrompt
return " "
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