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Created August 31, 2012 01:16
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the github paradox
/**the github paradox
* gist#3547242
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<h1>The GitHub Paradox</h1>
<p>Github is supposed to be &mdash;<q>social coding</q>&mdash and this aspect must be important in terms of</p>
<p>Github's essence; said phrase is on the official Github logo.</p>
<ul>There is currently a paradox in this regard. I think I'll illustrate by means of copy/pasted text from actual comment 'threads' of arbitrary issue-tickets of arbitrary repos.
<li><p><q>With...[continues to describe issue status]... This issue is an addition to issue #159</q>&mdash;&amp;this is where it gets interesting, because he/she goes on to nail the <em>gist</em> of the problem:</p></li>
<li><h2><q>P.S.: Is there a way to discuss things without spamming new issues or thread-nap others?</q></h2>
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