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Last active November 3, 2017 04:27
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Uncovering a Twitter handle using Twitter API
import sys
import json
import base64
import tweepy
import time
def is_valid_handle(handle):
#checks if given handle matches olivia handle specs
return True if re.compile("^[a-z]{10,}$").match(handle) else False
def is_valid_date(date):
#might be 2012, she said sophomore year...but said 2011
#did she skip a grade? smart cookie
return True if (date.month == 1 and (date.year == 2011)) else False
def is_valid_user(user):
#olivia probably has default profile and more than 10 favorites
#does she have profile picture?
return is_valid_date(user.created_at) and is_valid_handle(user.screen_name) and not user.following and user.default_profile and user.favourites_count > 10
secrets_file = 'secrets.json'
with open(secrets_file) as secrets_file:
keys = json.load(secrets_file)
print 'Connecting to Twitter and authenticating'
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(keys['consumer_key'], keys['consumer_secret'])
auth.set_access_token(keys['access_token'], keys['access_token_secret'])
api = tweepy.API(auth)
handles = ['Royals', 'FiveThirtyEight', 'Buster_ESPN', 'MLB', 'FoxTV', 'NPR','NYTimes'] #possibly silver's personal handle as well
def wait_a_minute():
print '\tSleeping for a minute to meet rate limit restrictions'
for i in range(60):
for handle in handles[1:]:
print 'Processing', handle
file_name = handle+'.ids'
fyle = open(file_name, 'w')
cursor = -1
page_count = 1
print '\tQuerying for the first page of follower IDs...'
response = api.followers_ids(id=handle, cursor=cursor)
while cursor != 0:
response = api.followers_ids(id=handle, cursor=cursor)
ids = response[0]
fyle.write(str(ids)[1:-1] + ',\n')
print '\tRecieved page',page_count,'with',len(ids),'IDs!'
cursor = response[1][1]
page_count += 1
print 'Excepted!', page_count, cursor, handle
import json
import base64
import requests
def is_valid(handle):
#checks if given handle matches olivia handle specs
return True if re.compile("^[a-z]{10,}$").match(handle) else False
get_bearer_token = False
secrets_file = 'secrets.json'
bearer_token_file = 'bearer_token.json'
if get_bearer_token:
with open(secrets_file) as secrets_file:
keys = json.load(secrets_file)
credentials = keys['consumer_key'] + ':' + keys['consumer_secret']
print credentials
base64_bearer_token_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials)
print base64_bearer_token_credentials
url = ''
headers = {'authorization':'Basic ' + base64_bearer_token_credentials, 'content-type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'}
payload = 'grant_type=client_credentials'
response =, headers=headers,data=payload)
json_bearer_token = json.loads(response.text)
if 'access_token' in json_bearer_token:
bearer_token = json_bearer_token['access_token']
with open(bearer_token_file, 'w') as bearer_token_file_obj:
bearer_token_file_obj.write("{\"bearer_token\":\"" + bearer_token + "\"}")
print 'Using bearer token', bearer_token
print 'Cannot get bearer token'
with open(bearer_token_file) as bearer_token_file:
bearer_token = json.load(bearer_token_file)['bearer_token']
print 'Using bearer token:', bearer_token
handle_1 = '@NYTimes'
handle_2 = '@FiveThirtyEight' #possibly silver's personal handle as well
handle_3 = '@MLB'
handle_4 = '@Buster_ESPN'
handle_5 = '@FoxTV'
handle_6 = '@NPR'
handle_7 = '@Royals'
handle_8 = '@NPR'
def get_followers(user_id):
cursor = -1
authorization_header = 'Bearer ' + bearer_token
headers = {"authortization":authorization_header}
url = "" + str(cursor) + "&user_id="
response = requests.get(url,
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