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Last active March 20, 2016 19:58
OpenStreetMap cheat sheet for Common terms and lexicon used in OSM. [assuming node, line, and polygon is covered in the presentation itself)

Changeset: A group of changes that you made to OSM data. Once uploaded to OSM, your edits are instantly available to others if they download OSM data. They may take a few minutes or several hours to appear on the map.

Extract: A large chunk of OSM data for a specific area (like a state, country, or geographic area).

Layer: A data source that's displayed on a slippy map (often is thought of as a group of tiles stitched together). (It also has another meaning in OSM, but don't worry about it right now).

Render: to convert from the OSM data into an image. Rendered data is a map.

Stylesheet: it means a text file of rules that define what features (like roads, buildings) are displayed, and how (what color should the road be ? How wide should be? What icon should be used for a restaurant?) on a map.

Tag: Tags describe a point, line or polygons. Each tag contains a key and value (written documentation in OSM describe a tag as 'key=value'). For example, highway=residential and name=Woodland Avenue. In this example, highway is the key and residential is the value. A Point, line, or polygon usually have more than one tag on them.

TIGER: A data source from the US Census Bureau that was imported into OSM, in 2007. This is the source for most data in the USA in OSM.

Tile: a small image (256x256 pixels) of rendered map data.

Slippy Map: What you see when you're on! Consists of a layer and a software library that controls interactive features like zooming & panning.

PART 2: OSM Editing Terms:

Many terms to describe map features in OSM are used in dialects of British English and spelled as such. Like neighbourhood.

motorway - we considered as 'freeway' motorway_link - on/off ramps for freeways.

Pitch - used to describe a playing field. Including tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball diamonds, or football fields.

============== Use in your presentations!

(License: PD)

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