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Created February 22, 2012 04:50
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My irbrc file
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#need irbtools gem isntalled for all these to be pulled in
#need irbtools-more gem isntalled for all these to be pulled in
#you probably want these in rvm global gemset so it get pulled into all the rubies
require 'rubygems' unless defined? Gem # only needed in 1.8
require 'irbtools/configure'
require 'wirb'
Wirb.load_schema :colorless # either need this or need to define own color schema as per yml schemas in repo (otherwise strings are black on a black prompt, no good)
require 'fancy_irb'
:colorize => { # colors hash. Set to nil to deactivate colorizing
:rocket_prompt => [:blue],
:result_prompt => [:blue],
:input_prompt => nil,
:irb_errors => [:red],
:stderr => [:red, :bright],
:stdout => [:green, :bright],
:input => nil,
:output => true, # wirb's output colorization
require 'hirb'
# Project-specific .irbrc
if Dir.pwd != File.expand_path("~")
local_irbrc = File.expand_path '.irbrc'
if File.exist? local_irbrc
puts "Loading #{local_irbrc}"
load local_irbrc
#require 'paint'
#require 'wirb'
#Wirb.load_schema :colorless # either need this or need to define own color schema as per yml schemas in repo (otherwise strings are black on a black prompt, no good)
#require 'looksee'
#require 'fancy_irb'
#:colorize => { # colors hash. Set to nil to deactivate colorizing
#:rocket_prompt => [:blue],
#:result_prompt => [:blue],
#:input_prompt => nil,
#:irb_errors => [:red],
#:stderr => [:red, :bright],
#:stdout => [:green, :bright],
#:input => nil,
#:output => true, # wirb's output colorization
#require 'hirb'
#require 'clipboard'
#require 'interactive_editor'
#require 'sketches'
#Sketches.config :editor => 'mvim', :background => true
#require 'awesome_print'
#require 'boson'
#require 'bond'
#Bond.start :readline => :ruby # needs the rb-readline gem
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