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<img class="mt-image" src="" alt="EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® Certification and Training">
<ul class="mt-buttons">
<li id="mt-tab-1" class="selected">Intoduction & Objectives</li>
<li id="mt-tab-2">Requirements</li>
<li id="mt-tab-3">Outline, Curriculum & PDUs</li>
<li id="mt-tab-4">Who Should Apply</li>
<li id="mt-tab-5">Participant Mix</li>
<li id="mt-tab-6">Testimonials</li>
<li id="mt-tab-7">Faculty</li>
<li id="mt-tab-8">Registration, Payment & Schedule of Classes</li>
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<h2>Introduction & Objectives </h2>
<img src="/" align="left" class="mt-image mt-logo" alt="EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® Certification and Training"><b>EVMI® Earned Value Management Institute®</b> created the <b>EVMI® 201: Earned Value Management Professional® EVMP® Credential Certification</b> program to recognize specialists who have strong project controls and project management skills and meet a demanding set of competencies in program and project management; risk management; quality management; scheduling; cost management; project budgeting; project finance; Earned Value Management (EVM) analysis and application, implementing EVM benchmarks and best practices; and EVM global industry standards (<span class="mt-strong">ANSI-EIA-748-B</span>) implementation.
<b>The EVMP® credential</b> is awarded based on experience, education, <b>completion of a rigorous 5 Day (40 hours) EVMP®</b> credential certification preparation program, <b>completion of several case studies; completion of several exercises;</b> agreeing to <b>EVMI®'s ethical qualifications and standards</b> and successfully passing a <span class="mt-strong">four hour 200 question</strong> <b>EVMP® credential certification examination</b>.
*The EVMP® credential certification program provides you with all the skills sets and tools required to build a comprehensive, scalable and robust ANSI-EIA-748-B Earned Value Management System (EVMS) based on all 32 guidelines of the ANSI-748B Industry Standards. The EVMP® credential covers modules on roles and functions of the Control Account Manager (CAM) and developing the Control Account Manager (CAM) notebook.
*Designing the EVMS Architecture; Performing Extensive EVMS GAP Analysis; Developing an EVMS Policy; Developing an EVMS System Description Documentation (SDD) and Performing EVMS Maturity Assessments are covered in the EVMP® credential certification. The EVMP® credential program provides skills and develops technical competencies in all areas required to implement efficient and effective Earned Value Management (EVM), risk management, quality management, cost estimating, project controls and scheduling; project oversight, project transparency, project accountability and responsible project management implementation and execution on projects across industry and government.
Additionally, through the <b>EVMP®</b> program, knowledge is advanced in the areas of the implementation of industry's ANSI-EIA-748-B Earned Value management industry guidelines, EVM best practices, applied EVM and earned value best approaches.
EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations
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<h2>Requirements </h2>
<b>The 5-Step EVMP® Credential Certification Process: </b>
The prospective <b>EVMP®</b> applicant shall typically have a <b>Bachelor's Degree and FOUR</b> or more years of work related experience preferably in program & project management; management, financial analysis, accounting, business management, business, analysis, information technology, engineering (all disciplines), contracts, procurement, acquisitions, or Earned Value Management (EVM).
**Skills such as use of excel spreadsheets and project management software such as Microsoft Project Professional are strongly encouraged
<b><u>Step 1:</u></b> If the applicant does not have <span class="mt-strong">EITHER</span> <b>a high school diploma and a minimum of eight years of work experience OR FOUR</b> or more years of <b>WORK RELATED EXPERIENCE</b> and a <b>Bachelor's Degree</b> as indicated then they must take the following <b>Prerequisite Course: EVMI®104: Certified Associate In Earned Value Management™ CAEVM™</b> prior to applying for the <b>EVMP®</b> credential certification:
To Register for <b>EVMI®104: CAEVM™ Certified Associate In Earned Value Management™ (3 Days)</b> click:
*If You hold an active Project Management Professional® PMP® Credential from the Project Management Institute®, PMI®, then the EVMP® Prerequisite listed in Step 1 can be waivered. All PMP® credential holders are verified with the Project Management Institute®, PMI®
<b>Proceed to Step 2 if you meet the Requirements in Step 1.</b>
<b><u>Step 2:</u> Submit EVMP® Credential Certification Application and Registration Fees:</b>
Submit application for the <b>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b> credential certification exam prep course, along with resume, and upon approval, register to take our <b>5 Day EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b> credential certification exam prep course.
<b>EVMP® registration is at:</b>
<b><u>Step 3:</u> Attend Our 5 Day EVMP® Exam Prep Course Offered at Public or at Client Sites Upon Approval</b>
(see sites at:
<b><u>Step 4: Pass the 4 Hour EVMP® certification examination (PART A) and complete a Project from Start to Finish Using Applied Earned Value Management (EVM) and EVM Best Practices (PART B) to become EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® Credentialed & Certified. Both Parts A & B must be completed with a passing Grade of 80% and above:</b>
On Day 5 day of the intensive <b>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b> exam prep course, a <b>4 hour exam</b> is given with 200 questions.
<b>PART A:</b> To become <b>Earned Value Management Professional® EVMP®</b> certified, an <span class="mt-strong">80%</span> passing grade in all six sections of the <b>4 hour EVMP® Exam</b> must be achieved by the Exam candidate as determined by the <b>EVMP®</b>Certification Board; and <b>the Participant must adhere</b> to the <b>Earned Value Management Institute®'s</b> Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
<b>PART B:</b> Additionally, you must complete a <b>Project Using Applied Earned Value Management (EVM)</b> and turn in all exercises and case studies by their <b>DUE DATE</b>. You must achieve a total score of <span class="mt-strong">80%</strong> on all your <b>exercises</b> and <b>case studies</b>.
To earn the <b>Earned Value Management Professional® EVMP® credential certification you must score an</b> <span class="mt-strong">80%</span> passing grade in all six sections of the <b>EVMP®</b> credential certification given for <b>PART A</b>; and attain a score of 80%on all the exercises and case studies given for the Project Using Applied Earned Value Management for <b>PART B</b>.
**Please note that both <span class="mt-strong">Parts A and B</span> must be passed with an 80% or more to attain <b>EVMI®'s EVMP® credential certification</b>
Your <b>EVMP®credential certification</b> results will be mailed to you in seven days to fourteen days.
<b><u>Step 5:</u> Maintain 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs) After Certification:</b>
Sixty (60) <b>PDUs</b> are required to maintain your <b>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b> credential certification over a period of three years. The required 60 PDUs starts from the date of your <b>Earned Value Management Professional®</b> award to the expiration date on your credential. As an <b>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b>, if you do not meet the 60 PDUs requirements to maintain your <b>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional®</b> over the three year period, upon <b>EVMP®</b> expiration without all the 60 PDUs, you will be expected to re-apply and start the <b>EVMP®</b> application and registration process over again. <b>EVMI®</b> does not allow any exceptions.
Approved PDUs are posted on our website at:
If you have any questions, please send enquiry to:
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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<h2>Outline, Curriculum & PDUs</h2>
<b>PLEASE DOWNLOAD EVMP® OUTLINE & BROCHURE IN ADOBE ACROBAT BY CLICKING HERE:</b> <a href="#">EVMPCertificationProgramOutlineandScheduleBrochure2011</a>
<b><u>DAYs 1 & 2:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 1:General Project Management Theory & Project Controls Application:</b> General overview of Project Management; Project Management Processes & Phases; Managing Stakeholders; Project Management Planning; Project Organizations; Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS); Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Development & Decomposition; Managing Time & Building Schedules; Critical Paths; Managing Project Scope & Scope Creep; Managing Project Costs; Managing Project Risks; Managing Project Quality; Managing Project Contracts & Subcontracts; Managing Project's Human Resources (Project Staffing); Managing Project's Procurements and Supply Chain; Managing Project's Communications & Reporting; Managing Conflicts on Projects; Soft Skills
<b><u>DAY 2:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 2: Project Financials & Controls:</b> Project Financials Concepts, Project Accounting & Project Budgeting, Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) Establishment & Development; Cost Elements; Control Accounts & Work Packages (WP) Establishment, Planning Packages; Establishing Contract Budget Baseline (CBB); Management Reserve (MR); Contingencies
<b><u>DAY 3:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 3: Earned Value Concepts, Earned Value Analytics, Earned Value Industry Standards:</b> Earned Value Management Concepts; Earned Value Data Elements & Analytics (EV, PV, AC, SPI, CPI, TCPI, SV, CV, CV%, SV% and so on); Earned Value Claiming Methods (% Start, % Complete; LOE, Milestone EVM; % Complete and so on); Schedule Forecast; Earned Value Management Forecasting Computation (ETC; EAC); EIA-ANSI 748-B EVMS implementation (all 32 criteria); EVMS GAP Analysis; EVMS Compliance; EVMS Validation and Reporting; EVMS Maturity Assessments; Role of Control Account Managers (CAM); Developing the Control Account Manager Notebook; Developing Control Account Plans (CAPs); EVMS Architecture & Design; EVMS Reporting Types (Cost Performance Reports CPR Formats 1 -5), Earned Value Project Management Office® EVPMO®; Earned Value Management Risk and Quality Model® EVMRQM®
<b><u>DAY 4:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 4: Advanced Earned Value Management (EVM) Application:</b> Establishing EVMS Surveillance; EVMS Reporting; Variance Analysis Reports (VARs) & Corrective Action Taking; Variances Management; EIA-ANSI 748B Implementation & Execution; Integrated Baseline Reviews (IBRs) Management, Establishing Over Target Baselines (OTBs); Re-baselining; US Federal Government EVMS Mandates and Laws
<b><u>DAY 4:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 5:</b> Several Special Topics in General Management
<b><u>DAY 4:</u> EVMP® CREDENTIAL CERTIFICATION MODULE 6:</b> Ethics, Integrity & Professional Responsibility (The EVMP® Ten Task Areas)
<b>60 (sixty) Professional Development Units (PDUs) is awarded for the successful completion of the EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® credential certification program. Successful completion is based on completion of Parts A and B:</b>
<b>PART A:36 PDUs</b> are awarded and covers completion of 36 hours of in-class training with a live instructor and on Day 5 completion of a 4 hour 200 question EVMP® credential certification exam. You must achieve a total score of <span class="mt-strong">80%</span> on the EVMP® credential certification exam
<b>PART B: 24 PDUs</b> are awarded and covers completion of a Project Using Applied Earned Value Management (EVM) and turning in all exercises and case studies by their DUE DATE. You must achieve a total score of <span class="mt-strong">80%</span> on all your exercises and case studies.
<b>Successful completion of both Parts A and B is required for EVMP® credential certification</b>
<b>My EVMP® Portfolio™ (MEP™)</b>
All EVMP® participants will complete a serious of exercises for the PART B section. These exercises are best practices that will be used on actual projects and at the project organization and Project Management Office (PMO) after completion of the 5 day EVMP® credential certification class, and these best practices will go into the various sections of the <b>"My EVMP® Portfolio™ (MEP™)"</b>.
Each successful EVMP® will receive their customized <b>"My EVMP® Portfolio™"</b> from EVMI® which will be used to manage their EVM and project management efforts on their projects. <b>"My EVMP® Portfolio™"</b> is also leveraged for advisory Earned Value Management consulting and advisory services by the <b>EVMP®</b>.
<b>My EVMP® Resume Template™ (MERT™)</b>
All EVMP® participants will receive one copy of <b>"My EVMP® Resume Template™ (MERT™)"</b> that will be used to update their current resumes and also reflect all the <b>new EVMP® skills and competencies</b> that have been gained and attained through completion of the 5 day EVMI® EVMP® credential certification program.
<b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability, Transparency and Oversight Matrix™</b>
All EVMP® participants will leverage the <b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix™</b> throughout the <b>5 Day EVMP® credential certification program</b>.
<b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix™ is used for business management, project management and earned value management (EVM) consulting</b> on projects and programs across industry which allows program and project managers; project professionals; business professionals; Earned Value analysts; and EVMP®s Earned Value Management Professional®s to provide greater oversight, increased accountability and transparency for the overall performance, quality, mitigation of risks, and timely delivery of their projects.
<b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix™</b> is applied and used across the EVMP® credential certification program modules. <b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix™</b> is used by EVMP®s Earned Value Management Professional®s to effectively manage projects and programs around the globe; and deliver them on schedule and within budget.
<b>EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability Transparency and Oversight Matrix™</b> is a trademark owned by Mr. Kwaku Appiah Nuamah Akyeampong in the USA and in many nations
<b>EVMI® Project Case Study Method™</b>
EVMI® utilizes and leverages 'The EVMI® Project Case Study Method™' across the 5 Day EVMP® credential certification program to allow EVMP® participants provoke thought, analyze information; make critical decisions that require leadership; and provide critical analysis and problem solving under the watchful eye of EVMI® faculty. The <b>'EVMI® Project Case Study Method™'</b> requires in-depth analysis and effective responses to critical problem solving on Earned Value Management and Project Management strategies that have gone awry and catapulted into disaster on projects under study and examination.
Our learning experience and environment fosters confidence, builds a foundation of trust and empowers participants to use independent insights, problem solving and leadership skills to develop strategies and approaches in addressing issues and problems that are presented in case studies. Our small group sizes allows participants opportunities to test their proposed solutions; take risks and develop their decision making effectiveness.
<li>©EVMBOK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge® By EVMI®; </li>
<li>©PMBOK® Project Management Body of Knowledge® By PMI®; </li>
<li>©EVMATOM™ Earned Value Management Accountability, Transparency and Oversight Matrix™;</li>
<li>©GPMS® Global Project Management Systems® Templates and Forms; </li>
<li>©EVPMO® Earned Value Project Management Office®;</li>
<li>©EVMRQM® Earned Value Management Risk & Quality Model®;</li>
<li>©The EVMP® Tool Kit™; </li>
<li>©My EVMP® Top Twenty™ (METT™); </li>
<li>©The EVM Zero-In Analysis™</li>
<li>EVMBOK® Earned Value Management Body of Knowledge® By Earned Value Management Institute (EVMI®)</li>
<li>PMBOK® Project Management Body of Knowledge By Project Management Institute (PMI®)</li>
<li>ANSI-EIA 748-B EVMS Industry Standards;</li>
<li>APMBOK® (United Kingdom); </li>
<li>P2M® (Japan)</li>
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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<h2>Who Should Apply</h2>
The EVMP® credential certification is widely used by Project Managers, Senior Project Managers, Project Management Professionals, Risk professionals, Planners, Schedulers, Financial analysts, Engineers, Information technology professionals, Procurement and Contracts staff; Project Executives and Project staff members who work across all types of contracts; project sizes, project complexities, organizations and industries. EVMP®s typically come from all levels of responsibility on projects and programs.
Some notable EVMP® holders include the CEO of an Electronics Manufacturing company in South Dakota (see <a href="#">here</a>), Vice President of a Consulting firm (see <a href="#">here</a>), the FBI's Sentinel Program's EVM Lead (see <a href="#">here</a>), United States Navy Commander, Attorney at Law, and numerous program and project managers; project staff members, project analysts, EVM Analysts, PMPs and so on.
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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<h2>Participant Mix</h2>
A typical class included some notable EVMP® holders include the CEO of an Electronics Manufacturing company in South Dakota (see <a href="#">here</a>), Vice President of a Consulting firm (see here), the FBI's Sentinel Program's EVM Lead (see <a href="#">here</a>), United States Navy Commander, Attorney at Law, and numerous program and project managers; project staff members, project analysts, EVM Analysts, PMPs and so on.
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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Some of our distinguished EVMP®s share their EVMP® experience and discuss the benefits of their EVMP® credentials to their organizations. To READ more click <a href="#">here</a>
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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(1) Have a Master Of Science (MS) Degree in Project Management and A Second Master Of Science (MS) Degree in Engineering (Electrical, Civil, Computer, Mechanical, Aeronautical, Software), Or Computer Science Or Information Technology Or Business Administration; or Phd or DSc in related field
(2) Are EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® Certified from EVMI®;
(3) Have Over Fifteen Years of Earned Value Management (EVM), Project Controls and Project Management Experience in Industry Or Government Or Both;
(4) Have Implemented Several ANSI 748B Compliant and DCMA Compliant Earned Value Management Systems (EVMS) On Very Large, Complex and High Dollar (multimillion/multibillion valued) Programs and Projects;
(5) Have Taught In Graduate Programs In Accredited Universities and or at Community Colleges in the USA and abroad
To Read about our featured EVMP® Instructor, Please Click: here
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
<div id="mt-tab-page-8">
<h2>Registration, Payment & Schedule of Classes</h2>
<b>EVMP® Credential Certification Program </b>
Date: Where: Price: Register & Pay
<b>EVMP® Credential Certification Program </b>
Date: Where: Price: Register & Pay
<b>EVMP® Credential Certification Program </b>
Date: Where: Price: Register & Pay
<b>EVMP® Credential Certification Program </b>
Date: Where: Price: Register & Pay
<b><i>EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® is a registered trademark of EVMI® in the USA and internationally and fully protected under International Trademark and Copyrights Treaties and Laws among nations</i></b>
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